Article 3 - Barber Shops [Repealed]
- Section 235 - Definition. [Repealed]
- Section 236 - Application for Registration. [Repealed]
- Section 237 - Establishment License. [Repealed]
- Section 238 - Location. [Repealed]
- Section 239 - Premises. [Repealed]
- Section 240 - Equipment and Sanitation. [Repealed]
- Section 240.1 - Ventilation. [Repealed]
- Section 240.2 - Barbershop Floors. [Repealed]
- Section 240.3 - Workstands. [Repealed]
- Section 240.4 - Headrests. [Repealed]
- Section 240.5 - Neck Dusters and Brushes. [Repealed]
- Section 241 - Approval of Disinfectants. [Repealed]
- Section 242 - Display of Certificates. [Repealed]
- Section 242.1 - Display of Barber Shop Certificate. [Repealed]
- Section 242.2 - Supervision and Barber in Charge. [Repealed]
- Section 243 - Photographs. [Repealed]
- Section 244 - Change in Ownership, Location or Floor Plan. [Repealed]
- Section 245 - Multi-Purpose Establishment. [Repealed]
- Section 246 - Activities Prohibited in Shops. [Repealed]
- Section 246.1 - Leasing and Rental Agreements. [Repealed]
- Section 246.2 - Animals in Barber Shops. [Repealed]