Cal. Code Regs. tit. 22 § 79779

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 79779 - Administrative Policies and Procedures
(a) Written administrative, management and personnel policies shall be established and implemented to govern the administration and management of the correctional treatment center. Policies and procedures shall not supersede the custody and security requirements of the correctional treatment center.
(b) Policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, revised as needed, and approved in writing by the governing body.
(c) Each correctional treatment center shall establish at least the following:
(1) Personnel policies and procedures which shall include:
(A) Written job description detailing qualifications, duties and limitations of each classification of employee shall be available to all personnel.
(B) Employee orientation to facility, job, patient population, policies, procedures and staff.
(C) Staff development.
(D) Employee health.
(E) Verification of licensure, credentials and references.
(2) Policies and procedures for patient admission, leave of absence, transfer, discharge, categories of patients accepted and retained, types of services offered and limitations of services.
(3) Policies and procedures governing patient health records which shall be developed with the assistance of a person skilled in health record administration.
(4) Policies and procedures relating to the inmate-patient's right to refuse treatment when refusal of treatment results in a life-threatening situation.
(5) Policies and procedures governing conflict resolution shall address at least:
(A) The roles and responsibilities of medical and custodial personnel regarding the housing of inmate-patients in the correctional treatment center.
(B) The notification responsibilities of custodial personnel to health staff regarding any special security needs of inmate-patients admitted to the center.
(C) The notification responsibility of health care staff to custody staff regarding any special medical and mental health needs of the inmate-patient admitted to the correctional treatment center.
(d) The correctional treatment center shall have a written organizational chart showing the major programs of the facility, the person in charge of each program, the lines of authority, responsibility, and communication and the staff assignments. Accountability and responsibility shall be defined.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, § 79779

1. New section filed 6-10-94; operative 1-1-96 pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1250 (Register 94, No. 23).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 208(a) and 1267.10(a), Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1250(j) and 1254, Health and Safety Code.

1. New section filed 6-10-94; operative 1-1-96 pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1250 (Register 94, No. 23).