Chapter 6 - Exclusions from Permit Requirements
- Subchapter 1 - Claims of Vested Rights (§§ 13200 — 13208)
- Subchapter 2 - Vested Rights Under the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act of 1972 [Repealed]
- Subchapter 3 - Permits Approved by the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission Prior to January 1, 1977 (§§ 13211 — 13213)
- Subchapter 3.5 - Development on Parcels Added to the Coastal Zone on January 1, 1980 (§§ 13214 — 13214.8)
- Subchapter 4 - Urban Land Exclusion (§§ 13215 — 13235)
- Subchapter 4.5 - Waiver of Permit Requirements for de Minimis Development (§§ 13238 — 13238.2)
- Subchapter 5 - Categorical Exclusions (§§ 13240 — 13249)
- Subchapter 6 - Existing Single-Family Residences (§ 13250)
- Subchapter 7 - Repair and Maintenance Activities that Require a Permit (§ 13252)
- Subchapter 7.5 - Improvements to Structures, Other than Single-Family Residences and Public Works Facilities that Require Permits (§ 13253)
- Subchapter 8 - Minor Adjustments to the Coastal Zone Boundary (§§ 13255.0 — 13259)