* The term "facilities", as used in this Chapter, refers to the DHS Human Development Centers, Arkansas State Hospital, and Arkansas Health Center.
" It shall be a breach of ethical standards for a person to be retained, or to retain a person, to solicit or secure a State contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, except for retention of bona fide employees of bona fide established commercial selling agencies maintained by the contractor for the purpose of securing business."
* Agency Procurement Technician
* Agency Procurement Specialist
* Agency Procurement Manager
* Establishes a commitment of appropriations when the requisition is created;
* Creates a unique requisition number for each requisition;
* Allows users to suggest several potential vendors for items;
* Tracks the progress of the requisition through AASIS.
The Division Director must approve prepayments in a signed memorandum. The Purchasing Agent must attach the approval memorandum, w ith an invoice describing the purchase, cost, and the reason for prepayment, to the purchase order and submit it to Accounts Payable Unit for processing.
Agency membership may be paid when such membership is in the name of the agency and such membership is not in a community organization.
In the event the membership is in the name of an individual, or the membership is in a community organization, the Division Director must approve in writing the payment of such dues. The approval shall justify the payment, explaining how the payment for said membership is in the best interest of the State agency and necessary to carrying out the purposes of the agency. Such approval shall be included in the documentation (attached to the disbursing document) of the agency's financial records and made available for audit purposes.
The reason the goods or technical services were provided without benefit of a contract/purchase order being in place;
The amount of the charges that were incurred without a contract/purchase order being in place;
Request for approval of charges incurred in violation of procurement law.
The reason the goods or technical services were provided without benefit of a contract/purchase order being in place;
The amount of the charges that were incurred without a contract/purchase order being in place;
Confirmation, if applicable, that neither the vendor nor the agency acted fraudulently or in bad faith;
The steps taken by the division to prevent such an occurrence in the future;
Request for ratification of charges incurred in violation of procurement law.
DHS w ill only pay funeral expenses of a client or individual in the custody or care of DHS. The Division Director must review and approve in w riting each request for payment prior to issuance of a purchase order.
Upon the receipt in AASIS of incomplete requisitions or requisitions lacking proper approval, CPU shall retain the requisitions on their screens no longer than thirty days. If corrections have not been made or approvals have not been entered at the end of thirty days, Purchasing Agents may delete the requisition. Purchasing Agents shall notify the division of any requisitions they delete.
The follow ing procurement methods shall be utilized in purchasing goods and technical services:
NOTE: Purchase of commodities subject to Amendment 54 to the Arkansas Constitution (printing, stationery, and paper and ink used to produce stationery) must be procured in accordance w ith Competitive Bidding or Competitive Sealed Bidding, regardless of the amount.
Details regarding the statutory and regulatory requirements are delineated in A.C.A. § 19-11-234 and must be followed.
EXTENSIVE detail regarding the statutory and regulatory requirements is delineated in A.C.A. § 19-11-229 and must be followed.
Extensive detail regarding the statutory and regulatory requirements is delineated in A.C.A. § 19-11-230 and must be followed.
Details regarding the statutory and regulatory requirements are delineated in A.C.A. § 19-11-232 and must be followed.
Note: Approvals do not need to be given for an item that is "exempt from procurement" (EL), e.g., medical and physicians' fees. However, any purchase requires a purchase order or contract for payment unless a written request is submitted and approved by the OSP Director, on a case-by-case basis, justifying the services as a true emergency.
* "Covered entity" divisions include ALL EXCEPT the following: Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education; Division of Children and Family Services Division of Services for the Blind; Division of Volunteerism
Vendors w ill not be paid until the appropriate receipt of goods or services has been entered into AASIS.
Procurement units are responsible for consolidating requests for certain goods and services and then competitively procuring as appropriate. Repeated small procurements to circumvent the formal procurement threshold or failure to conduct procurement without justification are violations of the State Procurement Law.
NOTE: Vendor Performance Reports may also be used to report extraordinary performance by a vendor.
Note: Governmental entities and public schools are exempt from the requirement to complete a " Contract and Grant Disclosure and Certification Form".
NOTE: " Current" is defined as having been entered by the contractor w ithin three months prior to the date the Purchasing Agent checks the screen.
Prior to the utilization of a multi-year contract, it shall be determined in w riting that:
Original terms of such multi-year contracts shall terminate on the last day of the current period of legislative appropriation and any renew als by the State based upon continuing appropriation shall not exceed the next succeeding period of legislative appropriation. When funds are not appropriated or otherw ise made available to support continuation of performance in a subsequent year of a multi-year contract, the contract for such subsequent year shall be terminated and the contractor may be reimbursed for the reasonable value of any nonrecurring costs incurred but not amortized in the price of the goods or services delivered under the contract. The cost of termination may be paid from:
016.14.10 Ark. Code R. 004