Occupational, physical and speech therapy services are available to beneficiaries in the ARKids First-B program and must be performed by a qualified, Medicaid participating Occupational, Physical or Speech Therapist. A referral for an occupational, physical or speech therapy evaluation and prescribed treatment must be made by the beneficiary's PCP or attending physician if exempt from the PCP program. All therapy services for ARKids First-B beneficiaries require referrals and prescriptions be made utilizing the "Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy for Medicaid Eligible Recipients Under Age 21" form DMS-640. View or print form DMS-640.
Occupational, physical and speech therapy referrals and covered services are further defined in the Physicians and in the Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy Provider Manuals. Physicians and therapists must refer to those manuals for additional rules and regulations that apply to occupational, physical or speech therapy services for ARKids First-B beneficiaries.
Arkansas Medicaid applies the following daily therapy benefits to occupational, physical and speech therapy services in this program:
____________Section II
Developmental Day Treatment Clinic Services__________
DDTCS Program For Beneficiaries 21 Years of Age and Older
DDTCS therapy services may be provided only outside the time DDTCS core services are furnished. The following procedure codes must be used for therapy services in the DDTCS Program for Medicaid beneficiaries of all ages.
Procedure Code | Required Modifier(s) | Description |
97003 | ' ' | Evaluation for occupational therapy (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
97150 | U1,UB | Group occupational therapy by occupational therapy assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
97150 | U2 | Group occupational therapy by Occupational Therapist (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
97530 | - | Individual occupational therapy by Occupational Therapist (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97530 | UB | Individual occupational therapy by occupational therapy assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97001 | - | Evaluation for physical therapy (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
97110 | - | Individual physical therapy by Physical Therapist (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97110 | UB | Individual physical therapy by physical therapy assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97150 | " | Group physical therapy by Physical Therapist (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
97150 | UB | Group physical therapy by physical therapy assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
92521 | UA | AEvaluation of speech fluency (e.g. stuttering, cluttering) (maximum of four 30-minute units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
92522 | UA | AEvaluation of speech sound production (e.g. articulation, phonological process, apraxia, dysarthria) (maximum of four 30-minute units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
92523 | UA | ***Evaluation of speech sound production (e.g. articulation, phonological process, apraxia, dysarthria) with evaluation of language comprehension and expression (e.g. receptive and expressive language) (maximum of four 30-minute units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
92524 | UA | *Behavioral and qualitative analysis of voice and resonance (maximum of four 30-minute units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
92507 | - | Individual speech session by Speech Therapist (15-minute unit; maximum of 6units per week) |
92507 | UB | Individual speech therapy by speech language pathology assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
92508 | " | Group speech session by Speech Therapist (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
92508 | UB | Group speech therapy by speech language pathology assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
IVIedicaid description of the service. When using a procedure code with this symbol, the service must meet the indicated Arkansas IVIedicaid description.
Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services_______
Tests used must be norm-referenced, standardized, age appropriate and specific to tiie suspected area(s) of deficit. The following list of tests is not all-inclusive. When using a test that is not listed below, the provider must include an explanation and justification in the evaluation report to support the use of the chosen test. The Mental Measurement Yearbook (MMY) is the standard reference for determining the reliability and validity of the test(s) administered in an evaluation. Providers should refer to the MMY for additional information regarding specific tests. These definitions are applied to the lists of accepted tests:
* STANDARDIZED: Tests that are used to determine the presence or absence of deficits; any diagnostic tool or procedure that has a standardized administration and scoring process and compares results to an appropriate normative sample.
* SUPPLEMENTAL: Tests and tools that are not nonn-referenced, such as screeners, criterion-referenced measures, descriptive-design tools, structured probes, and clinical analysis procedures. These tools are numerous with new ones being frequently created/published. These measures are only used to further document deficits and support standardized test results. These measures do not replace the use of standardized tests. You are free to use supplemental tools of your own choosing to guide data collection, to generate in-depth, functional profiles, and/or to support standardized testing when appropriate, or as indicated in these regulations. (See Section 214.400, part D, paragraph 8.)
* CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS: Clinical observations have a supplemental role in the evaluation process and should always be included. They are especially important when standard scores do not accurately reflect a child's deficits in order to qualify the child for therapy. A detailed narrative or description of a child's limitations and how they affect functional performance may constitute the primary justification of medical necessity when a standardized evaluation is inappropriate. (See Section 214.400, part D, paragraph 8.)
Test | Abbreviation |
Adaptive Behavior Scale - School Edition | ABS-S |
Ashworth Scale | |
Box & Block Test of Manual Dexterity | BBT |
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency | BOMP |
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency - Second Edition | BOT-2 |
Children's Handwriting Evaluation Scale | CHES |
Cognitive Perfonnance Test | CPT |
DeGangi-Beri[LESS THAN] Test of Sensory Integration | TSI |
Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration | VMI |
Developmental Test of Visual Perception, Second Edition | DTVP |
Evaluation Tool of Children's Handwriting | ETCH |
Functional Independence Measure - young version | WeeFIM |
Functional Independence Measure - 7 years of age to adult | FIM |
Jacobs Prevocational Skills Assessment | |
Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills | KELS |
Miller Function and Participation Scales | M-Fun |
Milwaukee Evaluation of Daily Living Skills | MEDLS |
Motor Free Visual Perception Test | MVPT |
Motor Free Visual Perception Test - Revised | MVPT-R |
Mullen Scales of Early Learning | MSEL |
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - 2 | PDMS-2 |
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory | PEDI |
NOTE: The PEDI can also be used for older children whose functional abilities fall below that expected of a 7 1/2 year old with no disabilities. In this case, the scaled score is the most appropriate score to consider.
Purdue Pegboard Test | |
Range of Motion | ROM |
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test | SIPT |
Sensory Integration Inventory Revised | Sll-R |
Sensory Processing Measure | SPM |
Sensory Processing Measure-Preschool | SPM-P |
Sensory Profile, Adolescent/Adult | |
Sensory Profile, Infant/Toddler | |
Sensory Profile | |
Sensory Profile School Companion | |
Test of Handwriting Skills | THS |
Test of Infant Motor Performance | TIMP |
Test of Visual Motor Integration | TVMI |
Test of Visual Motor Skills | TVMS |
Test of Visual Motor Skills - R | TVMS-R |
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills | TVPS |
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills - Upper Level | TVPS |
Toddler and Infant Motor Evaluation | TIME |
Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilifies | WRAVMA |
Tests used must be norm-referenced, standardized, age appropriate and specific to the suspected area(s) of deficit. The following list of tests is not all-inclusive. When using a test that is not listed below, the provider must include an explanation and justification in the evaluation report to support the use of the chosen test. The Mental Measurement Yearbook (MMY) is the standard reference for determining the reliability and validity of the tests administered in an evaluation. Providers should refer to the MMYfor additional information regarding specific tests. These definitions are applied to the following lists of accepted tests:
STANDARDIZED: Tests that are used to determine the presence or absence of deficits; any diagnostic tool or procedure that has a standardized administration and scoring process and compares the results to an appropriate normative sample.
SUPPLEMENTAL: Tests and tools that are not norm-referenced, such as screeners, criterion-referenced measures, descriptive-design tools, structured probes, and clinical analysis procedures. These tools are numerous with new ones being frequently created/published. These measures are only used to further document deficits and support standardized test results. These measures do not replace the use of standardized tests. You are free to use supplemental tools of your own choosing to guide data collection, to generate in-depth, functional profiles, and/or to support standardized testing when appropriate, or as indicated in these regulations. (See Section 214.400, part D, paragraph 8.)
CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS: Clinical observations have a supplemental role in the evaluation process and should always be included. They are especially important when standard scores do not accurately reflect a child's deficits in order to qualify the child for therapy. A detailed narrative or description of a child's limitations and how they affect functional performance may constitute the primary justification of medical necessity when a standardized evaluation is inappropriate (See Section 214.400, part D, paragraph 8).
Test | Abbreviation |
Alberta Infant Motor Scale | AIMS |
Adaptive Behavior Inventory | ABI |
Adaptive Behavior Scale - School, Second Edition | ABS-S:2 |
Ashworth Scale | |
Assessment of Adaptive Areas | AAA |
Bruininks-Oseretsky test of Motor Proficiency | BOMP |
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition | BOT-2 |
Comprehensive Trail-Making Test | CTMT |
Functional Independence Measure for Children | WeeFIM |
Functional Independence Measure - 7 years of age to adult | FIM |
Gross Motor Function Measure | GMFM |
Movement Assessment Battery for Children | Movement ABC |
Mullen Scales of Early Learning | MSEL |
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Second Edition | PDMS-2 |
Pediatric Balance Scale | PBS |
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory | PEDI |
NOTE: The PEDI can also be used for older children whose functional abilities fall below that expected of a 7 Vz year old with no disabilities, in this case, the scaled score is the most appropriate score to consider.
Range of Motion - Functional Perfonnance Impairments | ROM |
Sensory Processing Measure | SPM |
Sensory Processing Measure-Preschool | SPM-P |
Test of Infant Motor Perfonnance | TIMP |
Test of Gross Motor Development, Second Edition | TGMD-2 |
Toddler and Infant Motor Evaluation |
Tests used must be nonn-referenced, standardized, age appropriate and specific to the disorder, or components of the disorder, being assessed. The following list of tests is not all-inclusive. When using a test that is not listed below, the provider must include an explanation and justification in the evaluation report to support the use of the chosen test. The Mental Measurement Yearbook (MMY) is the standard reference to detemiine the reliability and validity of the test(s) administered in the evaluation. Providers should refer to the MMY for additional information regarding specific tests. These definitions are applied to the following lists of accepted tests:
* STANDARDIZED: Tests that are used to detemiine the presence or absence of deficits; any diagnostic tool or procedure that has a standardized administration and scoring process and compares results to an appropriate nonnative sample.
* SUPPLEMENTAL: Tests and tools that are not nomri-referenced, such as screeners, criterion-referenced measures, descriptive-design tools, structured probes, and clinical analysis procedures. These tools are numerous with new ones being frequently created/published. These measures are only used to further document deficits and support standardized test results. These measures do not replace the use of standardized tests. You are free to use supplemental tools of your own choosing to guide data collection, to generate in-depth, functional profiles, and/or to support standardized testing when appropriate, or as indicated in these regulations. (See Section 214.400, part D, paragraph 8.)
* CLINICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: Specific analysis methods used for in-depth examination of clinical data obtained during assessment and used to further document deficits and support standardized results. Clinical analysis procedures may not replace standardized tests. Exception: Procedures from this list may be used to analyze data collected and assist in generating an in-depth, functional profile. (See Section 214.400, part D, paragraph 8.)
* CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS: Clinical obsen/ations have an important role in the evaluation process and should always be included. They are especially important when standard scores do not accurately reflect a child's deficits in order to qualify the child for therapy. A detailed narrative or description of the child's communication behaviors (in-depth, functional profile) may constitute the primary justification of medical necessity. (See Section 241.200, part D, paragraph 8.)
Mild: Scores between 84-78; -1.0 standard deviation Moderate: Scores between 77-71; -1.5 standard deviations Severe: Scores between 70-64; -2.0 standard deviations
Profound: Scores of 63 or lower; -2.0+ standard deviations
Test | Abbreviation |
Assessment of Language-Related Functional Activities | ALFA |
Assessment of Literacy and Language | ALL |
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function | BRIEF |
Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome for Children | BADS-C |
Brief Test of Head Injury | BTHI |
Children's Communication Checklist [Diagnostic for pragmatics] | CCC |
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Preschool | CELF-P |
Clinical Evaluation of Language, Fifth Edition | CELF-5 |
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Metalinguistics | CELF-5 |
Communication Abilities Diagnostic Test | CADeT |
Communication Activities of Daily Living, Second Edition | CADL-2 |
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language | CASL |
Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test, Second Edition | CREVT-2 |
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing | CTOPP-2 |
Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation - Norm-Referenced | DELV-NR |
Emerging Literacy and Language Assessment | ELLA |
Expressive Language Test | ELT-2 |
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 4000 Edition | EOWPVT-4 |
Fullerton Language Test for Adolescents, Second Edition | FLTA |
Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory Discrimination | GFWTAD |
HELP Test-Elementary | HELP |
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, Third Edition | ITPA-3 |
Language Processing Test, Third Edition | LPT-3 |
Listening Comprehension Test Adolescent | LCT-A |
Listening Comprehension Test, Second Edition | LCT-2 |
Montgomery Assessment of Vocabulary Acquisition | MAVA |
Mullen Scales of Early Learning | MSEL |
Oral and Written Language Scales | OWLS II |
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition | PPVT-4 |
Phonological Awareness Test, Second Edition | PAT-2 |
Preschool Language Scale, Fourth Edition | PLS-4 |
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition | ROWPVT-4 |
Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test, Tfiircl Edition | REEL-3 |
Ross Information Processing Assessment, Second Edition | RIPA-2 |
Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic Brain Injury | SCATBI |
Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation, Preschool Edition | SCBE |
Social Emotional Assessment/Evaluation | SEAM |
Social Language Development Test-Adolescent | SLDT-A |
Social Language Development Test-Elementary | SLDT-E |
Social Responsiveness Scale | SRS |
Social Skills Rating System - Preschool & Elementary Level | SSRS-PE |
Social Skills Rating System - Secondary Level | SSRS-S |
Strong Mandative Assessment Procedure | SNAP |
Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test | SPELT-3 |
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language, Fourth Edition | TOAL-4 |
Test of Adolescent /Adult Word Finding | TAWF |
Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language, Fourth Edition | TACL-4 |
Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills - Revised | TAPS-R |
Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills, Third Edition | TAPS-3 |
Test of Auditory Reasoning and Processing Skills | TARPS |
Test of Early Communication and Emerging Language | TECEL |
Test of Early Language Development, Third Edition | TELD-3 |
Test of Expressive Language | TEXL |
Test of Language Development - Intemiediate, Fourth Edition | TOLD-l:4 |
Test of Language Development - Primary, Fourth Edition | TOLD-P:4 |
Test of Narrative Language | TNL |
Test of Phonological Awareness | TOPA-2 |
Test of Pragmatic Language, Second Edition | TOPL-2 |
Test of Problem Solving- Adolescent | TOPS-2 |
Test of Problem Solving - Revised Elementary | TOPS-3 |
Test of Reading Comprehension, Third Edition | TORC-2 |
Test of Semantic Skills: Intermediate | TOSS-I |
Test of Semantic Skills: Primary | TOSS-P |
Test of Word Finding, Third Edition | TWF-3 |
Test of Word Finding in Disclosure | TWFD |
Test of Word Knowledge | TOWK |
Test of Written Language, Fourth Edition | TWL-4 |
The Listening Test | |
Wepman's Auditory Discrimination Test, Second Edition | ADT |
Word Test - 2 Adolescent | WT2A |
Word Test - 3 Elementary | WT3E |
Test | Abbreviation |
Mean Length of Utterance | MLU |
Type Token Ratio | TTR |
Developmental Sentence Score | DSS |
Stmctural analysis (Brown's stages) | |
Semantic analysis | |
Discourse analysis |
Test | Abbreviation |
Apraxia Battery for Adults, Second Edition | ABA-2 |
Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale, Third Edition | Arizona-3 |
Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech | AIDS |
Bernthal-Bankson Test of Phonology | BBTOP |
Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology, Second Edition | CAAP-2 |
Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology, U.S. Edition | DEAP |
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, Third Edition | GFTA-3 |
Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns - Third Edition | HAPP-3 |
Kaufman Speech Praxis Test | KSPT |
Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis | KLPA-3 |
Photo Articulation Test, Third Edition | PAT-3 |
Slosson Articulation Language Test with Phonology | SALT-P |
Smit-Hand Articulation and Phonology Evaluation | SHAPE |
Structured Photographic Articulation Test II Featuring Dudsberry | SPAT-D II |
Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and Adults | SSI-3 |
Test for Childhood Stuttering | TOCS |
Weiss Comprehensive Articulation Test | WCAT |
Arkansas Medicaid applies the following therapy benefits to all therapy services in this program:
The following occupational, physical and speech-language pathology procedure codes are payable for therapy services indicated. Refer to Section IV - Glossary - for definitions of "group" and "individual" as they relate to therapy sessions.
Procedure Code | Required Modifiers | Description |
97003 | Evaluation for Occupational Therapy (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) | |
97530 | - | Individual Occupational Therapy (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97150 | U2 | Group Occupational Therapy (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
97530 | UB | Individual Occupational Therapy by Occupational Therapy Assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97150 | UB, U1 | Group Occupational Therapy by Occupational Therapy Assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
Procedure Code | Required Modifier | Description |
97001 | Evaluation for Physical Therapy (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) | |
97110 | - | Individual Physical Therapy (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97150 | Group Physical Therapy (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) | |
97110 | UB | Individual Physical Therapy by Physical Therapy Assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
97150 | UB | Group Physical Therapy by Physical Therapy Assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group) |
***(...) This symbol, along with text in parentheses, indicates the Arkansas Medicaid description of the product. When using a procedure code with this symbol, the product must meet the indicated Arkansas Medicaid description.
Procedure Code | Required IVIodlfier | Description |
92507 | - | Individual Speech Session (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
92508 | Group Speech Session (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units perweel[LESS THAN], maximum of 4 clients per group) | |
92507 | UB | Individual Speech Therapy by Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units per week) |
92508 | UB | Group Speech Therapy by Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (15-minute unit; maximum of 6 units perweel[LESS THAN], maximum of 4 clients per group) |
92521 | UA | ***(Evaluation of speech fluency (e.g. stuttering, cluttering) (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
92522 | UA | ***(Evaluation of speech sound production (e.g., articulation, phonological process, apraxia, dysarthria) (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
92523 | UA | #*(Evaluation of speech production (e.g., articulation, phonological process, apraxia, dysarthria) with evaluation of language comprehension and expression (e.g., receptive and expressive language) (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
92524 | UA | ***Behavioral and qualitative analysis of voice and resonance (30-minute unit; maximum of 4 units per state fiscal year, July 1 through June 30) |
Child Health Management Services______
The following treatment procedures are payable for services included in the child's treatment plan. Prior authorization is required for all CHMS treatment procedures. See Section 240.000 of this manual for prior authorization requirements. See Glossary - Section IV - for definitions of "individual" and "group" as they relate to therapy services.
Procedure Codes | |||
90847 90849 | 97762* | 99211 | 99212 |
99213 99214 | 99215 |
*Effective for dates of service on and after March 1, 2006, procedure code 97703 was made non-payable and was replaced with procedure code 97762.
Procedure Code | Required Modifier(s) | Description |
T1024 | Brief Consultation, on site - A direct service contact by a CHMS professional on-site with a patient for the purpose of: obtaining the full range of needed services; monitoring and supervising the patient's functioning; establishing support for the patient and gathering infonnation relevant to the patient's individual treatment plan. | |
T1024 | U1 | Collateral Services, on site - Face-to-face contact on-site by a CHMS professional with other professionals, caregivers or other parties on behalf of an identified patient to obtain or provide relevant information necessary to the patient's assessment, evaluation or treatment. |
90846 | U4 | Family therapy, on-site, for therapy as part of the treatment plan, without the patient present (1 unit = 15 minutes) |
90847 | U4 | Family therapy, on site, for therapy as part of the treatment plan, with the patient present (1 unit = 15 minutes) |
99367 | UA | Treatment Plan - Plan of treatment developed by CHMS professionals and the patient's caregiver(s). Plan must include short- and long-term goals and objectives and include appropriate activities to meet those goals and objectives (1 unit = 15 minutes). |
H2011 | Crisis Management Visit, on site - An unscheduled/ unplanned direct service contact on site with the identified patient for the purpose of preventing physical injury, inappropriate behavior or placement in a more restrictive service delivery system (1 unit = 15 minutes) | |
S9470 | Nutrition Counseling/Consultation - Conference with parent/guardian and/or PCP to provide results of evaluation, discuss medical nutrition therapy plan and goals of treatment and education. May provide detailed menus for home use and information on sources of special nutrition products (1 unit = 30 minutes) | |
90832 | U9 | *(Individual psychotherapy, insight-oriented, behavior-modifying and/or supportive, in an office or outpatient facility, approximately 20 to 30 minutes, face-to-face with the patient) |
90834 | U9 | *(Individual psychotherapy, insight-oriented, behavior-modifying and/or supportive, in an office or outpatient facility, approximately 45 to 50 minutes, face-to-face with the patient) |
90837 | U9 | *(Individual psychotherapy, insight-oriented, behavior-modifying and/or supportive, in an office or outpatient facility, approximately 75 to 80 minutes, face-to-face with the patient) |
90853 | - | Group Psychotherapy/counseling (1 unit = 5 minutes) |
92507 | - | Individual Speech Session by Speech-Language Pathology Therapist (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week |
92507 | UB | Individual Speech Therapy by Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week |
92508 | - | Group Speech Session by Speech-Language Pathology Therapist (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group |
92508 | UB | Group Speech Therapy by Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group |
97110 | - | Individual Physical Therapy by Physical Therapist (1 unit = 15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week |
97110 | UB | Individual Physical Therapy by Physical Therapy Assistant (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week |
97150 | " | Group Physical Therapy by Physical Therapist (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group |
97150 | U2 | Group Occupational Therapy by Occupational Therapist (1 unit = 15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group |
97150 | UI.UB | Group Occupational Therapy by Occupational Therapy Assistant (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group |
97150 | UB | Group Physical Therapy by Physical Therapy Assistant (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week, maximum of 4 clients per group |
97530 | - | Individual Occupational Therapy by Occupational Therapist (1 unit = 15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week |
97530 | UB | Individual Occupational Therapy by Occupational Therapy Assistant (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 6 units per week |
97530 U1 | Developmental Motor Activity Services -Hndividualized activities provided by, or under the direction of, an Early Childhood Developmental Specialist to improve general motor sl[LESS THAN]ills by increasing coordination, strength and/or range of motion. Activities will be directed toward accomplishment of a motor goal identified in the patient's individualized treatment plan as authorized by the responsible CHMS physician (1 unit = 15 minutes) | |
97532 - | Cognitive Development Services - Individualized activities to increase the patient's intellectual development and competency. Activities will be those appropriate to carry out the treatment plan for the patient as authorized by the responsible CHMS physician. Cognitive Development Services will be provided by or under the direction of an Early Childhood Developmental Specialist. Activities will address goals of cognitive and communication skills development: (1 unit = 15 minutes). | |
97535 UB | Self Care and Social/Emotional Developmental Services - Individualized activities provided by or under the direction of an Early Childhood Developmental Specialist to increase the patient's self-care skills and/or ability to interact with peers or adults in a daily life setting/situation. Activities will be those appropriate to carry out the treatment plan for the patient as authorized by the responsible CHMS physician. (1 unit= 15 minutes). | |
97803 - | Nutrition follow-up: Reassess recent nutrition history, new anthropometer and laboratory data to evaluate progress toward meeting medical nutritional goals. May include a conference with parent or other CHMS professional (1 unit = 15 minutes). |
Medicaid will reimburse up to six (6) occupational, physical and speech therapy units (1 unit = 15 minutes) weekly, per discipline, without authorization. Additional daily therapy units will require an extended therapy request for beneficiaries under age 21.
Please refer to the Occupational, Physical, Speech Therapy Services Manual for further instructions regarding prior authorization protocol.
Refer to Section 202.000 of this manual for Ari[LESS THAN]ansas Medicaid Participation Requirements for Providers of Comprehensive Health Assessments for Foster Children.
The following procedure codes are to be used for the mandatory comprehensive health assessments of children entering the Foster Care Program. These procedures do not require prior authorization.
***(...)This symbol, along with text in parentheses, indicates the Ari[LESS THAN]ansas Medicaid description of the service. When using a procedure code with this symbol, the service must meet the indicated Arkansas Medicaid description.
Procedure Code | Required Modifier(s) | Description | hhhhuhkhhho |
T1016 | Informing (1 unit = 15 minutes), maximum of 4 units | ||
T1023 | Staffing (1 unit =15 minutes), maximum of 4 units | ||
T1025 | Developmental Testing | ||
90791 | U1. | U9 | Diagnostic Interview, includes evaluation and reports (1 unit = 15 minutes), maximum of 8 units |
92521 | U1. | UA | ***(Evaluation of speech fluency (e.g., stuttering, cluttering) (1 unit =15 minutes; maximum of 4 units) |
92522 | U1, | UA | ***(Evaluation of speech sound production (e.g., articulation, phonological process, apraxia, dysarthia) (1 unit = 15 minutes; maximum of 4 units) |
92523 | U1, | UA | ***( Evaluation of speech production (e.g., articulation, phonological process, apraxia, dysarthia) with evaluation of language comprehension and expression (e.g. receptive and expressive language) (1 unit = 15 minutes; maximum of 4 units) |
92524 | U1. | UA | *%(Behavioral and qualitative analysis of voice and resonance) (1 unit = 15 minutes; maximum of 4 units) |
92551 | U1 | Audio Screen | |
92567 | U1 | Tympanometry | |
92587** | U1 | Evoked otoacoustic emissions; limited (single stimulus level, either transient or distortion products) | |
95961 | UA | Cortical Function Testing | |
96101* | U1, | UA | Psychological Testing, 2 or more (1 unit = 15 minutes), maximum of 8 units |
96101* | UA | Interpretation (1 unit = 15 minutes), maximum of 8 units | |
99173 | Visual Screen | ||
99205 99215 | U1 U1 | High Complex medical exam |
'Effective for dates of service on and after March 1, 2006, procedure code 96100 was made non-payable and was replaced with procedure code 96101.
**Effective for dates of service on and after January 1, 2007, procedure code 92587 is payable.
The current Arkansas State Plan may be viewed at the following link: https://www.medicaid.state.ar.us/General/units/ppd.aspx
State Plan Amendment pages (SPAs) included in this packet are proposed changes to the Arkansas State Plan until they receive final approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Interested parties are encouraged to visit the included link for the most up-to-date information available.
016.06.16 Ark. Code R. 027