Cal. Code Regs. tit. 25 § 8406

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 8406 - NOFA Application Process
(a) Applications submitted pursuant to the NOFA for the regional competition pursuant to 8404(a) (4) and 8404 (a) (5) shall meet the following requirements.
(1) The applicant is an Eligible organization and is recommended by the Continuum of Care as described in the NOFA pursuant to section 8404(a)(4);
(2) The Continuum of Care meets the requirements of section 8404 (a) (1)
(3) The application proposes an Eligible activity in the Continuum of Care Service Area consistent with section 8408;
(4) The application is received by the deadline stated in the NOFA;
(5) Except as provided in subdivision (b), the application is complete and includes the following:
(A) Authorizing resolution by the applicant's Governing Board;
(B) For applications requesting funds for Emergency shelter, evidence of site control;
(C) For Private nonprofit organizations, a Certification of Local Government Approval to undertake ESG-funded activities from each Unit of Local Government where the activity is carried out pursuant to section 414 [42 U.S.C. section 11373(c)] ;
(D) Response to all of the application selection criteria as set forth in section 8407;
(E) Written Standards for the proposed program activity from the Continuum of Care that is recommending this application for funding which meet the requirements of section 8409, as well as federal requirements;
(F) Documentation of satisfactory match pursuant to the requirements of section 8410;
(G) Completed application accompanied by all applicable attachments, certifications, and any additional information requested in the applicable NOFA;
(H) Certification by the applicant that all information within the application is true, complete, and accurate; and
(I) Any other information the Department or HUD requires to determine compliance with the requirements of these regulations and all other regulations, statutes, and laws applicable to ESG, and scored based on the criteria in section 8407.
(b) Applications that meet the requirements in subdivision (a) will be evaluated according to the criteria in section 8407. Notwithstanding the above, in the event that information, other than the requirements enumerated in this section, is missing from an application, the application may be scored as submitted.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), if the Department determines that 1) an initial applicant scores sufficiently high pursuant to section 8407 to be awarded funds, 2) the application is deficient with regard to one or more items in (5)(A) through (5)(I) of this section 8406, and 3) all of the deficient items are correctible, the Department may allow the applicant to correct all of the deficiencies on or before 15 calendar days following written notification to the applicant that the applicant will be provided such opportunity. In this written notification, prospective awards will be conditioned upon applicants correcting all deficiencies to the satisfaction of the Department. If all corrections are not made within 15 days following this written notification to the applicant, that funding award is automatically terminated and the attendant funds will be awarded to the next highest scoring applicant, which has submitted a complete application that complies in all respects with the requirements set forth in (5)(A) through (5)(I) of this section.
(d) The Department reserves the right to request clarification of unclear or ambiguous statements made in the application and other supporting documents where doing so will not impact the competitive scoring of the application.
(e) The Department may request that an applicant revise application documents as necessary to establish compliance as long as such revisions do not impact the competitive scoring of the application.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 25, § 8406

1. New section filed 7-14-2004; operative 8-13-2004 (Register 2004, No. 29).
2. Amendment of section heading, repealer and new section and amendment of NOTE filed 2-25-2016; operative 4-1-2016 (Register 2016, No. 9).
3. Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-66-20 (2019 CA EO 66-20), dated May 29, 2020, relating to procedures and conditions for the allocation of funds pursuant to Public Law 116-136, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Note: Authority cited: Section 50406(n), Health and Safety Code. Reference: 42 U.S.C. Section 11373.

1. New section filed 7-14-2004; operative 8-13-2004 (Register 2004, No. 29).
2. Amendment of section heading, repealer and new section and amendment of Note filed 2-25-2016; operative 4/1/2016 (Register 2016, No. 9).