Placement shall be chosen:
A foster home may not house or admit anv roomer or boarder. A roomer or boarder is:
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Any household member who resides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months ifeacalendar year must clear the following background checks: Arkansas Child Maltreatmertt Central Registry. Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Registry. Arkansas State Police Criminal Background Check, and FBI Crimfnal Record Check.
PROCEDURE VI-A1: Out-of-Hpme Placement Criteria
The Family Service Worker will:
Placement shall be chosen:
A foster home imav not house or admit any roomer or boarder. A roomfeii dr boarder is:
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Any household member who resides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks: Arkansas Child maltreatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adult maltreatment Registry. Arkansas Stete Police Criminal Background Check, and FBI Criminal Record Check.
PROCEDURE Vl-A1: but-of-Home Placement Criteria
The Family Service Worker will.
In order to ensure quality foster homes, DCFS will complete a thorough home assessment for each prospective foster family. The purpose of the assessment process is to educate prospective foster parents on the characteristics of children in out-of-home placement and evaluate their ability to meet those needs, as well as evaluate the applicants' compliance with the Minimum Licensing Standards and DCFS policy requirements for foster homes. The home assessment is a mutual selection process. It involves several components including, but not limited to, background checks, an in-home consultation visit, pre-service training, a home study, and ongoing consultation with the prospective foster parents to ensure that all appropiriate criteria related to both compliance and quality are met. Prospective foster parents, with the exception of provisional foster parents, are highly encouraged to attend an Information Meeting before the In-Home Consultation visit.
Basic criteria for consideration in determining the appropriateness of foster homes include, but are not limited to the following.
Age - Applicant is at least 21 years of age and not older than 65 years of age.
Relationship Stability -
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g., birth, adoption, aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in employment
A foster home may not hoUse or admit any roomer or boarder. A roomer or boarder is:
A household member is a resident of thetiome Who:
Any household member who resides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks: Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Registry. Arkansas State Police Criminal Record Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check.
In order to ensure quality foster homes, DCFS wiil complete a thorough home assessment for each prospective foster family. The purpose of the assessment process is to educate prospective foster parents on the characteristics of children in out-of-home placement and evaluate their ability to meet those needs, as well as evaluate the applicants' compliance with the Minimum Licensing Standards and DCFS policy requirements for foster homes. The home assessment is a mutual selection process, tt involves several components including, but not limited to, background checks, an in-home consultation visit, pre-service training, a home study, and ongoing consultation with the prospective foster parents to ensure that all appropriate'crite'ria related to both compliance and quality are met. Prospective foster parents, with the exception of proyisional foster parents, are highly encouraged to attend an Information Meeting before the In-Home Consultation Visit.
Basic criteria for consideration In determining the appropriateness of foster homes include, but are not limited to the following.
Age - Applicant is at least 21 years of age and not older than 65 years of age.
Relationship Stability -.
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce. or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g., birth. adontion. aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in emplovment
A foster home may not house or admit any roomer or boarder. A roomer or boarder is:
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Any household member who resides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks: Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Ree;istrv. Arkansas I Adult Maltreatment IRegistrv. Arkansas State Police Criminal Record Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check.
Alternate care for children in out-of-home placement may be used to provide assistance to foster parents when circumstances requiring supervision by an appropriate adult other than the foster parents exist, e.g., if both foster parents work, during foster parent training, transporting a child in foster care for medical purposes, need for short-term, temporary care to provide relief to the foster parent from the on-going responsibility of care, etc.
There are five types of alternate care:
Child care for children may also be provided as a part of an out-of-home placement case to provide assistance to foster parents for non-routine circumstances that relate to the retention and/or support of the foster home such as foster parent training. Child care provided for isuch purposes may be reimbursed by the Division.
Members of a Foster Family Support System may transport children and care for children in the foster home or in th6 home of the FFSS member. However, an FFSS member shall not provide care for more than 72 continuous hours at one time regardless of the location in which care is provided and/or regardless of which FFSS member is providing care. No extensions may be granted for FFSS care of a child. The FSW shall be notified when an FFSS member will provide care for more than 24 continuous hours.
The Foster Family Support System shall not be used in place of respite care or as an out-of-home placement. The number of children placed in an FFSS member household must meet all Minimum Licensing and DCFS Policy requirements.
All prospective FFSS members must be cleared through the Child Maltreatment Central Registry and a State Police Criminal Record Check. The Division will request any other state where the prospective FFSS member has resided in the preceding six years to check its child abuse and neglect registry. The Division will provide documentation in the case record that the Child Maltreatment Central Registry and State Criminal Record Checks were conducted on the prospective FFSS member.
Documentation of at least one visual inspection of the home for evaluation purposes is required of all prospective FFSS members. The Division will check the driving record (violation points) for each potential FFSS member. The Arkansas State Vehicle Safety Program sets the maximum number of traffic violation points an FFSS member foster parent may be allowed.
If an Area Director approved exter;i,sion exceeds fourteen continuous days, the regular foster parents' board payment will be affected. If the child has stayed in arif combination of FFSS or informal respite homes (i.e., outside of the regular foster home placement, the total amount of days within those alternate care types cannot exceed 14 consecutive days as board payment may be affected.
A stay in an Informal Respite Home must be documented ih CHRIS, but not as a separate/new placement. The number of children placed in an Informal Respite Home must meet all Minimum Licensing and DCFS Policy requirementis.
Foster parents nriay reimburse an informal respite provider if they choose to do so. The Division will not reimburse an informal respite provider. The number of children placed in an Informal Respite Home must meet all Minimum Licensiri§sand DCFS Policy requirements.
Formal Respite Care shall be provided for no more than 7 days per 3 month period. A stay with a Formal Respite Care provider must be documented in CHRIS, but not as a separate/new placement (provided it does not exceed the more than 7 days per 3 month period).
Longer periods of Formal Respite Care require approval from the Prevention & Support Manager. If an approved extension exceeds 14 consecutive days, the regular foster parents' board payment will be affected. If the child has stayed in any combination of FFSS or informal respite homes before a formal respite stay, the total amount of days within those alternate care types (i.e., outside the regular foster home placement) cannot exceed 14 consecutive days as board payment may be affected.
Alternate care for children in out-of-home placement may be used to provide assistance to foster parents when circumstances requiring supervision by an appropriate adult other than the foster parents exist, e.g., if both foster parents work, during foster parent training, transporting a child in foster care for medical purposes; need for short-term, temporary care to provide relief to the foster parent from the on-going responsibility of care, etc.
There are five types of alternate care:
Child care for children may also bejrovided as a part of |an out-ofT,home placement case to provide assistance to foster parents for non-routine circumstances that relate to the retention and/or support of the foster home such as foster parent training. Child care provided for such purposes may be ' reimbursed by the Division.
Members of a Foster Family Support System may transport children and care for children in the foster home or in the home of the FFSS member. However, an FFSS member shall not provide care for more than 72 continuous hours at one time regardless of the location in which care is provided and/or regardless of which FFSS member is providing care. No extensions may be granted for FFSS care of a child. The FSW shall be notified when an FFSS member will provide care for more than 24 continuous hours.
The Foster Family Support System shall not be used in place of respite care or as an out-of-home placement. The number of children placed in an FFSS member household must meet all Minimum Licensing and DCFS Policy requirements.
All prospective FFSS members must be cleared through the Child Maltreatment Central Registry and a State Police Criminal Record Check. The Division vwill request any other state where the prospective FFSS member has resided in the preceding six years to check its child abuse and neglect registry. The Division will provide documentation in the case record that the Child Maltreatment Central Registry and State Criminal Record Checks were conducted on the prospective FFSS member.
Documentation of at least one visual inspection of the home for evaluation purposes is required of all prospective FFSS members.
The Division will check the driving record (violation points) for each potential FFSSpember. The il Arkansas State Vehicle Safety Program sets the maximum number of traffic violation points an FFSS member foster parent may be allowed.
If an Area Director approved extension exceeds fourteen continuous days, the regular foster parents' board payment will be affected. If the child has stayed in any combination of FFSS or informal respite homes (i.e., outside of the regular foster home placement, the total amount of days within those alternate care types cannot exceed 14 consecutive days as board payment may be affected.
A stay in an Informal Respite Home must be documented in CHRIS, but not as a separate/new placement. The number of children placed in an Informal Respite Home must meet all Minimum Licensing and DGFS Policy requirements.
Foster parents mayfeimburse an informal respite provider if they choose to do so. The Division will not reimburse an informal respite provider. The number of children placed in an Informal Respite Home must nieet all Minimum Licensing and DCFS Policy requirements.
Formal Respite Care shall be provided for no more than 7 days per 3 month period. A stay with a Formal Respite Care provider must be documented in CHRIS, but not as a separate/new placement (provided it does not exceed the more than 7 days per 3 month period).
Longer periods of Formal Respite Care require approval from the Prevention & Support Manager. If an approved extension exceeds 14 consecutive days, the regular foster parents' board payment will be affected. If the child has stayed in any combination of FFSS or informal respite homes before a formal respite stay, the total amount of days within those alternate care types (i.e., outside the regular foster home placehnent) cannot exceed 14 consecutive days as board payment may be affected.
Relationship Stability
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g.. birth, adoption, aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in employment
A pre-adoptive home mav not house or admit any roomer or boarder. A rodmier or boat'der is:
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Any household member who resides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks: Arkansas Child MaUreatrlfnt Central Registry. Arkansas Kdult Maltreatment Registry. Arkansas State Police Crimial Record Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check.
Relationship Stability
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g.. birth, adoption, aging relative moving. in)
* Loss of or change in employment
A pre-adoptive home may not house or admit any roomer or boarden A roomer or boarder is:
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Any household member who resides in the home for more than comulative months in a calendar year must clear the following baclcEround cheeks: Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Registry. Arkansas State Police Criminal Record Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check.
Relationship Stability
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the coupfe's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g.. birth, adoption, aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in employment
A pre-adoptive home may not house or admit any roomer or boarder. A roomer or boarder is:"
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Any household member who resides irilHfehome forJimore than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks: Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Registry. Arkansas State Police Criminal Record Chefck. and FBI Criminal Background Check.
Relationship Stability
* Death of serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other signifteanii changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g.. birth, adoption, aging reiativeimewng
* loss of or change in employment
A pre-adoptiwe home may not house or admit any roomer or boarder.*'A roomer or boarder is:
A household member is a resident of the home who
Anv household member who resides in the home for more than 8geumuiatiye months in a calendar year must clear the foHowir[LESS THAN]g background' cheeks: Arkansas Child iVialtfeatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adolt iVialtreatriiient Registry. Arkansas State Police'Gffeinal Record Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check.
Joint Application: In a two-parent home, each person shall be joint applicants and each shall actively participate in the approval process. This joint family commitment shall be reevaluated annually.
Relationship Stability:In an effort to provide a high-level of support for children in foster care, two parent homes are encouraged. The couple shall demonstrate a stable relationship. In assessing relationship stabilitv, considerations may include major life changes such as:
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g.. birth, adoption, aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in employment
Marriages and divorces shall be verifred Prospecttve foster parents must provide a copy of their marriage license to verify marriage and a copy of their most recent divorce decree to verify divorce i!
Single parent households are welcome particularly for those children wHose need for-a two-parent household is not a crucial aspect of the care required In a single parent home, the maibc life changes listeJabove shall also be considered when assessing the person's ability to be an effective foster parent
All foster parents should have a strong support system in ord,er to assist them in their role as foster parents and, in, turn, better serve children in foster care Applicants with prpfessional training, such as'JTUrses, may be desirable for children with special needs. Other adults (grandparents, aunts, etc.) and children who are a part of the household shall be assessed regarding how they may be affected by the'presence of a child in foster care and also theeffect they themselves may have on the child in care ' '
A foster home may not house or admit anv roomer or bbarder A roomer or boarder is
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Anv household member who resideS.in the homefor rrtore than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks Arkansas Ghild Maltreatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Registry. Arkansas State Police Crirnmal Record'check. and FBI Criminal Background Check.
In situations where existing foster parents plan to divorce, a reevaluation shall be conducted on the family to determine if the.family still meeti all other licensing standards to ensure the health and safety of the children placed in the horhs.' "
In situations where an existing single foster parent plans to marry, a reevaluation shall be conducted on the family. DCFS staff must ensure that the future spouse is interviewed to discuss his/her compliance with the "Personal Characteristics" as outlined in this publication. The intended spouse must complete and pass all background checks. All unmarried foster parents must be advised at their approval orientation to notify the division as soon as they are aware of any plans to marry so that the application process can be initiated on the intended spouse.
Joint Application: In a two-parent home, each person shall be joint applicants and shall actively participate in the approval process. This joint family commitment shall be reevaluated annually.
Relationship Stability: In an effort to provide a high-level of support for children in foster care, two parent homes are encouraged. The couple shall demonstrate a stable relationship. In assessing relationship stability, considerations may include major life changes such as:
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members fe.g., birth, adoption, aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in employment
Marriages and divorces shall be verified. Prospective foster parents must provide a.copy of their marriage license to verify marriage and a copy of their most recent divorce decree to verify divorce.
Single parent households are welcome particularly for those children whose need for a two parent household is not a crucial aspect of the care required. In a single parent home.'the maior life chaiiSes listed albve shall also be considered when assessing the person's ability to be an effective foster parent.
All foster parents should have a strong support system in order to assist them injheir role as foster parents and, in turn, better serve children in foster care. ApplicaillsijWith (Professional traming/such as nurses, may be desirable for children with special needs. Other adults (grandparents,aunts, etc) and children who are a part of the household shall be assessed regarding how they may be affected By the presence of a child in foster care and also the effect they themselves may have on thechildin care
A foster home may not house or admit any i oomer or boarder A roomer or boarder is:
A household member is a leSidentof the home who
Any household member who resides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the foljowmg background 'checks Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adult iVialtreatment Regi st'iJv,Wfiansas StaW Polic'eChmihal Record Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check.
In situations wJiere existing foster parents plan to divorce, a reevaiuatlon shall be conducted on the family to determine if the family still meets all other licensing standards to ensure the health and safety of the children placed in the home.
In situations where an existing single foster parent plans to marry, a reevaluation shall be conducted on the family. DCFS staff must ensure that the future spouse is interviewed to discuss his/her compliance with the "Personal Characteristics" as outlined in this publication. The intended spouse must complete and.pass all background checks. All unmarried foster parents must be advised at their approval orientation to'ribtifythe division as soon as they are aware of any plans to marry so that the application process can be initiated on the intehded spouse.
Relationship Stability:In a two-parent home, each person shall be joint applicants and each person shall actively participate in the approval process. The couple shall demonstrate a stable relationship. In assessing relationship stabilitv, considerations may include major life changes such as:
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g.. birth, adoption, aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in employment
Marriages and divorces shall be verified. Prospective foster parents must provide a copy of their marriage license to verify marriage and a copy of their most recent divorce decree to verify divorce-Single parent households are welcome particularly for those children whose need for a two-parent household is not a crucial aspect of the care required. In a single parent home, the major life chaiifees listed above shall also be considered when assessing the person's ability to be an effective foster parent.
All foster parents should have a strong support system in order to assist them ih their role as foster parents and, in turn, better serve children in foster care. Applicants with professional training, such as nurses, may be desirable for children with special needs. Other adults (grandparents, aunts, etc) Tfici children who are a part of the household shall be assessed regarding how they may be affected by the presenceof.a child in foster care and also the effect they themselves may have on the child in care.
A foster home may not house or admit any roomer or boarder. A roomer or boarder is:
A household member is a resident of the home who
Any household member who resides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks: Arkansas Child Mllti'eatment Central Registry. Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Registry. ArkansasState Police Criminal Record Check, and FBICriminal Background Check.
In situations where existing foster-parents plan to divorce, a reevaluation shall be conducted on the family to determining if the family still meets all.Other licensing standards to ensure the health and safety of the children placed inliiffe home.
In situations where an existing single'foster parent plans to marry, a reevaluation shall be conducted on the family. DCFS staff must- ensure that the future spouse is interviewed to discuss his/her compliance with the "Personal Characteristics'' as outlined in this publication. The intended spouse must complete and pass all background checks. All unmarriecl foster parents must be advised at their approval orientation to notify the division as soon as they are aware of any plans to marry so that the application process can be initiated on the intended spouse.
Maximum Capacity - Foster homes shall not have more than five unrelated children in care. The foster home may care for up to eight children if they are all related to each other. A foster home shall not have more than eight children in their home, including their own children. This includes placement or respite care. Including the foster parents' biological children, the foster home may have no more than two children under the age of two and no more than three children under the age of six. The sole exception to the above limits shall be in those instances in which the placement of a sibling group in a foster home with no other children in the home would exceed the limits.
Eight related children from the same sibling group may be placed together in the same foster home. In this instance, the total number of the foster parent's children who reside in the home will determine the number of children from one sibling group that may be placed together in the home. For example:
Foster Family Support System - The Foster Family Support System (FFSS) jnay be comprised of up to three other households identified by the foster family. FFSS members may provide care for children when the foster parent is unable to do so on the occasion of anticipated or unanticipated events. Foster parents shall exercise careful consideration when evaluating the character and competence of any household-asked to serve as an FFSS member. Foster parents may reimburse an FFSS member if they choose to do so. The Division will not relrnburse FFSS members.
Members of a Foster Family Support System may transport children and carejor children m the foster home or in the home of the FFSS member. However, an FFSS member shall not provide;care for more than 72 continuous hours at one time regardless of the location in which care is,,pr:ovided and/or rifirdless of which FFSS'member is providing care. No extensions may be granted for FFSS care of a child. The FSW shall be notified when an FFSS member will provide care for more than 24 continuous hours.'
The Foster Family Support System shall not be used in place of respite care or as an out-of-home placement. The number of children placed in an FFSS member household must meet all Minimum Licensing and DCFS Policy requirements.
Relationship Stability: In a two-parent home, each person shall be joint applicants and each person shall actively participate in the approval process. The couple shall demonstrate a stable relationship. In assessing relationship stability, considerations may include major life chanfies such as:
* Death or serious illness among family members
* Marriage, separation, divorce, or other significant changes in the couple's relationship
* Addition of household members (e.g., birth, adoption, aging relative moving in)
* Loss of or change in employment
Marriages and divorces shall be verified. Prospective foster parents must provide a copy of their marriage license to verify marriage and a copy of their most recent divorce decree to verify divorce.
Single parent households are welcome particularly for those children whose need for a two-parent household is not a crucial aspect of the care required. In a single parent home, the major life changes listed above shall also be considered when assessing the person's ability to be an effective foster parent
All foster parents should have a strong support system in order to assist them'in their role as foster parents and, in turn, better serve children in foster care. Applicants with professional training, such as nurses, may be desirable for children with special needs. Other adults (grandparents, IftfMs. etc.) and chillhen wtib ane a part of the household shall be assessed regarding how they may be affected by the presence of a child in foster care and also the effect thev themselves may have on the child in care.
A foster home may not house or admit any roomer or boarder. A roomer or boarder is;
A household member is a resident of the home who:
Any household member wiftrSsides in the home for more than 3 cumulative months in a calendar year must clear the following background checks; Arkansas Child Maltreatment Central Registry, Arkansas Adult Maltreatment Registry, Arkansas Stace Police Criminal Record Check, and FBI Criminal Background Check.
In situations where existing foster parents plan to divorce, a reevaluation shall be conducted on the family to determine if the family still meets all other licensing standards to ensure the health and safety of the children placed in the home.
Maximum Capacity - Foster homes shall not have more than five unrelated children in care. The foster home may care for up to eight children if they are all related to each other A foster home shall not have more than eight children in their home, including their own children This includes placement or respite' care. Including the foster parents' biological children, the foster home may have no more than two children under the age of two and no more than three children under the age of six The sole exception to the above limits shall be in those instances in which the placement of a sibling group in a foster horfle with no other children in the home would exceed the limits.
Eight related children from the same sibling group may be placed together in the same foster home. In this instance, the total number of the foster parentis'children who reside in the home will determine the number of children from one sibling group that may beplacecrlogether in the home For example:
Foster family Support System - The Foster Family Support System (FFSS) may be comprised of up to three other households identified by tKi foster family. FFSS members may provide care for children when the foster parent is unable to do-so 6n the occasion of anticipated or unanticipated events. Foster parents shall exercise careful consideration whenftvaluating the character and competence of any household asked to serve as an FFSS member Foster parents may reimburse an FFSS member if they choose to do so. The Division will not reimburse FFSS members.
Members of a Foster Family Support System may transport children and care for children in the foster home or in the home of the FFSS member. However, an FFSS member shall not provide care for more than 72 continuous hours at one time regardless of the location in which care is provided and/or regardless of which FFSS member is providing care. No extensions may be granted for FFSS care of a child. The FSW shall be notified when an FFSS member will provide care for more than 24 continuous hours.
The Foster Family Support System shall.not be used in place of respite care or as an out-of-home placement. The number of children placed in an FFSS member household must meet all Minimum Licensing and DCFS Policy requirements.
016.15.11 Ark. Code R. 003