Article 4 - Los Angeles Region
- Section 3930 - Revised Water Quality Control Plan for the los Angeles Region
- Section 3931 - Revision of Surface Water Quality Objectives for Chloride and Incorporation of a Revised Policy for Addressing Levels of Chloride in Discharges of Wastewater
- Section 3932 - Removal of the Municipal and Domestic (MUN) Beneficial Use Designation from Two Areas of One Ground Water Basin
- Section 3933 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash for the East Fork of the San Gabriel River
- Section 3934 - Septic System Prohibition in the Oxnard Forebay
- Section 3935 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash for the los Angeles River Watershed
- Section 3936 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash for the Ballona Creek and Wetland
- Section 3937 - Revised Bacteria Objectives for Waters Designated for Water Contact Recreation
- Section 3938 - Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria During Dry Weather at Santa Monica Bay Beaches
- Section 3939 - Resolution NO. 2002-022, Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the los Angeles Region to Incorporate Implementation Provisions for the Region's Bacteria Objectives and to Incorporate a Wet-Weather Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria at Santa Monica Bay Beaches
- Section 3939.1 - Update of Ammonia Objectives for Inland Surface Waters
- Section 3939.2 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Nitrogen Compounds and Related Effects in Calleguas Creek, Its Tributaries, and Mugu Lagoon
- Section 3939.3 - Compliance Schedule Policy
- Section 3939.4 - Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria at Marina Del Rey Mothers' Beach and Back Basins
- Section 3939.5 - Suspension of Recreational Beneficial Uses in Engineered Channels During Unsafe Wet Weather Conditions
- Section 3939.6 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Nitrogen Compounds in the Santa Clara River
- Section 3939.7 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Nitrogen Compounds and Related Effects in the los Angeles River and Its Tributaries
- Section 3939.8 - Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the los Angeles Region to Revise the Water Quality Objective for Chloride in the Lower Santa Clara River
- Section 3939.9 - Ammonia Objectives for Inland Surface Waters Not Characteristic of Freshwater
- Section 3939.10 - Total Maximum Daily Load and Site-Specific Objectives for Chloride in the Upper Santa Clara River
- Section 3939.11 - Revising Interim Ammonia Effluent Limits Contained Within a Total Maximum Daily Load for Nitrogen Compounds and Related Effects in the los Angeles River and Its Tributaries. [Repealed]
- Section 3939.12 - Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria at los Angeles Harbor
- Section 3939.13 - Revision of a Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in the Ballona Creek and Wetland. [Renumbered]
- Section 3939.14 - Revised Recreational Water Quality Standards for Ballona Creek Reaches 1 and 2
- Section 3939.15 - Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria in Malibu Creek
- Section 3939.16 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Toxicity, Chlorpyrifos, and Diazinon in Calleguas Creek, Its Tributaries, and Mugu Lagoon
- Section 3939.17 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Organochlorine Pesticides, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, and Siltation in Calleguas Creek, Its Tributaries, and Mugu Lagoon
- Section 3939.18 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Toxic Pollutants in Sediment in Ballona Creek Estuary
- Section 3939.19 - Site-Specific Objectives for Copper and Lead and a Total Maximum Daily Load for Metals in the los Angeles River and Its Tributaries
- Section 3939.20 - Total Maximum Daily Load for Metals for Ballona Creek
- Section 3939.21 - TMDL for Toxic Pollutants in Marina Del Rey Harbor
- Section 3939.22 - Basin Plan Amendment to Revise the Early Life Stage Implementation Provision of the Inland Surface Water Ammonia Objectives for Freshwater
- Section 3939.23 - Total Maximum Daily Load for Metals and Selenium in Calleguas Creek, Its Tributaries, and Mugu Lagoon
- Section 3939.24 - Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria in Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary, and Sepulvada Channel
- Section 3939.25 - Basin Plan Amendment to Incorporate a Variance Provision for the Groundwater Mineral Quality Objectives
- Section 3939.26 - Basin Plan Amendment to Incorporate Water-Effect Ratios (WERs) for Copper in Lower Calleguas Creek and Mugu Lagoon in the Calleguas Creek Watershed
- Section 3939.27 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in the Ventura River Estuary
- Section 3939.28 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in Lake Elizabeth, Munz Lake and Lake Hughes
- Section 3939.29 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in Legg Lake
- Section 3939.30 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in Machado Lake
- Section 3939.31 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in Revolon Slough and Beardsley Wash
- Section 3939.32 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Boron, Chloride, Sulfate, and TDS (Salts) in the Calleguas Creek Watershed
- Section 3939.33 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria in the Harbor Beaches of Ventura County (Kiddie Beach and Hobie Beach)
- Section 3939.34 - Subdivision of Santa Clara River Reach 4
- Section 3939.35 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Eutrophic, Algae, Ammonia, and Odors (Nutrient) for Machado Lake
- Section 3939.36 - Malibu Creek Watershed Trash TMDL
- Section 3939.37 - Prohibition on the Use of on-Site Wastewater Disposal Systems in the Malibu CIVIC Center Area in a Portion of the City of Malibu and Unincorporated County of los Angeles
- Section 3939.38 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Organochlorine (OC) Pesticides, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Sediment Toxicity, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Pahs), and Metals for Colorado Lagoon
- Section 3939.39 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Organochlorine Pesticides, and Sediment Toxicity in Mcgrath Lake
- Section 3939.40 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Indicator Bacteria in the Santa Clara River Estuary and Reaches 3, 5, 6 and 7
- Section 3939.41 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria in the los Angeles River Watershed
- Section 3939.42 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Machado Lake
- Section 3939.43 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Debris in Nearshore and Offshore Santa Monica Bay
- Section 3939.44 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Toxic Pollutants in Dominguez Channel and Greater los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Waters
- Section 3939.45 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Algae, Nutrients, and Eutrophic Conditions in the Ventura River Including the Estuary and Its Tributaries
- Section 3939.46 - Implementation Plans and Schedules for the los Cerritos Channel Metals Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), and the San Gabriel River and Impaired Tributaries Metals and Selenium TMDL
- Section 3939.47 - Basin Plan Amendment to Revise Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Requirements
- Section 3939.48 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Indicator Bacteria in the San Gabriel River, Estuary and Tributaries
- Section 3939.49 - Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Central and West Coast Groundwater Basins of los Angeles County
- Section 3939.50 - Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Lower Santa Clara River Groundwater Basins of Ventura County
- Section 3939.51 - Implementation Plan for the Malibu Creek Nutrients TMDL and the Malibu Creek and Lagoon TMDL for Sedimentation and Nutrients to Address Benthic Community Impairments
- Section 3939.52 - A Total Maximum Daily Load for Nutrients in the Santa Clara River Lakes (Elizabeth Lake, Munz Lake, and Lake Hughes)
- Section 3939.53 - Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Malibu Valley Groundwater Basin in los Angeles County
- Section 3939.54 - Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Upper Santa Clara River Groundwater Basin in los Angeles County
- Section 3939.55 - Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Main San Gabriel Groundwater Basin in los Angeles County
- Section 3939.56 - Groundwater Quality Management Measures for Salts and Nutrients in the Raymond Groundwater Basin in los Angeles County
- Section 3939.57 - Update to the Bacteria Objectives for Fresh, Estuarine, and Marine Waters Designated for Water Contact Recreation-Based on the Statewide Bacteria Provisions
- Section 3939.58 - Basin Plan Amendment to Revise the Implementation Schedules for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (Ms4) Dischargers for Certain TMDLs in the los Angeles Region
- Section 3939.59 - Tribal and Subsistence Beneficial Use Definitions to the Water Quality Control Plan for the los Angeles Region
- Section 3939.60 - Basin Plan Amendment to Incorporate a Total Maximum Daily Load for Indicator Bacteria in Los Cerritos Channel and Estuary, Alamitos Bay, and Colorado Lagoon
- Section 3939.61 - Basin Plan Amendment to Suspend the Recreational Beneficial Uses in Los Cerritos Channel during Unsafe Wet Weather Conditions