Section 1627 - Change of Name(a) Each licensee whose name has been changed by marriage may request a corrected certificate. Whenever the name of the licensee has been changed by court order, a certified copy of the court record authorizing the change of name shall be attached to the request. In either instance the original certificate of such licensee shall be returned to the office of the Board so that endorsement of change of name may be made on the face of the certificate and on the records of the Board. The name of a licensee cannot be changed in any other manner or for any other cause or reason other than as stated herein. Where an individual is using his true surname, he may use any of the combinations of names or initials of his given name that he may choose.(b) The request for a name change certificate shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in Section 1690.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 16, § 1627
1. Repealer of Chapter 16 (Sections 1600-1697, not consecutive) and new Chapter 16 (Sections 1600-1697, not consecutive and Appendix) filed 12-10-87; operative 1-9-88 (Register 87, No. 52). For prior history, see Registers 81, No. 50; 81, No. 36; 81, No. 9; 80, No. 40; 78, No. 15; 77, No. 21; and 63, No. 25. Note: Authority cited: Osteopathic Act (Initiative Measure, Stats. 1923, p. xciii), Section 1; and Section 3600- 1, Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 2435 and 2452, Business and Professions Code.
1. Repealer of Chapter 16 (Sections 1600-1697, not consecutive) and new Chapter 16 (Sections 1600-1697, not consecutive and Appendix) filed 12-10-87; operative 1-9-88 (Register 87, No. 52). For prior history, see Registers 81, No. 50; 81, No. 36; 81, No. 9; 80, No. 40; 78, No. 15; 77, No. 21; and 63, No. 25.