Cal. Code Regs. tit. 2 § 1073.3
Passenger Fares For Transit Service
Special Transit Fares
School Bus Service Revenues
Freight Tariffs
Charter Service Revenues
Auxiliary Transportation Revenues
Nontransportation Revenues
Taxes Levied Directly by Transit System
Property Tax Revenue
Sales Tax Revenue
Special District Augmentation Fund
Local Cash Grants and Reimbursements
General Operating Assistance
Transportation Development Act 1/4 cents Sales Tax
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax
Local Article XIX Guideway Funds
Local Special Fare Assistance
State Cash Grants and Reimbursements
Homeowner's, Property Tax Relief
Business Inventory Property Tax Relief
Article XIX Guideway Funds
State Transit Assistance Fund
Transportation Planning and Development (TP&D) Guideway Fund (P.U.C. 99316)
Other State Provisions and Grants
State Special Fare Assistance
Federal Cash Grants and Reimbursements
General Operating Assistance--UMTA Sec. 5
Special Demonstration Project Assistance
Other Financial Assistance
Revenue Sharing Pass Through (Federal from local sources)
Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA)
Contributed Services
State and Local Government
Contra Account for Expense
Subsidy From Other Sectors of Operations
Federal Capital Grants
UMTA Section 3 Grants
UMTA Section 5 Grants
Federal Aid Urban Grants
Federal Interstate Grants
Other Federal Grants
Revenue Sharing (Federal from local sources)
State Capital Grants and Subventions
Article XIX Guideway Funds
General Fund Provisions
State Transit Assistance Fund
Transportation Planning and Development (TP&D) Guideway Funds (P.U.C. 99316)
Other State Provisions and Grants
Local Capital Provisions
Sales Taxes
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax
Property Taxes
Transportation Development Act 1/4 cents Sales Tax
General Fund
Other Local Provisions
Local Article XIX Guideway Funds
Non-Governmental Donations
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 2, § 1073.3
2. Certificate of Compliance filed 3-27-80 (Register 80, No. 13).
3. Amendment filed 8-12-80; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 80, No. 33).
Note: Authority cited and Reference: Section 53891, Government Code and Section 99243, Public Utilities Code.
2. Certificate of Compliance filed 3-27-80 (Register 80, No. 13).
3. Amendment filed 8-12-80; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 80, No. 33).