Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, div. 2, pt. 2, 2, ch. 2, Appendix

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Appendix - Appendix


Designated Positions:Disclosure Categories:
Chief Deputy Directors1
Deputy Directors1
Assistant Deputy Directors1
Medical Director1
Chief Financial Officer1
Division Chiefs1
Exempt Appointments1
Career Executive Assignments (CEA)1
Negotiators of Contracts for goods and services: contracts awarded through competitive bidding or those who make decisions in conjunction with the competitive bidding process, or negotiate, sign or make decisions on contracts executed pursuant to Section 10122 of the Public Contract Code9
Consultants (Contractors) and New Positions11


Designated Positions:Disclosure Categories:
Administration Division
Contracts Services Branch
Staff Services Manager II1
Staff Services Manager I9
Information Technology Associate9
Associate Management Auditor9
Associate Governmental Program Analyst9
Staff Services Analyst9
Human Resources Branch
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3
Labor Relations Manager I3
Staff Services Manager I (Specialist): only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.9
Program Support Branch
Staff Services Manager III1
Telecommunications and Purchasing Services Sections
Staff Services Manager I-II7, 9
Information Technology Supervisor I7, 9
Associate Business Management Analyst7, 9
Business Services Officer II7, 9
Information Technology Specialist I7, 9
Information Technology Associate7, 9
Associate Governmental Program Analyst7, 9
Staff Services Analyst7, 9
Facilities Section
Staff Services Manager I-II2, 9
Associate Business Management Analyst2, 9
Associate Governmental Program Analyst2, 9
Staff Services Analyst2, 9
Health and Safety Section
Staff Services Manager I (Health and Safety Section)9
Strategic Planning and Workforce Development Branch
Staff Services Manager I-II9
Audits and Investigations Division
Health Program Audit Manager III1
Staff Services Manager III1
Supervising Fraud Investigator I-II1
Health Program Audit Manager II2, 3
Mental Health Program Administrator2, 3
Staff Services Manager II2, 3
Nurse Evaluator IV2, 3
Research Data Supervisor II2, 3
Medical Consultant I-II2, 3
Pharmaceutical Consultant I-II2, 3
Dental Program Consultant I2, 3
Investigator2, 3
Health Program Audit Manager I2, 4
Staff Services Manager I2, 4
Nurse Evaluator II2, 4
Consulting Psychologist2, 4
Laboratory Field Services Examiner II2, 4
Information Technology Supervisor I-II4, 7
Health Program Auditor II-IV2, 4
Auditor I4
Administrative Management Services Section
Associate Governmental Program Analyst: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.2, 4
Behavioral Health Compliance Section
Staff Services Manager II2, 3, 6
Staff Services Manager I2, 4, 6
Staff Mental Health Specialist2, 4, 6
Health Program Specialist I2, 4, 6
Associate Governmental Program Analyst2, 4, 6
Internal Audits Section
Senior Management Auditor (Supervisor)2, 3
Staff Services Manager I2, 3
Health Program Audit Manager I2, 3
Health Program Auditor IV2, 3
Staff Services Management Auditor2, 3
Associate Management Auditor2, 3
Benefits Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Medical Program Consultant1
Public Health Medical Officer II3
Health Program Manager II3
Research Scientist Supervisor I3
Staff Services Manager II3
Medical Consultant I-II3
Nurse Consultant II-III3
Staff Services Manager I4
Health Program Specialist II4
California Medicaid Management Information Systems Division
Information Technology Manager II1
Staff Services Manager III1
Information Technology Manager I7, 9
Information Technology Supervisor II9
Staff Services Manager II4
Nursing Consultant III4
Nurse Evaluator II4
Information Technology Specialist I-III: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts including, but not limited to, review and approval of contract deliverables.9
Capitated Rates Development Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Supervising Life Actuary1
Staff Services Manager II3
Research Data Supervisor II3
Clinical Assurance and Administrative Support Division
Medical Program Consultant1
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3
Health Program Manager II3
Pharmaceutical Program Consultant3
Medical Consultant I-II3
Pharmaceutical Consultant I-II (Supervisor and Specialist)3
Consulting Psychologist3
Nurse Evaluator IV3
Staff Services Manager I4
Nurse Evaluator II-III4
Nurse Consultant I4
Medi-Cal Technician III (Specialist)4
Health Program Specialist II4
Information Technology Specialist I-II: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts including, but not limited to, review and approval of contract deliverables.9
Community Services Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Research Data Manager1
Staff Services Manager I-II4, 5
Research Data Supervisor II4, 5
Continuum of Medical Health Care Section
Staff Services Manager I-II5, 6
Health Program Specialist I5, 6
Associate Governmental Program Analyst5, 6
Director's Office
Exempt Appointments1
Staff Services Manager I-II3, 7
Information Technology Manager II3, 7
Health Program Specialist I-II3
Enterprise Innovation Technology Services Division
Information Technology Manager II1
Staff Services Manager III1
Information Technology Manager I7, 9
Staff Services Manager II4, 7
Information Technology Supervisor II9
Information Technology Specialist I-III: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts including, but not limited to, review and approval of contract deliverables.9
Fee for Service Rates Development Division
Research Data Supervisor II3
Staff Services Manager II3
Financial Management Branch
Accounting Administrator III3
Staff Services Manager II-III3
Staff Services Manager I: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.4
Fiscal Forecasting Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager I-II3
Information Management Division
Public Health Medical Administrator I1
Research Scientist Supervisor II-III3
Associate Governmental Program Analyst: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.4
Staff Services Analyst: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.4
Office of Health Information Technology
Public Health Medical Officer III3
Staff Services Manager II3
Staff Services Manager I4
External Relations and Operations Sections
Associate Governmental Program Analyst4
Staff Services Analyst4
Office of HIPAA Compliance
Information Technology Manager I3, 7
Staff Services Manager III3, 7
IT Supervisor II4, 7
Staff Services Manager I4, 7
Medical Consultant II3
Dental Consultant I3
Nurse Consultant III3
Nurse Evaluator II4
Information Technology Specialist I-II: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts including, but not limited to, review and approval of contract deliverables.4, 7
Integrated Systems of Care Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Public Health Medical Administrator I1
Health Program Manager III1
Health Program Manager II3
Staff Services Manager II3
Public Health Medical Officer III3
Medical Consultant II3
Pharmaceutical Consultant II3
Nurse Evaluator IV3
Health Program Manager I4
Staff Services Manager I4
Nurse Evaluator II-III4
Nurse Consultant I-III4
Consultant in Physical Therapy for Physically Handicapped Children4
Health Program Specialist II4
Associate Governmental Program Analyst: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.4
Licensing and Certification Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager I-II2, 5, 6
Nurse Evaluator II2, 5, 6
Health Program Specialist I2, 5, 6
Associate Governmental Program Analyst2, 5, 6
Staff Services Analyst2, 5, 6
Local Government Finance Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3
Staff Services Manager I4
Managed Care Operations Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3
Staff Services Manager I4
IT Supervisor II9
Managed Care Quality and Monitoring Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Research Data Manager1
Medical Program Consultant1
Medical Consultant II (Supervisor)3
Staff Services Manager II3
Medical Consultant I-II3
Nurse Evaluator IV3
Nurse Consultant III3
Health Education Consultant III (Specialist)3
Staff Services Manager I (Supervisor and Specialist)4
Research Data Supervisor II4
Nurse Evaluator II4
Research Scientist III4
Medi-Cal Behavioral Health Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Program Policy and Quality Assessment Branch
Staff Services Manager I-II4, 5
Consulting Psychologist4, 5
Plan and Network Monitoring Branch
Staff Services Manager I-II2, 4
Health Program Specialist II2, 4
Associate Governmental Program Analyst2, 4
Medi-Cal Dental Services Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Information Technology Manager I7, 9
Staff Services Manager II3
Staff Services Manager I4
Dental Program Consultant4
Dental Hygienist Consultant4
Health Program Specialist II4
Medi-Cal Eligibility Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3
Staff Services Manager I4
Office of Administrative Hearings and Appeals
Administrative Law Judge I-II1
Health Program Audit Manager I-III1
Health Program Auditor IV1
Staff Services Manager I1
Staff Services Manager I (Specialist)1
Office of Civil Rights
Staff Services Manager I-II1
Associate Governmental Program Analyst3
Office of Communications
Exempt Appointments1
Office of Family Planning
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II5
Health Program Manager II5
Nurse Consultant II-III5
Office of Legal Services
Chief Counsel1
Deputy Chief Counsel1
Assistant Chief Counsel (Civil Service)1
Staff Services Manager II-III2, 3, 5, 6
Attorney I-IV2, 3, 5, 6
Staff Services Manager I (Admin.)4
Office of Legislative and Governmental Affairs
Exempt Appointment1
Staff Services Manager I (Specialist)1
Office of Medical Director
Medical Director1
Public Health Medical Officer III1
Staff Services Manager I3
Medical Consultant I3
Research Scientist III3
Health Program Specialist I-II3
Pharmacy Benefits Division
Pharmaceutical Program Consultant3
Consulting Optometrist II3
Staff Services Manager I-II3
Pharmaceutical Consultant II4
Consulting Optometrist I4
Primary, Rural, and Indian Health Division
Health Program Manager I-II5
Nurse Consultant III5
Health Program Specialist II3, 5
Provider Enrollment Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3
Staff Services Manager I4
Associate Governmental Program Analyst: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.4
Research and Analytic Studies Division
Research Data Manager1
Safety Net Financing Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3
Health Program Auditor IV3
Staff Services Manager I4
Subacute Contracting Unit
Associate Governmental Program Analyst: only those who are regularly assigned tasks (above a clerical level) involving the development, review, or award of bids/contracts.4
Third Party Liability and Recovery Division
Staff Services Manager III1
Staff Services Manager II3, 8
Staff Services Manager I4, 8

1 With respect to Consultants and New Positions, the Director may determine in writing that a particular consultant or new position, although in a "designated position," is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's or new position's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The Director's determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection. (Government Code section 81008).


Category 1 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

All investments and business positions in business entities, sources of income (including receipt of gifts, loans and travel payments) and real property located in California.

Category 2 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Interests in real property located in California that are used, licensed, certified, funded or partially funded by DHCS, or are of the type that could be acquired, licensed, certified, funded or partially funded by DHCS as well as real property within two miles of that real property.

Category 3 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Investments and business positions in business entities, and sources of income (including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments) if the business entity or source of income is of the type that is financed, in whole or in part, by a DHCS health care service delivery program, including but not limited to Medi-Cal, and subject to policy decisions, review, audit, investigation, or other oversight by DHCS. In addition, designated positions in this category shall disclose economic interests in business entities or sources of income of the type which contract with, through, or on behalf of DHCS to provide services (including, but not limited to, services provided to Medi-Cal beneficiaries), equipment, machinery, leased space, materials or supplies.

Category 4 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Investments and business positions in business entities, and sources of income (including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments) if the business entity or source of income is of the type subject to policy decisions, review, audit, investigation, or other oversight by the position's section, unit or team. In addition, designated positions in this category shall disclose economic interests in business entities or sources of income of the type which contract with or on behalf of DHCS to provide services, equipment, machinery, leased space, materials or supplies to the position's division.

Category 5 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Investments and business positions in business entities, and sources of income (including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments) if the business entity or source of income is of the type which contracts with or receives grants or other monies from or through DHCS and when such contract, grant or other money is otherwise reviewed, approved or authorized through the position's division.

Category 6 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Investments and business positions in business entities, and sources of income (including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments) if the business entity, or source of income is of the type which is licensed, certified, permitted, or is otherwise regulated, by the position's division.

Category 7 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Investments and business positions in business entities, and sources of income (including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments) if the business entity or source of income provides information technology or telecommunications goods, products or services including computer hardware or software companies, computer consultant services, IT training companies, data processing firms and media services.

Category 8 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Investments and business positions in business entities, and sources of income (including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments) if the business entity or source of income is subject to subrogation or other recovery efforts by DHCS and the designated position has, within the past two years, participated in such subrogation or recovery efforts on behalf of DHCS.

Category 9 Designated positions in this category must disclose:

Investments and business positions in business entities, and sources of income (including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments) if the business entity or source of income is of the type which contracts to provide services, equipment, machinery, leased space, materials or supplies to or on behalf of DHCS, and the designated position is involved in the negotiation, review, decision-making, recommendation for, management of, or oversight of those types of contracts on behalf of DHCS.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, div. 2, pt. 2, 2, ch. 2, Appendix