126.03.13 Ark. Code R. 001
Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 126.03.13-001 - Net Metering RulesDEFINITIONS
Net-metering customer
An owner of a net-metering facility.
Rule 2.04.Billing for Net MeteringC. If the kWhs generated by the net metering facility and fed back to the electric utility exceed the kWhs supplied by the electric utility to the net metering customer during the applicable billing period, the utility shall credit the net-metering customer with any accumulated net excess generation in the next applicable billing period. (1) Net excess generation shall first be credited to the net-metering customer's meter to which the net-metering facility is physically attached (designated meter).(2) After application of subdivision (C)(1) and upon request of the net-metering customer pursuant to subsection (D), any remaining net excess generation shall be credited to one or more of the net-metering customer's meters (additional meters) in the rank order provided by the customer.(3) Net excess generation shall be credited as described in subdivisions (C)(1) and (C)(2) during subsequent billing periods; net excess generation credit remaining in a net-metering customer's account at the close of an annual billing cycle, up to an amount equal to four (4) months' average usage during the annual billing cycle that is closing, shall be credited to the net-metering customer's account for use during the next annual billing cycle.(4) Except as provided in subsection (C)(3) of this section, any net excess generation credit remaining in a net-metering customer's account at the close of an annual billing cycle shall expire.D. Upon request from a net-metering customer an electric utility must apply net excess generation to the net-metering customer's additional meters provided that: (1) The net-metering customer must give at least 30 days' notice to the utility.(2) The additional meter(s) must be identified at the time of the request and must be in the net-metering customer's name, in the same utility service territory, and be used to measure only electricity used for the net-metering customer's requirements.(3) In the event that more than one of the net-metering customer's meters is identified, the net-metering customer must designate the rank order for the additional meters to which excess kWhs are to be applied. The net-metering customer cannot designate the rank order more than once during the annual billing cycle.(4) The net-metering customer's identified additional meters do not have to be used for the same class of service.E. Any renewable energy credit created as a result of electricity supplied by a net-metering customer is the property of the net-metering customer that generated the renewable credit.126.03.13 Ark. Code R. 001