Chapter 4 - Campaign Disclosure
- Section 18400 - Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Responsible Officer, and Principal Officer Capacity
- Section 18401 - Required Recordkeeping for Chapters 4 and 5
- Section 18401.1 - Required Recordkeeping for Slate Mailer Organizations
- Section 18402 - Committee Names
- Section 18402.1 - Principal Officers
- Section 18402.2 - Limited Liability Companies, Responsible Officer
- Section 18402.5 - Supplemental Pre-Election Statements. [Repealed]
- Section 18404 - Termination of Candidate's and Committees' Filing Requirements
- Section 18404.1 - Termination and Reopening of Committees
- Section 18404.2 - Administrative Termination
- Section 18405 - Candidates with Multiple Controlled Committees
- Section 18406 - Short Form for Candidates or Officeholders Who Receive and Spend Less than $2,000 in a Calendar Year
- Section 18410 - Statement of Organization
- Section 18412 - Identifying Funding Sources for Contributions and Independent Expenditures Made by Certain Tax Exempt Organizations. [Repealed]
- Section 18413 - Reporting Independent Expenditures by Eligible 501(c)(3)/501(c)(4) Organizations. [Repealed]
- Section 18416 - Annual Loan Reports. [Repealed]
- Section 18417 - Campaign Reporting - LAFCO Proposals
- Section 18419 - Sponsored Committees
- Section 18420 - Reporting Campaign Contributions and Expenditures by State or Local Government Agencies
- Section 18420.1 - Payments by State or Local Agencies for a Campaign Related Communication
- Section 18420.5 - Campaign Filing Requirements for the February 5, 2008 Statewide Election. [Repealed]
- Section 18421 - Cash Equivalents
- Section 18421.1 - Disclosure of the Making and Receipt of Contributions
- Section 18421.2 - Campaign Disclosure. Cryptocurrency Contributions
- Section 18421.3 - Reporting of Contributions and Expenditures Collected by Contract Vendors or Collecting Agents
- Section 18421.31 - Text Message Contributions
- Section 18421.4 - Reporting Cumulative Amounts for State, City, and County Elections and State, City, and County Recipient Committees
- Section 18421.5 - Reporting an Expenditure for Paid Online Communications
- Section 18421.6 - Reporting Accrued Expenses
- Section 18421.7 - Reporting an Expenditure for a Gift, a Meal, or Travel
- Section 18421.8 - Reporting an Expenditure by a Candidate Controlled General Purpose Ballot Measure Committee
- Section 18421.9 - Reporting Expenditures Charged to a Credit, Debit or Charge Card by a Candidate or Committee
- Section 18421.10 - Reporting Contributions from Limited Liability Companies
- Section 18421.11 - Reporting Payments in Connection with Amplification of Online Communications
- Section 18422 - Multipurpose Organization Political Activity Transparency
- Section 18422.1 - Required Recordkeeping for Multipurpose Organizations
- Section 18422.5 - Top Contributor Disclosure by Committees Primarily Formed for State Ballot Measures or Candidates
- Section 18423 - Payments for Personal Services as Contributions and Expenditures
- Section 18424 - Behested Payment Reporting. Additional Information
- Section 18424.1 - Behested Payment Reporting. Good Faith Estimate
- Section 18424.2 - Behested Payment Reporting. Charitable Organization Fundraising Solicitations
- Section 18424.3 - Behested Payment Reporting. Payments from Donor Advised Funds
- Section 18425 - 24-Hour Contribution Reports
- Section 18426 - Semi-Annual Statement Early Filing
- Section 18426.1 - Assistant Treasurer: Duties and Liability
- Section 18427 - Duties of Treasurers and Candidates with Respect to Campaign Statements
- Section 18427.1 - Notification to Contributors of Filing Obligations
- Section 18428 - Reporting of Contributions and Independent Expenditures Required to be Aggregated
- Section 18429 - Providing a Procedure to Obtain an Exemption from Reporting and Disclosure Requirements (84102, 84210(g), 84210(h), 84210(j), 84210(k), 84214). [Repealed]
- Section 18430 - Committees Controlled by More than One Candidate
- Section 18431 - Reporting of Expenditures by an Agent or Independent Contractor
- Section 18432 - Reporting Cumulative Contributions and Expenditures for Each Fiscal Year. [Repealed]
- Section 18432.5 - Intermediary and Earmarked Funds Disclosure
- Section 18435 - Definition of Mass Mailing
- Section 18435.5 - Slate Mailer Requirements
- Section 18438 - Application of Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18438.1 - Officers and Agencies Under Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18438.2 - Proceedings Under Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18438.3 - Agents Under Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18438.4 - Participants Under Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18438.5 - Aggregated Contributions Under Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18438.6 - Solicitation, Direction, and Receipt of Contributions Under Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18438.7 - Prohibitions and Disqualification Under Section 84308
- Section 18438.8 - Disclosure Under Government Code Section 84308
- Section 18439 - Definition of "Personally Deliver."
- Section 18440 - Telephone Advocacy
- Section 18450.1 - Definitions. Advertisement Disclosure
- Section 18450.2 - Definitions. Authorized and Paid for
- Section 18450.3 - Top Contributor Disclosure for Affiliated Entities
- Section 18450.4 - Video and Television Advertisement Disclosure
- Section 18450.5 - Amended Advertising Disclosure
- Section 18450.6 - Disclosure on Advertisements in Languages Other than English
- Section 18450.7 - Disclosure for Advertisements in Formats Not Specifically Addressed
- Section 18450.8 - Disclosure for Advertisements on Listening Applications that Are Both Audio and Visual
- Section 18450.9 - Website Advertisements and Social Media Advertisements
- Section 18450.10 - Advertisements by a Paid Third-Party Influencer
- Section 18450.11 - Spokesperson Disclosure
- Section 18451 - CalPERS and CalSTRS Board Member Elections; Where to File Campaign Reports and Statements
- Section 18452 - Reporting Requirements. [Repealed]
- Section 18453 - CalPERS Board Member Elections - Record Keeping Requirements. [Repealed]
- Section 18457 - Out-of-State Contributors. [Repealed]