Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 6060 - Receipt, Review and Determinations(a) The date of receipt of project information by the Commission shall be the date when information of the nature described in Section 6050(c) of this Article sufficient to enable Commission determinations pursuant to Section 91531 of the Act has been received.(b) The Commission shall notify the applicant and the Authority in writing of the date of receipt of project information not later than seven (7) days after the arrival of the project information at the office of the Commission.(c) The Commission shall review the project information as necessary to determine the compliance of the project with the criteria set forth in Section 91531. The Commission may, however, with regard to the determination of project compliance with the criteria specified in paragraph (b) (3) of Section 91531, accept certifications made by the Authority submitting the project information, bond counsel, purchaser, or such other certifications as the Commission may require for the proposed issuance of bonds in conjunction with the undertaking of he project.(d) The Commission shall, on the basis of its review of the submitted project information, make express findings in writing as to its determination of the compliance of a project with the criteria set forth in Section 91531.(e) With regard to the determination, identified in Section 91531(b)(3) the Commission may impose a condition or conditions on qualification of a proposed issuance of bonds if it finds that without such condition(s) the issuance will be unfair, unjust or inequitable to a purchaser of the bonds.(f) Written notification of the determinations of the Commission shall be given to the Authority and the applicant which submitted the project information. The Commission may, if requested by the Authority submitting the project information (which request shall be accompanied by a written approval of the extension of the period of Commission jurisdiction in making the determinations required by Section 91531), delay the provision of a finding regarding compliance with the criterion set forth in Section 91531(b)(3) until such time as will facilitate the Authority's proposed issuance of bonds.(g) Determinations of the Commission with regard to project compliance with criteria set forth in Section 91531 shall be final and conclusive.(h) Having made its Determinations, conditionally or otherwise, the Commission will not suspend or revoke any qualification of the bonds, once the bonds have been sold, absent extraordinary circumstances.(i) In addition to the other requirements of the Act, the Commission in reviewing Applications for Financing may take into consideration such factors as: location of the proposed project; nature of the proposed project; time of receipt of request for financing; and any other factors the Commission may deem appropriate. Priority shall be given to projects which achieve maximum realization of public benefit.Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 10, § 6060
Note: Authority cited: Section 91557, Government Code. Reference: Sections 91501, 91531 and 91536, Government Code.