067.00.97 Ark. Code R. 003

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2024
Rule 067.00.97-003 - Chapter 6: Minimum Requirements for Nursing Education Programs

This chapter presents the Minimum Requirements established by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing for nursing education programs that lead to licensure.

The Requirements are purposefully designed broad in scope to be applicable to all programs. Some programs, however, require specific criteria and those are so indicated in each section as appropriate under the heading variation.

The Board of Nursing has the authority to grant or withdraw any type of approval status from any nursing education program based upon compliance with these minimum requirements.

1. Promote the safe practice of nursing by establishing and maintaining Minimum Requirements for nursing education programs.
2. Provide graduates of RIM, LPN, and LPTN programs assurance of eligibility to apply for admission to the applicable examination for licensure, and provide graduates of APN programs a basis to take an ASBN approved certification examination in a category of advanced practice nursing.
3. Set forth the criteria to approve new and established educational programs leading to licensure.
4. Insure quality of nursing education programs.
5. Facilitate the decision making process regarding nursing education programs approval.

The following content, related to five approvals granted by the Board to nursing education programs, is presented in process format. Variations to an established process are so reflected.

While the Board grants approvals, it also shall take away those same approvals as indicated by a program's compliance with the Minimum Requirements.

In addition, any program which has obtained approval and not admitted students within twelve months after approval has been granted, or has suspended student admissions for a period of twelve months, shall automatically forfeit approval. Should the institution again desire to admit students, application shall be made to the Board for a new program.

1. New Program
a. An institution, wishing to conduct a new nursing education program leading to licensure shall apply to the Board and submit evidence that it is prepared to carry out the program.
b. Utilize established appropriate Minimum Requirements:
1) Applicant for new program approval, shall comply with the Requirements for Prerequisite Approval.
2) Variation: Applicant for Advanced Practice program shall comply with the "Criteria and Procedures for Preparing Proposals for New Programs", established by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
3) The Board shall evaluate the extent of compliance with the Requirements and take one of the following actions:
a) Deny Prerequisite Approval or,
b) Defer Prerequisite Approval or,
c) Grant Prerequisite Approval.
c. A survey of the institution and the proposed new program shall be made by an authorized representative of the Board, who shall submit a written report of survey findings to the Board.
d. After receiving Prerequisite Approval status, the new program applicant may proceed toward compliance with the Requirements for Initial Approval.
e. The Board shall evaluate the extent of compliance with the Requirements for Initial Approval and take one of the following actions:
1) Deny Initial Approval or,
2) Defer Initial Approval or,
3) Grant Initial Approval.
f. After receiving initial Approval status, the new program may admit students and proceed toward compliance with Requirements for Full Approval. Before graduation of the first class, a survey visit shall be made by a representative of the Board and the Board shall evaluate the extent of compliance with the Requirements for Full Approval and take one of the following actions:
1) Deny Full Approval or,
2) Defer Full Approval or,
3) Grant Full Approval.
g. After Full Approval status is obtained by the new program, it shall be evaluated as an established program.
2. Established Program
a. An established program is reviewed on a scheduled basis and as deemed necessary for compliance with minimum requirements.
b. Information regarding a nursing education program, requested by the Board, shall be provided by the controlling institution.
c. Established programs with Full Approval status shall be surveyed by a Board representative as follows:
1) New established program-first survey-three (3) years after Full Approval status granted.
2) Registered nurse program-every five (5) years thereafter.
3) Practical nurse program and psychiatric technician nurse program-every three (3) years thereafter.
4) Advanced practice nurse program - every five (5) years or until requirements for exemption are met.

Exemption: Master's programs in advanced practice nursing, which submit evidence of having current accreditation by a Board recognized national educational accrediting agency for the discipline of nursing, shall be accepted by the Board as having met the regulations for Board approval. The standards for accreditation shall be maintained during the accrediting period.

d. Minimum Requirements for Continued Full Approval status shall be utilized during the survey visit by the Board representative.
e. In addition, criteria established by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education shall be utilized for advanced practice programs until requirements for exemption are met.
f. The representative shall report survey findings and other available information to the Board.
g. The Board shall evaluate the extent of compliance with the Minimum Requirements and/or ADHE Criteria for advanced practice programs and take one of the following actions:
1) Defer Continued Full Approval or,
2) Grant Continued Full Approval or,
3) Grant Conditional Approval or
4) Withdraw Full Approval, after public hearing.
h. The program shall receive written notification of the Board's action. If noncompliance is evident, the notification shall include deviations of concern as noted by the Board.
3. Off Campus Program
a. Off campus programs shall maintain the same level of quality as that of the established program with Full Approval status.
b. Off campus programs shall be approved by the Board before implementation of operations.
c. New Off Campus Program
1) Comply with Requirements for Prerequisite Approval; and
2) Provide evidence that indicates readiness and available resources to operate the off campus program at the same quality level as the established program on the main campus.
3) The Board shall consider all available information and take one of the following actions:
a) Defer Approval or,
b) Grant Approval or,
c) Deny Approval.
d. The program shall received written notification of the Board's action regarding the off campus program.
e. After implementation of operations, off campus program surveys shall be conducted as a part of the established program survey visit. Approval status shall be given to the main campus.
1. Prerequisite Approval

An institution seeking to establish a new nursing education program or off campus program shall submit a letter of intent to the Board of Nursing.

a. The institution must submit a recent feasibility study, signed by the appropriate administrative officers, which includes but is not limited to the following:
1) Purpose for establishing a school.
2) Type of educational program to be established.
3) Relationship to the controlling institution (organization chart).
4) Philosophy, purposes and accreditation status of the controlling institution.
5) Financial resources for the program.
6) Need and readiness of the community to support the program.
7) Source and numbers of potential students and faculty.
8) Proposed clinical facilities for student experiences, with letters of support from facilities.
9) Other schools using proposed clinical facilities.
10) Proposed physical facilities.
11) Availability of the general education component of the curriculum.
12) Timetable for initiating the program.
b. A representative of the Board shall conduct a survey.
c. The survey report and the materials from the institution shall be submitted to the Board.
d. The program and controlling institution shall receive written notification of the Board's action.
2. Initial Approval
a. The institution shall secure a director for the program.
b. Job responsibilities of the director shall include the following:
1) Program planning.
2) Detailed budget preparation.
3) Employment of qualified faculty.
4) Preparation of a school organizational chart showing institutional control, relationships and lines of authority.
5) Securing consultation with demonstrated evidence of visits.
6) Statement of philosophy and purpose.
7) Curriculum and objectives.
8) Student and faculty welfare.
9) Program Evaluation process.
10) Agency contracts.
c. Representatives of the Board shall meet periodically with the director and faculty of the program. Consultation by representatives of the Board will be available upon written request from the director.
d. The director must submit to the Board written evidence of readiness of the program to admit students.
e. A representative of the Board shall conduct a survey.
f. The report of the Board representative's findings shall be submitted to the Board.
g. The program and controlling institution shall receive written notification of the Board's action.
3. Full Approval
a. Information regarding a nursing education program, requested by the Board, shall be provided by the controlling institution.
b. A survey visit for Full Approval shall be made by a representative of the Board prior to graduation of the first class.
c. The representative's findings shall be shared with the program for corrections and additions. A written report shall be presented to the Board.
d. Additional information available to the Board may be considered.
e. The program and controlling institution shall receive written notification of the Board's action.
f. A survey visit shall be conducted within three (3) years after the first Full Approval is granted. Surveys thereafter, shall be in accordance with Continued Full Approval Requirements.
4. Continued Full Approval
a. Information regarding a nursing education program, requested by the Board, shall be provided by the controlling institution.
b. A survey visit shall be completed by a representative of the Board:
1) Once very five (5) years for APN programs not exempted, RN and RNP programs.
2) Once every three (3) years for PN and PTN programs.
3) As deemed necessary by the Board.
c. The representative's findings shall be shared with the program for corrections and additions. A written report shall be presented to the Board.
d. Additional information available to the Board may be considered.
e. The program and controlling institution shall receive written notification of the Board's action.
5. Conditional Approval
a. Information regarding a nursing education program, requested by the Board, shall be provided by the controlling institution.
b. A survey visit shall be completed by a representative of the Board.
c. The representative's findings shall be shared with the program for corrections and additions. A written report shall be presented to the Board.
d. Additional information available to the Board may be considered:
e. The controlling institution shall receive written notification of noncompliance deviations and Board's action.
f. Conditional Approval status shall be in effect for a maximum time of one (1) year time allowed for correcting the noncompliance deviations unless otherwise determined by the Board.
g. Full Approval status may be reestablished when evidence reflects full compliance with the Minimum Requirements.
6. Withdrawal of Approval
a. Information regarding a nursing education program, requested by the Board, shall be provided by the controlling institution.
b. A survey visit shall be completed by a representative of the Board.
c. The representative's findings shall be shared with the program for corrections or additions.
d. Additional information available to the Board may be considered.
e. The representative presents a report of noncompliance findings to the Board.
f. A public hearing is scheduled and held.
g. Approval status shall be withdrawn when:
1) Conditional approval deviations are not corrected within the time frame established by the Board; or
2) The program reflects continuing noncompliance with criteria for established program.
h. The program and controlling institution shall receive written notification of the Board's action,
i. The Board shall give public notice to students that as graduates of the program they will not be eligible for admission to the appropriate licensing examination,
j. The program is responsible for assisting students in transferring to a program which has Board approval.
k. Approval may be reestablished, by Board action within one year after withdrawal of approval, when evidence reflects full compliance with the Minimum Requirements.
1. Institutional Accreditation

The controlling institution shall be approved or accredited by the appropriate state and regional bodies, or must demonstrate progress in securing approval/accreditation by these bodies.

2. Institutional Organization
a.. The controlling institution shall be a post-secondary educational institution, a hospital, or a consortium of such institutions appropriate to the purpose and implementation of the nursing education program.
b. An institutional chart or plan shall show the relationship of the nursing education program to other departments, and indicate appropriate channels of communication. Nursing education programs shall have equal status with other educational units within the controlling institution.
1) There shall be a nursing education program organizational chart or plan showing appropriate lines of authority and communication within the program.
2) Functional relationships between the nursing education program and overall administration shall be clearly defined and reflected in job descriptions.
1. The nursing program shall have either a nursing philosophy or a nursing mission, formulated by the nursing faculty and available in written form, that is clearly defined and consistent with that of the controlling institution.
2. The program shall have either objectives or goals, available in written form, which are clearly defined in behavioral terms, consistent with the philosophy or mission, and describe the competencies of the graduate.
3. The philosophy or mission and goals or objectives shall be used by the faculty in planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating the total program.
1. Financial Resources
a. There shall be adequate financial support to provide stability, development and effective operation of the program.
b. The director of the nursing program shall be responsible for budget recommendations and administration within general institutional policies.
2. Library and Learning Resources
a. Library and learning resources shall be appropriate for the purpose of the program and number of faculty and students.
b. Holdings shall be conveniently available and accessible to students and faculty.
c. Holdings shall be comprehensive, current, and appropriate in number and type.
d. RN PROGRAMS: The library shall be under the direction of a qualified librarian.
a. Classrooms, laboratories, and conference rooms shall be available at the time needed, adequate in size, number, and type and appropriate to the number of students and the educational purpose.
b. Acoustics, lighting, ventilation, heating and cooling, seating arrangement, location, plumbing, equipment, supplies, storage and safety provisions shall be adequate for the educational purpose.
a. Faculty offices shall be available, private, accessible, and adequate in size, number and type to provide for uninterrupted work and privacy for conferences with students.
b. There shall be adequate office space for clerical staff.
c. There shall be adequate space and security for records, files and equipment and supplies.
d. There shall be office equipment and supplies adequate to meet the needs of faculty and office personnel.
a. Agencies providing learning experiences shall be approved or accredited by the appropriate bodies.
b. Clinical facilities shall be available and adequate to provide planned educational experiences essential to the achievement of course and program goals and objectives.
c. There shall be cooperative planning when a clinical facility is used by more than one student group.
d. There shall be an adequate staff of professional and practical nurses to insure safe care of clients.
1. There shall be written agreements between the nursing education program and clinical facilities utilized for educational experiences. Such agreements shall specify their respective responsibilities and shall be reviewed annually. Agreements shall be on file in the nursing program.
2. Written agreements are not required for observational experiences.
3. The current agreement shall be signed by the director of the nursing program and clinical facilities representative.
4. LPN and LPTN PROGRAMS: The agreement shall guarantee supervision by a registered nurse at all times.
a. The program director, at the time of appointment, shall hold a current license to practice as a registered nurse in the State of Arkansas.
b. The program director shall have a workload which allows for adequate time to conduct relevant administrative duties and responsibilities.
c. The program director shall have previous experience in clinical nursing practice and teaching.
d. Educational requirements
1) APN-The program director shall hold a master's degree and a doctoral degree, one of which is in nursing.
2) RN-The program director shall hold a master's degree with a major in nursing.
3) LPN/LPTN--The program director should hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree in nursing.
a. Nurse faculty shall hold a current license to practice as a registered nurse in the State of Arkansas.
b. Nurse faculty shall have experience in clinical nursing practice.
c. There shall be an adequate number of qualified faculty to develop and implement the program and achieve the stated objectives.
d. Nurse faculty shall demonstrate continuing competence in teaching, curriculum development and nursing as shown by participation in academic study, continuing education, clinical practice or other appropriate activities.
e. Non-nurse faculty shall meet the requirements of the institution in education and experience in their field of specialization.
f. Faculty personnel policies:
1) The policies shall be consistent with policies applying to faculty in other departments of the institution.
2) Policies specific to the nursing program shall be developed by nursing faculty.
3) . Responsibilities for each position shall be clearly stated in writing. Each faculty shall have a copy.
g. In programs with greater than two faculty, there shall be a faculty organization with written policies and rules of procedure established by the faculty and in harmony with the mission or philosophy and goals or objectives of the program. All members of the faculty shall participate in the activities of the organization. Minutes of the meetings, which include actions and decisions, shall be on file.
h. Additional faculty qualifications for specific programs are as follows:
1) APN
(a) Nurse faculty shall hold a minimum of a master's degree in nursing and should have a major in their area of responsibility.
(b) A majority of nurse faculty shall hold a doctoral degree and have expertise in curriculum development, research and evaluation.
(c) Clinical faculty shall include advanced practice nurse(s) currently licensed in Arkansas in the category being taught.
(d) Non-nurse faculty members shall hold a doctoral degree, or the minimum of a master's degree in their respective disciplines, to teach supportive courses. A majority of the non-nurse faculty who teach supportive courses must hold a doctoral degree in their respective discipline.
2) RNP
(a) Faculty shall include master's prepared registered nurse practitioners.
(b) Medical faculty must hold a current license to practice medicine in Arkansas.
3) RN
(a) Full time faculty members shall have at least a baccalaureate degree in nursing with additional preparation and/or experience in the area of teaching.
(b) Faculty serving as course coordinators shall have at least a master's degree in nursing. It is recommended that graduate preparation in a variety of institutions be represented.
4) LPN
(a) A licensed practical nurse may serve as an assistant clinical instructor under the supervision of the appropriate registered nurse faculty. The assistant clinical instructor shall hold a current license as a licensed practical nurse in the State of Arkansas.
(a) A licensed psychiatric technician nurse may serve as an assistant clinical instructor under the supervision of the appropriate registered nurse faculty. The assistant clinical instructor shall hold a current license as a licensed psychiatric technician nurse in the State of Arkansas.

There shall be secretarial and clerical staff in the nursing program sufficient to meet the needs of administrative and instructional personnel.

1. Admission, Progression, Graduation:
a. There shall be educationally sound written policies and criteria established by the nursing faculty for selection, admission, readmission, progression, and graduation of students.
b. High school graduation, or the equivalent as determined by the appropriate educational agency, shall be an admission requirement.
2. Counseling and Guidance: There shall be provision for a counseling and guidance program separate from nursing faculty.
3. Student Participation: There should be student participation in appropriate administrative and instructional planning.
4 Student Fees: An itemized list of fees charged to students shall be printed in the school catalog or attached as an addendum. The list shall specify the purpose of each fee.
5. Student Records: Student records shall be kept in accordance with the policy of the controlling institution.
6. Transfer: Transfer students may be accepted. The school shall evaluate transcripts of work completed for transfer of specific course credits.
7. Advanced Standing (LPN and LPTN): Advanced standing may be granted for previous educational experience by granting credit for specific courses through testing, i.e. teacher-made final examinations, practical examinations, achievement tests.
8. Absenteeism: Policies regarding absenteeism shall be determined by the nursing faculty.
9. School Catalog:
a. The school catalog should be current and dated.
b. The catalog should include:
1) Approval status as granted by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing.
2) Curriculum plan.
3) Costs to student.
4) Scholarship and loan funds.
5) Admission requirements.
6) Other information as recommended by the nursing faculty.

The nursing education curriculum shall provide selected learning experiences which promote student acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for beginning practice.

There shall be adequate supervision by nursing faculty of clinical experiences throughout the curriculum.

a. The development and teaching of the nursing curriculum shall be the responsibility of the nursing faculty.
b. There shall be an organized pattern which reflects the philosophy/mission and facilitates achievement of the goals/objectives of the program.
c. The choice and placement of courses and the selection and organization of learning experiences shall provide for continuity, sequence, and integration in the total curriculum.
d. All courses shall have, in writing, course outlines or syllabi describing learning experiences and requirements of the course.
2. CURRICULUM CONTENT REQUIREMENTS (The curriculum shall include, but is not limited to the following minimum requirements).
a. Curriculum for advanced practice nursing education programs shall include theoretical content and clinical experiences relevant to practice as an APN in the specified category.
1) Theoretical content shall include content from biological, behavioral, pharmacological, medical, and nursing sciences. Content related to the legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities of the advanced practice nurse shall also be included.
2) Clinical experiences shall include supervised practice relevant to the category of advanced practice nurse;
3) Students enrolled in courses which include clinical experiences shall hold a registered nurse temporary permit or license according to Arkansas law.
4) The curriculum shall provide the academic basis for graduates to take the certification examination in a category of advanced practice nursing.
b. Curriculum for registered nurse practitioner education programs shall include theoretical content and clinical experiences relevant to registered nurse practitioner practice.
1) Theoretical content shall include content from the biological behavioral, nursing, and medical sciences. Comprehensive physical, and biopsychosocial assessment; interviewing and communication skills; eliciting, recording, and maintaining a health history; interpretation of laboratory findings; assessment of community resources; making referrals to appropriate professionals or agencies shall also be included, as well as content relating to role realignment, legal implications of registered nurse practitioner practice, and the health care delivery system.
2) Clinical experiences shall be provided that reflect the theoretical content and allow the opportunity to perform the activities outlined in Chapter Three, Section LB. "Acts Proper To Be Performed By A Registered Nurse Practitioner."
3) The curriculum shall provide graduates with an academic basis to take the certification examination in a category of registered nurse practitioner nursing.
c. Curriculum for registered nursing education programs (ADN, diploma, and BSN) shall include theoretical content and clinical experiences related to major health problems of society that focus on prevention, detection, and treatment of disease; rehabilitation; and the promotion and maintenance of health; and assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care for persons throughout the life span.
1) Theoretical content shall include content in nursing of clients with medical surgical conditions, pediatric and obstetric nursing, mental health nursing, and gerontological nursing. Baccalaureate programs shall include nursing in the community.
2) Content shall include principles of nutrition, pharmacology, historical development of the profession; delegation of tasks; and ethical and legal and professional roles of the registered nurse.
3) There shall be supporting content from the biological and physical sciences, including anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics, microbiology, and mathematics.
4) Other supporting content shall be drawn from the behavioral sciences and humanities such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, normal growth and development, interpersonal relationships, communication, and English.

5} Clinical experiences shall include opportunities for students to develop competence in all phases of care in medical, surgical, obstetric, psychiatric, pediatric, and gerontological nursing. Baccalaureate programs shall include clinical experiences for community nursing.

d. Curriculum for practical nursing education programs shall include theoretical content and clinical experiences that focus on health care for persons throughout the life span. The entire curriculum should be so designed that qualified individuals are prepared to meet community nursing needs and to perform those functions which are generally recognized as being within the scope of practical nursing and where skill of registered nurses is not required.
1) Theoretical content shall include anatomy and physiology (64/4), nutrition (32/2}, pharmacology (64/4), legal and ethical aspects as related to the role of the practical nurse (16/1), basic concepts of nursing (160/10), gerontological nursing (16/1), medical surgical nursing (128/8), maternity nursing (32/2) mental health nursing (16/1), and nursing of children (32/2). Content shall also include delegation appropriate to the role of the practical nurse.
2) Clinical experiences shall include care of clients requiring basic skills (96/2), geriatric clients (48/1), adult clients with medical-surgical conditions (504/10.5), maternal clients (72/1.5), and pediatric clients (48/1).

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses designate minimum number of required theory and clinical hours. The first number indicates clock hours; the second number indicates credit hours.

e. Curriculum for psychiatric technician nursing programs shall include theoretical content and clinical experiences that focus on health care for persons throughout the life span. There is an additional emphasis on care of persons with psychiatric disorders.
1) Theoretical content shall include anatomy and physiology (40), microbiology (10), nutrition (20), pharmacology (40), basic concepts of nursing (96), gerontological nursing (30), medical surgical nursing (110), maternity nursing (30) psychiatric nursing (224), nursing of children (20), and developmental disabilities (30). Content shall also include delegation appropriate to the role of the psychiatric technician nurse.
2) Clinical experiences shall include care of clients requiring basic skills (152), geriatric clients (60), adult clients with medical-surgical conditions (220), maternal clients (60), pediatric clients (40), psychiatric clients (408), and developmentally disabled clients (60), and pharmacology (80).

NOTE: Numbers in parentheses designate minimum number of required theory and clinical clock hours.

a. Concurrent theory/clinical practice

There shall be evidence of concurrent instruction of theory and clinical practice.

b. Length of Program


The registered nurse practitioner program shall be at least one (1) academic year in length (nine months full-time) and include a minimum of sixteen (16) continuous weeks (640 hours) preceptorship with a qualified preceptor.


The Practical nurse program shall be a minimum of 560 theory clock hours and 768 clinical clock hours or the equivalent in credit hours. (One credit hour = 16 theory clock hours or 48 clinical clock hours).


The psychiatric technician nurse program shall be a minimum of six hundred fifty (650) clock hours in theory and one thousand eighty (1,080) clock hours of clinical experience.

c. Clinical Requirements
1) The faculty-student ratio in clinical shall be a maximum of 1:10 and be consistent with sound educational practice, the curriculum pattern, the number of clinical facilities utilized, and the preparation of nursing faculty.
2) Patient census must be sufficient in each area to permit meaningful assignment to each student.
3) A student rotation plan shall reflect student clinical experiences for each semester.
4) There shall be faculty supervision of all clinical experiences.
d. Preceptorial Experiences
1) Preceptor Qualifications:
i) Current licensure as a registered nurse in the state of practice; and
ii) National certification as an advanced practice nurse in the area of practice; or
iii) Current licensure to practice medicine.
i) A registered nurse practitioner, currently licensed in the state of practice, with three (3) years nurse practitioner experience; or
ii) Current licensure to practice medicine
(c)RN, LPN, and LPTN
i) A currently licensed nurse according to the law in Arkansas (or the state/country in which the employing agency is located);
ii) Have at least one (1) year of work experience, preferably hold the same or higher educational credential as that being sought by the student, and be able to facilitate student learning.
2)Preceptorial Criteria

Preceptorial learning activities may be included in a curriculum when the following criteria are met:

(a) Prior to the preceptorial learning activity, appropriate prerequisite learning shall have occurred;
(b) The student shall be enrolled in the course in which the preceptorial learning activity occurs and shall not be reimbursed for nursing services by the agency during this time;
(c) The selection, approval, and role development of preceptors shall be documented in writing by the nursing education program.
(d) Prior to and throughout the preceptorial learning activities, faculty shall interact with preceptors, individually or in groups, to clarify roles and the nature of the learning activities.
(e) The preceptor shall be assigned no more than two students at any given time.
(f) Each student shall have a designated faculty member who is responsible for the preceptorial learning activity.
(g) Faculty shall be readily available for consultation with students and preceptors during preceptorial experiences.
a. Nursing faculty may develop a curriculum which differs from the usual patterns.
b. The director shall submit a proposal in writing to the Board for approval to implement the experimental curriculum.
c. Mandatory requirements remain in effect for experimental programs.
1. The evaluation of the nursing program shall be the responsibility of the nursing faculty.
2. An appropriate plan for systematic evaluation of all aspects of the program shall be implemented.
3. The plan shall include but not be limited to the following areas: philosophy\mission, curriculum, policies, resources, facilities, faculty, students, and graduates.
4. There shall be provision for student participation in the evaluation of his/her own learning experience.
5. Appropriate records shall be maintained to assist in the evaluation of the educational program.
6. The outcomes of systematic evaluation shall be used for ongoing development of the program.
1. Student final records, which are supplied by the Board, or transcripts, shall be submitted for all graduates who qualify to take the licensure examination. The student final record or transcript shall include statements of credit or clock hours of theory and clinical practice per course satisfactorily completed, bear the impression of the school seal, and the signature of the chairman of the program or registrar.
2. Licensure by examination applications shall not be signed by the nursing program director or her/his designee prior to completion of the program.
3. Permanent student records shall be safely stored to prevent loss by destruction and unauthorized use.
1. Annual Report (APN, LPN, LPTN, RN, RNP)

An annual report shall be submitted no later than December 1, of each year utilizing the format provided by the Board. The report shall include appointment and termination of faculty during the reporting period.

2. Special Reports
a. The Board shall be notified in writing of major changes affecting the school, (e.g. Change of school name, change of program chairperson, etc.)
b. Curriculum Changes
1) Major curriculum changes in RN programs must be reported to the Board including, but not limited to, the following:
a) Changes in philosophy, mission, or goals or objectives which alter the present curriculum.
b) Increase or decrease in the length of the program.
c) Reorganization of the curriculum.
2) Major curriculum changes and minimum requirement variations in LPN/LPTN programs shall be approved by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing or the Board's representative prior to implementation.
A. If ownership of an institution operating a nursing education program should change, the new governing body shall consult the Board for direction in continuing the program.
B. At the discretion of the Board's representative a survey visit may be conducted and results presented to the Board for action.
1. When the decision to close a nursing education program leading to licensure has been made, the director shall advise the Board and submit a written plan for the discontinuation of the program.
2. The closure may be accomplished in one of two ways:
a. Transfer students to another Board approved program; or
b. Discontinue admission of students, with the official closing of the program on the date that the last student either withdraws or completes the program.
3. The program shall prevent applicants from applying for admission by announcing early the plan to close.
4. The program shall maintain full compliance with Minimum Requirements until the last student is transferred, withdraws or completes the program.
1. The controlling institution shall be responsible for maintaining custody of records in accordance with the policy for that institution.
2. The controlling institution shall notify the Board in writing of arrangements to maintain permanent student and graduate records and other pertinent documents.

067.00.97 Ark. Code R. 003
