Article 4 - Special Varieties of Cheese
- Section 415 - Varieties
- Section 415.01 - Hoop Cheese
- Section 415.02 - Kefir Cheese
- Section 415.03 - Ricotta Cheese with Fruit Added
- Section 415.04 - Goat Cheese
- Section 415.1 - Grated Cheese and Shredded Cheese; Composition and Labeling
- Section 415.2 - Grated Cheese and Shredded Cheese (Other Varieties); Composition and Labeling
- Section 415.3 - Grated American Cheese Food; Composition and Labeling
- Section 415.4 - Blended Grated Cheese and Blended Shredded Cheese; Composition and Labeling
- Section 416 - Pasteurized Process Cheese
- Section 416.5 - Pasteurized Process Cheese Product
- Section 417 - Pasteurized Blended Cheese
- Section 418 - Pasteurized Process Cheese with Other Ingredients
- Section 419 - Pasteurized Process Pimento Cheese
- Section 420 - Pasteurized Blended Cheese with Other Ingredients
- Section 421 - Pasteurized Process Cheese Food
- Section 422 - Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread
- Section 422.5 - Pasteurized Low-Fat Cheese Spread
- Section 422.6 - Pasteurized Lowfat Cheese Spread with Fruits, Vegetables, Spices, or Meats
- Section 422.7 - Pasteurized Skim Milk Cheese Spread
- Section 422.8 - Pasteurized Skim Milk Cheese Spread with Fruits, Vegetables, Spices, or Meats
- Section 422.9 - Labeling Limitations
- Section 423 - Cold Pack Cheese
- Section 424 - Prohibited Ingredients
- Section 425 - Emulsifying Agents
- Section 426 - Acidifying Agents
- Section 427 - Labeling
- Section 428 - Hard Grating Cheese
- Section 428.1 - Cottage Cheese Labels
- Section 428.2 - Cream Cheese with Other Foods; Identity, Label of Optional Ingredients. [Repealed]
- Section 428.3 - Pasteurized Neufchatel Cheese Spread with (and) Other Foods: Identity, Label Statement of Optional Ingredients. [Repealed]