Cal. Code Regs. tit. 2 § 2905

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 2905 - Categorical Exemptions

The following Commission activities are categorically exempted:

(a) Class 1: Existing Facilities
(1) Remedial, maintenance and abandonment work on oil and gas and geothermal wells involving the alteration of well casings, such as perforating, cementing, casing repair or replacement, installation or removal of down-hold production equipment, cement plugs, bridge plugs, and permanent packers or packers set to isolate producing intervals.
(2) Commission action involving existing structure or facility that is in an acceptable state of repair. This is intended to cover actions of the Commission which in effect authorize continued operation, repair, maintenance or minor alteration of any existing public or private structure or facility, land fill or equipment which meets the above criteria. The Commission may exclude from this class any structure that has been erected without written authorization in the form of a lease or permit from the State Lands Commission.
(b) Class 2: Replacement or Reconstruction

Replacement or reconstruction of deteriorated or damaged structures on State Lands.

(c) Class 3: New Construction of Small Structures
(1) A pier, floating dock, or boathouse, that will occupy no more than 3,000 square feet of State land.
(2) A pier, floating dock, or boathouse, for non-commercial use by more than applicant, applying jointly, where all the applicants are littoral (next to the shore) landowners, such as homeowner's associations, and the littoral parcels are next to one another, that will occupy the following areas of State lands:

Number of Adjacent and Littoral LandownersArea of Use
24,000 sq. ft. or less
34,750 sq. ft. or less
45,250 sq. ft. or less
5 or more6,000 sq. ft. or less

(3) Small boat mooring buoys.
(4) A floating platform used solely for swimming.
(5) Buoys for delineating a safety area or designated speed zones, provided that public navigational and fishing rights are not affected.
(d) Class 4: Minor Alteration to Land
(1) Grazing of livestock where disturbance of soil does not occur.
(2) Rebuilding or repair of levees or other protective structure. Minor dredging of material for above purposes.
(3) Removal of derelict or hazardous structures on State waterways or school lands.
(4) Minor periodic maintenance dredging for existing docks and marinas.
(5) Replanting of timber on previously harvested, burned, or barren areas of school lands where extensive site preparation is not permitted.
(e) Class 6: Information Collection
(1) Core hole drilling, operations to obtain foundation design data, to gather data and information for environmental documentation where minimal or no disturbance of the land surface results.
(2) Core hole drilling for the purposes of mineral evaluation pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 6401(b) where minimal or no disturbance of the land surface results.
(3) Surface or underwater biological, geological, geophysical, cultural (archeological/historical), and geochemical surveys where minimal or no disturbance of the land surface results.
(4) Temperature survey holes where minimal disturbance of the surface results.
(5) Wind or water current, temperature, or other monitoring devices.
(6) Salvage exploration where no disturbance of the environment is contemplated.
(f) Class 7: Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of Natural Resources
(1) Lease or permits to public agencies or conservation organizations for wildlife preservation activities, or to the State Department of Parks and Recreation for historical or other cultural activities. Construction activities are not included in this exemption.
(2) Timber harvesting of burned or diseased timber on school lands in accordance with the Forest Practices Act (Public Resources Code, Sections 4511, et seq.).
(g) Class 16: Transfer of Ownership of Land in Order to Create Parks

Lease and permits to person and public agencies for the development of public parks including alterations to the land for such purposes.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 2, § 2905

Note: Authority cited: Section 21084, Public Resources Code; and Sections 15100 et seq., Title 14, California Administrative Code. Reference: Sections 15100, 15100.2(c), 15100.4, 15101 (Class 1), 15102 (Class 2), 15103 (Class 3), 15104 (Class 4), 15106 (Class 6), 15107 (Class 7), and 15116 (Class 16), Title 14, California Administrative Code.