Cal. Code Regs. tit. 10 § 5750.5

Current through Register 2025 Notice Reg. No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section 5750.5 - Economic Development Plan

Each economic development plan shall contain the information and data required by this section.

(a) Marketing (0 - 225 Points). A detailed marketing plan for the application area which shall include the following:
(1) A statement and explanation of the specific marketing goals for the application area and the course(s) of action to be taken to achieve the specified goals.
(2) A detailed description of plans to recruit new business into the application area, including the names of industries targeted for recruitment.
(3) Identification and detailed description of the local economic development corporation or similar organization and its role in attracting industries to the application area.
(4) A detailed description of the sales plan for on-site visits to businesses.
(5) A detailed description of advertising and promotional strategy, including a media analysis and samples of existing advertising and promotional materials.
(6) A detailed analysis of the staff, organization structure, and budgets to be committed to the marketing plan(s) by all involved organizations.
(7) Specific examples of successful efforts by the corporations or organizations identified in subsection (3), above, to attract or retain businesses.
(8) A list of all commercial real estate brokers who will handle real estate transactions within the application area.
(9) Any other relevant items pertaining to the applicant's plans for marketing the application area.
(b) Property Characteristics (0 - 125 Points).
(1) The total number of all buildings on the site, together with the square footage, physical description and prior (or current) use of each structure.
(2) An analysis of the likelihood that each structure will meet all local and state building, fire, and seismic codes, and any other codes necessary to operate a business.
(3) An analysis of the most appropriate, economical, functional reuse for each existing structure.
(4) The total number of acres of vacant, improved land.
(5) The total number of acres of vacant, unimproved land.
(6) A description and analysis of the infrastructure within the application area, including peak delivery capability and peak capacity for water supply, storm drainage, sewer and waste treatment, streets and street lighting, natural gas and electricity; and any plans to expand or improve services including associated costs, proposed financing and timetable for completion.
(7) Any other relevant information concerning the property, structures, or infrastructure.
(c) Job Development (1 - 150 Points) Include a detailed explanation of the plan to identify, train and place unemployed and under-employed into jobs created through marketing of the application area, including the following:
(1) A list containing the names and addresses of all administrative agencies and/or contractors who will provide intake and/or job development services in the application area under the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), ( 29 U.S.C. sections 1501 et seq.), Targeted Job Tax Credit (TJTC), (26 U.S.C. section 51) and the Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) (Welfare and Institutions Code section 11320 et seq.).
(2) A detailed explanation of the specific contributions that each administrative agency and/or contractor shall make for the implementation of the job development plan.
(3) A detailed explanation of how the recipients of JTPA, GAIN, and TJTC services will be placed in LAMBRA jobs. The applicant shall include a detailed explanation of the coordination efforts between job development agencies and contractors.
(4) Data which show the track record of job placements by each participating agency and or contractor for the two years immediately preceding the date of the application.
(5) A detailed organization chart showing all staff persons providing job development management and services for each agency and/or contractor identified in the job development portion of the economic development plan.
(6) Any other indicators of the applicant's job development plans for the application area.
(d) Local Incentives (0 - 200 Points) Include a list and detailed explanation of incentives which will be used to attract private sector investors to the application area which may include:
(1) The elimination or reduction of fees imposed for development, building, licensing, use permits and other necessary approvals and permits.
(2) Fast track or streamlined time frames for project and permit approval within the applicant's jurisdiction for application area projects.
(3) Reduction or postponement of fees and other charges for services, utilities, and other ongoing liabilities.
(4) The elimination or reduction of business license taxes and utility user taxes.
(5) Technical assistance programs to aid private sector investors in obtaining necessary permits and other approvals.
(6) Any other incentives proposed and adopted by applicant such as one-stop permit processing under a memorandum of agreement with the Secretary for Environmental Protection pursuant to Chapter 3.2 (commencing with section 15378.5) of Part 6.7 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code (Stats. 1994, Ch. 34).
(e) Financing Programs (0 - 150 Points). List and provide a detailed explanation of all financing available to private sector investors in the application area, including:
(1) Identification of all agencies, organizations, and firms that will provide financial assistance to businesses in the application area.
(2) An explanation of the types of services to be offered and data showing companies served by the agencies, organizations and firms listed under (1), above, during the three year period immediately preceeding the date of the application.
(3) Identification of all financial institutions that have expressed an interest in making business loans to companies locating in the application area and all financial institutions currently making loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration.
(4) A detailed explanation of the loan programs currently offered by the applicant with data on the result of those programs for the three year period immediately preceding the date of the application.
(5) Planned targeting of federal and/or state grant or loan moneys and the uses for those moneys within the application area.
(6) Any other details and information related to financing programs or incentives to be offered by the applicant.
(f) Unemployment (0 - 100 Points). Provide unemployment levels for the political area under applicant's jurisdiction, including:
(1) The present unemployment rate and the historical unemployment rate for three years preceding the date of application for the area within the political boundaries of applicant's jurisdiction.
(2) The ratio of civilian and military jobs lost to base closure to the total number of jobs in the area together with supporting documentation.
(3) The number of workers available for targeted jobs as specified within the applicant's marketing plan.
(g) Consistency (0 - 25 points)

The economic development plan shall be compared with the reuse plan and points awarded on the basis of consistency between the two plans.

Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 10, § 5750.5

1. New section filed 11-8-94 as an emergency pursuant to Government Code section 7114(d); operative 11-8-94 (Register 94, No. 46). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 5-7-95 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
2. Repealed by operation of Government Code section 11346.1(g) (Register 95, No. 21).
3. Editorial correction of HISTORY 1 (Register 95, No. 23).
4. New section filed 6-7-95 as an emergency pursuant to Government Code section 7114(d); operative 6-7-95 (Register 95, No. 23). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 12-4-95 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
5. Certificate of Compliance as to 6-7-95 order transmitted to OAL 12-12-95 and filed 1-24-96 (Register 96, No. 4).
6. Amendment of section and NOTE filed 5-31-2000 as an emergency; operative 5-31-2000 (Register 2000, No. 22). Pursuant to Government Code section 7114(c), a Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 11-27-2000 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
7. Reinstatement of section and NOTE as they existed prior to 5-31-2000 emergency amendment by operation of Government Code section 11346.1(f) (Register 2003, No. 10).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 7107 and 7114, Government Code. Reference: Section 7110, Government Code.

1. New section filed 11-8-94 as an emergency pursuant to Government Code section 7114(d); operative 11-8-94 (Register 94, No. 46). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 5-7-95 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
2. Repealed by operation of Government Code section 11346.1(g) (Register 95, No. 21).
3. Editorial correction of History 1 (Register 95, No. 23).
4. New section filed 6-7-95 as an emergency pursuant to Government Code section 7114(d); operative 6-7-95 (Register 95, No. 23). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 12-4-95 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
5. Certificate of Compliance as to 6-7-95 order transmitted to OAL 12-12-95 and filed 1-24-96 (Register 96, No. 4).
6. Amendment of section and Note filed 5-31-2000 as an emergency; operative 5-31-2000 (Register 2000, No. 22). Pursuant to Government Code section 7114(c), a Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL by 11-27-2000 or emergency language will be repealed by operation of law on the following day.
7. Reinstatement of section and Noteas they existed prior to 5-31-2000 emergency amendment by operation of Government Code section 11346.1(f) (Register 2003, No. 10).