Summary for Living Choices Assisted Living (LCAL) 1915(c) HCBS Waiver Slot Increase
The Living Choices Assisted Living (LCAL) 1915(c) Home and Community Based Services waiver is administered by the Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Services. A.C.A. § 20-10-1704 requires the Living Choices Assisted Living waiver to serve a minimum of one thousand (1,000) persons. To comply with A.C.A § 20-10-1704, the number of unduplicated participants served in the Living Choices Assisted Living waiver will be increased from eight hundred (800) to one thousand (1,000) effective June 15, 2012.
Appendix J: Cost Neutrality Demonstration
J-1: Composite Overview and Demonstration of Cost-Neutrality Formula
Composite Overview. Complete the fields in Cols. 3, 5 and 6 in the following table for each waiver year. The fields in Cols. 4, 7 and 8 are auto-calculated based on entries in Cols 3, 5, and 6. The fields in Col. 2 are auto-calculated using the Factor D data from the J-2d Estimate of Factor D tables. Col. 2 fields will be populated ONLY when the Estimate of Factor D tables in J-2d have been completed.
Leve l(s) of Care: Nursing Facility
Col. 1 | Col. 2 | Col. 3 | Col. 4 | Col. 5 | Col. 6 | Col. 7 | Col. 8 |
Year | Factor D | Factor D' | Total: D+D' | Factor G | Factor G' | Total: G+G' | Difference (Col 7 less Column4) |
1 | 16115.99 | 1775,41 | 17891.40 | .i4399,0S | 3113,82 | 37512.90 | 19621.50 |
2 | 16571.21 | 1847,49 | 18418.70 | 35795,6X | 3240,24 | 39035.92 | 20617.22 |
3 | 17068.65 | 1922,50 | 18991.15 | .17248,99 | 3371,79 | 40620.78 | 21629.63 |
4 | 17580.00 | 2()(K),55 | 19580.55 | .18761..30 | 3508.69 | 42269.99 | 22689.44 |
5 | 18107.92 | 2081.77 | 20189.69 | 40.335.00 | 3651.14 | 43986.14 | 23796.45 |
J-2: Derivation of Estimates (1 of 9)
Table: J-2-a: Unduplicated Participants
Wai v e r Ye ar | Total Number Unduplicated Number of Participants (from Item B-3-a) | Distribution of Unduplicated Participants by Level of Care (if applicable) |
Level of Care: | ||
Nursing Facility | ||
Ye a r 1 | 800 | 800 |
Ye a r 2 | 1000 | 1000 |
Ye a r 3 | 1000 | looo |
Ye a r 4 | 1000 | 1000 |
Ye a r 5 | 1000 | 1000 |
The average length of stay on the waiver is estimated to be 240 days. This average was calculated as days of eligibility from the MMIS segments, using the! Medicaid DSS (BusinessObjects). These numbers were determined by reporting the total days of waiver service (based on service eiigibility days within |
Factor D is derived from current reporting of expenditures from the Medicaid DSS (BusinessObjects) and consideration of previous waiver estimates of utilization and growth rates.
ii. Factor D' Derivation. The estimates of Factor D' for each waiver year are included in Item J-1. The basis of these estimates is as follows:
Factor D' was computed based on what was done in prior years. Using the market basket forecasts and the related DDS report of all waiver eligible recipients annual expenditures were extracted from the decision support system (DSS) component of the MMIS. Note; Costs indicated for State iii. Factor G Derivation. The estimates of Factor G for each waiver year are included in Item J-1. The basis of these estimates is as follows:
Factor G is computed based on the average annual expenditures for nursing home recipients that were extracted from the decision support system (DSS) component of the MMIS. Using the average annual expenditures for nursing home recipients and the market basket forecasts for the next 5 iv. Factor G' Derivation. The estimates of Factor G' for each waiver year are included in Item J-1. The basis of these estimates is as follows:
Factor G' was derived using the same methodology as in prior years It was computed based on the average annual expenditures for nursing home recipients that were extracted from the decision support system (DSS) component of the MMIS. Using the average annual expenditures for nursing
Compo ne nt manage me nt f or waive r s e rv ic e s . If the service(s) below includes two or more discrete services that are reimbursed separately, or is a bundled service, each component of the service must be listed. Select "manage components" to add these components.
Waiver Services |
Extended Medicaid State Plan Prescription Drugs |
Living Choices Assisted Living Services |
Pharmacist Consultant Services |
Wa iv e r Ye a r: Ye a r 1
Waiver Service/ Component | Unit | # Users | Avg. Units Per User | Avg. Cost/ Unit | Component Cost | Total Cost |
Exte nde d Me dicaid State Plan Pre scription Drugs Total: | 257697.00 | |||||
Extended Medicaid State Plan Prescription Drugs | 1 Month 1 | 100 | 9.00 | 286.33 | 257697.00 | |
Living Choices Assisted Living Services To t al: | 12527918.30 | |||||
Tie r Le ve l 1 | 1 Day | 2661 | 230.00 | 62.98 | 3853116.40 | |
Tie r Le ve l 2 | |l Day | 241 | 230.00 | 1 67.06' | 3717135.80 | |
Tie r Le ve l 3 | I Day | 216' | 230.00 | 72.76 | 3614716.80 | |
Tie r Le ve l 4 | |lDay | 77 | 230.00 | 75.83 | 1342949.30 | |
Pharmacist Consultant Services Total: | 107180.00 | |||||
Pharmacist Consultant Services | |lDay 1 | 100 | 230,00 | 4,66 | 107180.00 | |
GRAND TOTAL: | 12892795.30 | |||||
Total Estimated Unduplicated Participants: | 800 | |||||
Factor D (Divide total by number of participants): | 16115.99 | |||||
Average Length of Stay on the Waiver: | 240 |
Wa iv e r Ye a r: Ye a r 2
Waiver Service/ Component | Unit | # Users | Avg. Units Per User | Avg. Cost/ Unit | Component Cost | Total Cost |
Exte nde d Me dicaid State Plan Pre scription Drugs Total: | 331785.00 | |||||
Extended Medicaid State Plan Prescription Drugs | 1 Month | ' 125 | 9.00 | 294.92 | 331785.00 | |
Living Choices Assisted Living Services To t al: | 16129023.70 | |||||
Tie r Le ve l 1 | 1 Day 1 | 333 | 230.00 | 64.87 | 4968393.30 | |
Tie r Le ve l 2 | IDay | 301 | 230.00 | 69 .OS | 4782408.40 | |
Tie r Le ve l 3 | IDay | 270 | 230.00 | 74.94 | 4653774.00 | |
Tie r Le ve l 4 | I Day | 96 | 230.00 | 78.10 | 1724448.00 | |
GRAND TOTAL: | 16571208.70 | |||||
Total Estimated Unduplicated Participants: | 1000 | |||||
Factor D (Divide total by number of participants): | 16571.21 | |||||
Average Length of Stay on the Waiver: | 240 |
Waiver Service/ Component | Unit | # Users | Avg. Units Per User | Avg. Cost/ Unit | Component Cost | Total Cost |
Pharmacist Consultant Services Total: | 110400.00 | |||||
Pharmacist Consultant Services | 1 n.iy 1 | 1001 | 230.00 | [ 4. SO | 110400.00 | |
GRAND TOTAL: | 16571208.70 | |||||
Total Estimated Unduplicated Participants: | 1000 | |||||
Factor D (Divide total by number of participants): | 16571.21 | |||||
Average Length of Stay on the Waiver: |
Wa iv e r Ye a r: Ye a r 3
Waiver Service/ Component | Unit | # Users | Avg. Units Per User | Avg. Cost/ Unit | Component Cost | Total Cost |
Exte nde d Me dicaid State Plan Pre scription Drugs Total: | 341741.25 | |||||
Extended Medicaid State Plan Prescription Drugs | 1 kfonth | 125 | 9.00 | 303.77 | 341741.25 | |
Living Choices Assisted Living Services To t al: | 16613293.30 | |||||
Tie r Le ve l 1 | IDay | 333 | 230.00 | 66.82 | 5117743.80 | |
Tie r Le ve l 2 | 1 Day | 301 | 230.00 | 71.15 | 4925714.50 | |
Tie r Le ve l 3 | 1 Day | 270 | 230.00' | 77.19 | 4793499.00 | |
Tie r Le ve l 4 | 1 Day 1 | 96 | 230.001 | 80.45 | 1776336.00 | |
Pharmacist Consultant Services Total: | 113620.00 | |||||
Pharmacist Consultant Services | ; ixn | 100 | 230.00 | 4.94 | 113620.00 | |
GRAND TOTAL: | 17068654.55 | |||||
Total Estimated Unduplicated Participants: | 1000 | |||||
Factor D (Divide total by number of participants): | 17068.65 | |||||
Average Length of Stay on the Waiver: | 240 |
Service/Component items. Select Save and Calculate to automatically calculate and populate the Component Costs and Total Costs fields. All fields in this table must be completed in order to populate the Factor D fields in the J-1 Composite Overview table.
Wa iv e r Ye a r: Ye a r 4
Waiver Service/ Component | Unit | # Users | Avg. Units Per User | Avg. Cost/ Unit | Component Cost | Total Cost |
Exte nde d Me dicaid State Plan Pre scription Drugs Total: | 351990.00 | |||||
Extended Medicaid State Plan Prescription Drugs | 1 Month _] | 125 | 9.001 | 312.881 | 351990.00 | |
Living Choices Assisted Living Services To t al: | 17111218.00 | |||||
Tie r Le ve l 1 | 1 D.iy 1 | 3331 | 230.00 | 68.82 | 5270923.80 | |
Tie r Le ve l 2 | IDay | 301 | 1 230.00, | 73.28' | 5073174.40 | |
Tie r Le ve l 3 | IDay | 270 | 230.00 | 79.51 | 4937571.00 | |
Tie r Le ve l 4 | IDsy | 96' | 230.00 | 82.86 | 1829548.80 | |
Pharmacist Consultant Services Total: | 117070.00 | |||||
Pharmacist Consultant Services | 1 n.iy | 100 | 230.00 | 5.09 | 117070.00 | |
GRAND TOTAL: | 17580278.00 | |||||
Total Estimated Unduplicated Participants: | 1000 | |||||
Factor D (Divide total by number of participants): | 17580.00 | |||||
Average Length of Stay on the Waiver: | 240 |
Wa iv e r Ye a r: Ye a r 5
Waiver Service/ Component | Unit | # Users | Avg. Units Per User | Avg. Cost/ Unit | Component Cost | Total Cost |
Exte nde d Me dicaid State Plan Pre scription Drugs Total: | 362553.75 | |||||
Extended Medicaid State Plan Prescription Drugs | ' 1 Month | 1 125 | 9.00 | [ 322.27] | 362553.75 | |
Living Choices Assisted Living Services To t al: | 17624842.50 | |||||
Tie r Le ve l 1 | |lDay | 333, | 230.00' | 70.89 | 5429465.10 | |
GRAND TOTAL: | 18107916.25 | |||||
Total Estimated Unduplicated Participants: | 1000 | |||||
Factor D (Divide total by number of participants): | 18107.92 | |||||
Average Length of Stay on the Waiver: | 240| |
Waiver Service/ Component | Unit | # Users | Avg. Units Per User | Avg. Cost/ Unit | Component Cost | Total Cost |
Tie r Le ve l 2 | IDay 1 | 301 | 230.00 | 1 75.481 | 5225480.40 | |
Tie r Le ve l 3 | ' 1 Day | 270 | 230.00 | 81.89 | 5085369.00 | |
Tie r Le ve l 4 | I Day 1 | 96 | 230.00 | 85.35 | 1884528.00 | |
Pharmacist Consultant Services Total: | 120520.00 | |||||
Pharmacist Consultant Services | 1 Day | 100 | 230.00 | 5.24 | 120520.00 | |
GRAND TOTAL: | 18107916.25 | |||||
Total Estimated Unduplicated Participants: | 1000 | |||||
Factor D (Divide total by number of participants): | 18107.92 | |||||
Average Length of Stay on the Waiver: |
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