Designated positions assigned to this category must report: All investments, business positions in business entities and sources of income, including receipt of gifts, loans and travel payments from a source that is subject to overview, regulation and enforcement of the Agency or contracts with the Agency to perform its mandated authority. Such sources include those that participate in programs that locate a parent, establish paternity; that assist or are subject to a Department enforcement action (including real property liens). This disclosure category includes all sources that are subject to or assist the department in establishing, modifying and enforcing a court order for child support or health coverage.
Designated positions assigned to this category must report:
All investments, business positions and income, including receipt of gifts, loans and travel payments, from, sources that provide leased facilities, goods, equipment, vehicles, machinery or services, including training or consulting services, of the type utilized by the Department.
Designated positions assigned to this category must report:
All investments, business positions and income, including receipt of gifts, loans and travel payments, from, sources that provide leased facilities, goods, equipment, vehicles, machinery or services, including training or consulting services, of the type utilized by the designated position's Division.
Designated positions assigned to this category must report:
All investments, business positions and income, including receipt of gifts, loans and travel payments, from, sources that are subject to the regulatory authority of the Department.
Designated positions assigned to this category must report:
Whether, during the reporting period, they had a financial interest in any of their assignments. If they had no such interest, they shall file Fair Political Practices Commission Form 700-A. Otherwise, they shall disclose their pertinent financial interests on the schedules for Fair Political Practices Commission Form 700.
Designated positions assigned to this category must report:
All interests in real property in the State of California that is of the type that may be owned by, leased, or rented by the Department.
Designated positions assigned to this category must report:
All investments, positions in business entities, and income including receipt of loans, gifts, and travel payments received from a department employee and from any of the following sources: training and educational sources, labor specialists, and human resource management services.
Designated positions assigned to this category must report:
All investments, positions in business entities and sources of income including receipt of gifts, loans and travel payments if the business entity or source provides information technology or telecommunications goods, products or services including computer hardware or software companies, computer consultant services, IT training companies, data processing firms and media services.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, div. 13, ch. 13, app B