016.06.09 Ark. Code R. 011

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 016.06.09-011 - State Plan Amendment #2008-018; Nurse Practitioner Update #77 and Section V - Provider Application Form (DMS-652)

The Arkansas Medicaid Program enrolls registered nurse practitioners or advanced practice nurses for participation in the Nurse Practitioner Program. To participate in the Arl[LESS THAN]ansas Medicaid Program, providers must adhere to all applicable professional standards of care and conduct and meet all enrollment requirements listed below.

A. The provider must be licensed by the state authority in the state in which sen/ices are furnished.
B. The provider must complete a provider application (form DMS-652), a Medicaid contract (fonn DMS-653) and a Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Form W-9). View or print a provider application (form DMS-652). Medicaid contract (form DMS-653) and Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Gertification (Form W-9).
C. The following documents must be submitted with the provider application and Medicaid contract:
1. A copy of all certifications and licenses verifying compliance with enrollment criteria for the specialty to be practiced. (See section 201.300 of this manual.)
2. Providers have the option of enrolling in tiie Title XVlll (Medicare) Program. If enrolled in Title XVlll, the provider must iflfoiirn the Medicaid Provider Enrollment Unit of iis|qt;|he| Medicare number. Out-of-state providers must submit a copy of their Title XVlll (Medicare) certification.
3. jPjnoyldere who have prescriptive authority must furnish documentation of their prescriptive authority certification. Any changes in prescriptive authority must be immediately reported to Arl[LESS THAN]ansas Medicaid.
4. Certifications and licenses received subsequent to enrollment must be submitted to the Arkansas Medicaid Program within 30 days of issue. If the renewal documents have not been received within this 30-day period, the provider will have an additional and final 30 days to comply.
D. Enrollment as a Medicaid provider is conditioned upon approval of a completed provider applicatibh and the execution of a Medicaid Provider Agreement.
E. Persons and entities that are excluded or debarred under any state or federal law, regulation, or rule, are not eligible to enroll, or to remain enrolled, as Medicaid providers.
201.100 Group Providers 5-1-09

When a provider is a membei- of a group and payment is to go to the group, the individual provider and the group must both enroll according to the requirements below.

A. The individual provider must enroll following the participation requirements established in Section 201.000.
B The group must complete a provider application and a Medicaid contract as an Arkansas Medicaid provider of services and must be approved by the Arkansas Medicaid Program.

All group providers are "pay to"providers only. The Medicaid service must be provided by a certifiecl and enrolled registered nurse practitioner or advahced practice nurse within the group.

201.200 Providers in Arkansas and Bordering States 5-1-09

Providers in Arkansas and the six bordering states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas) that satisfy Arkansas Medicaid participation requirements may be enrolled as routine services providers.

Routine services providers may furnish and claim reimbursement for services covered by Arkansas Medicaid, subject to benefit limitations and coverage restrictions set forth in this manual.

201.210 Prpyiders in Non-Bordering States 5-1-09
A. Providers in states not brodering Arkansas may enroll as closed-end providers after they have furnished services to an Arkansas Medicaid beneficiary and have a claim to file with Arkansas Medicaid. View or print JPrbviderEnroiiment Unit Contact information.

* A rion-bprdering state:;|irovider may down the provider itianual and provider application matenalsfrorh the Arkansas Medicaid websites,

www.medicaid.state.ar.us/internetSolution/Prbvideri'Provider.aspx. arid then submit the application and claim to the Medicaid Provider Enrollment Unit.

B. Closed-end providers remain enrolled for one year.
1. If a closed-end provider treats another Arkansas Medicaid beneficiary during the year of enrollment and bills Medicaid, the enrollment may continue for one year past the newer claim's last date of service, if the provider keeps the enrollment file current.
2. During the enrollment period the provider may file any subsequent claims directly to the Arkansas Medicaid Fiscal Agent.
3. Closed-end providers are strongly encouraged to submit claims through the Arkansas Medicaid website because the front-end processing of web-based claims ensures prompt adjudication and facilitates reimbursement.
201.300 Gertificatiqn for Register 5-1-09


The registered nurses practitibnerrnust be certified as g registerjed nurse practitioner by the state in which services are furnished.

Advanced practice nurses must hold certification from a nationally rgcpgnized certifying body approved tiy the state in which services are furnished. Certification inUst be in the category and the specialty for which the advanced practice nurse is educationally prepared.




As a condition for entering Into or renewing a provider agreement, all applicants must complete this provider i application. A true, accurate and complete disclosure of all requested information is required by the Federal and State Regulations that govern the Medical Assistance Program. Failure of an applicant to submit the requested information or the submission of inaccurate or incomplete information may result in refusal by the Medical Assistance program to enter into, renew or continue a provider agreement with the applicant. Furthermore, the applicant is required by Federal and State Regulations to update the information submitted on the Provider Application.

Whenever changes in this information occur, please submit the change in writing to:

Medicaid Provider Enrollment Unit


P.O. Box 8105

Little Rock, AR 72203-8105

All dates, except where otherwise specified, should be written in the month/day/year (MMDDYY) format. Please print all information.

This information is divided into sections. The following describes which sections are to be completed by the applicant:

Section 1

All providers

Section II

Facilities Only

Section III Section IV

Pharmacists/Registered Respiratory Therapist Only Provider Group Affiliations

Electronic Fund Transfer

All Providers (optional)

Managed Care Agreement -

Primary Care Physician

W-9 Tax Form

All Providers


All Providers

Ownership and Conviction


All Providers

Disclosure of Significant

Business Transactions

All Providers

Click here to view image




5.a. Physicians' services, whether furnished in the office, the beneficiary's home, a hospital, a skilled nursing facility, or elsewhere
(1) Physicians' services in a physician's office, patient's home or nursing home are limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for beneficiaries age 21 and older.
(a) Benefit Limit Details

The benefit limit will be considered in conjunction with the benefit limit established for rural health clinic services, medical services furnished by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist, certified nurse midwife services and advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner services or a combination of the six. Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit.

(b) Extensions

For physicians' services, medical services provided by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist, certified nurse midwife services or rural health clinic core services beyond tlie 12 visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary.

(i) The following diagnoses are considered to be categorically medically necessary and are exempt from benefit extension requirements: Malignant neoplasm; HIV infection and renal failure.
(ii) Additionally, physicians' visits for pregnancy in the outpatient hospital are exempt from benefit extension requirements.
(2) Each attending physician/dentist is limited to billing one day of care for inpatient hospital covered days regardless of the number of hospital visits rendered.
(3) Surgical procedures which are generally considered to be elective require prior authorization from the Utilization Review Section.
(4) Desensitization injections - Refer to Attachment 3.1-A, Item 4.b. (12).
(5) Organ transplants are covered as described in Attachment 3.1 -E.
6. Medical care and any other type of remedial care recognized under State law, furnished by licensed practitioners within the scope of their practice as defined by State law.
b. Optometrists' Services
(2) One eye exam every twelve (12) months for eligible recipients under 21 years of age in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program. Extensions of the benefit limit will be provided if medically necessary for recipients in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program.
(3) Office medical services provided by an optometrist are limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July \ through June 30) for beneficiaries age 21 and over. The benefit limit will be in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, rural health clinic services, certified nurse midwife services and advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the six. For services beyond the twelve (12) visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries in the Child Healtli Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.
c. Chiropractors' Services
(1) Services are limited to 1 icensed chiropractors meeting minimum standards promulgated by the Secretary of HHS under Title XVIII.
(2) Services are limited to treatment by means of manual manipulation of the spine which the chiropractor is legally authorized by the State to perform.
(3) Effective for da:tes of service on or after July 1, 1996, chiropractic services will be limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for eligible Medicaid recipients age 21 and older. Services provided to recipients under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited. Chiropractic services require a referral by the recipient's primary care physician (PCP).

Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Registered Nurse Practitioners

Office medical services provided by an advanced nurse practitioner and registered nurse practitioner are limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for beneficiaries age 21 and over. The benefit limit will be in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, rural health clinic services, certified nurse midwife services and advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the six. For services beyond the twelve (12) visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

17. Nurse-Midwife Services

Any person possessing the qualifications for a registered nurse in the State of Arkansas who is also certified as a nurse-midwife by the American College of Nurse-Mid wives, upon application and payment of the requisite fees to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing, be qualified for licensure as a certified nurse-midwife. A certified nurse-midwife meeting the requirements of Arkansas Act 409 of 1995 is authorized to practice nurse-midwifery.

Services provided by a certified nurse midwife are limited to twelve (12) visits a year for beneficiaries age 21 and older. This yearly limit is based on the State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30). The benefit limit will be considered in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, rural health clinic services, office medical services furnished by an optometrist and advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the six. For services beyond the twelve visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) program are not benefit limited.



4.c. Family Planning Services
(1) Comprehensive family planning services are limited to an original examination and up to three follow-up visits annually. This limit is based on the state fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).
5.a. Physicians' services, whether furnished in the office, the recipient's home, a hospital, a skilled nursing facility, or elsewhere
(1) Physicians' services in a physician's office, patient's home or nursing home are limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for recipients age 21 and older.
(a) Benefit Limit Details

The benefit limit will be considered in conjunction with the benefit limit established for rural health clinic services, medical services furnished by a dentist, office medical services furnished by an optometrist, certified nurse midwife services and services provided by an advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the siX; Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit.

(b) Extensions

For services beyond the 12 visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary.

(i) The following diagnoses are considered to be categorically medically necessary and are exempt from benefit extension requirements: Malignant neoplasm; HIV infection and renal failure.
(ii) Additionally, physicians' visits for pregnancy in the outpatient hospital are exempt from benefit extension requirements.

Each attending physician/dentist is limited to billing one day of care for inpatient hospital covered days regardless of the number of hospital visits rendered.

5.b. Medical and surgical services furnished by a dentist (in accordance with Section 1905 (a)(5)(B) of the Act).

The benefit limit will be considered in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, rural health clinic services, office medical services furnished by an optometrist, certified nurse midwife services and services provided by an advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the six. For services beyond the 12 visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Recipients under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

Surgical services furnished by a dentist are not benefit limited.

6. Medical care and any other type of remedial care recognized under State law, furnished by licensed practitioners within the scope of their practice as defined by State law.
b. Optometrists' Services
(2) One eye exam every twelve (12) months for eligible recipients under 21 years of age in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program. Extensions of the benefit limit will be provided if medically necessary for recipients in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program.
(3) Office medical services provided by an optometrist are limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for beneficiaries age 21 and over. The benefit limit will be in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, rural health clinic services, certified nurse midwife and services provided by an advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the six. For services beyond the twelve (12) visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.
c. Chiropractors' Services
(1) Services are limited to licensed chiropractors meeting minimum standards promulgated by the Secretary of HHS under Title XVm.
(2) Services are limited to treatment by means of manual manipulation of the spine which the chiropractor is legally authorized by the State to perform.
(3) Effective for dates of service on or after July 1,1996, chiropractic services will be limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July I through June 30) for eligible Medicaid recipients age 21 and older. Services provided to recipients under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited. Chiropractic services require areferral by the recipient's primary care physician (PCP).

Advanced Nurse Practitioners and Registered Nurse Practitioners

Office medical services provided by an advanced nurse practitioner and registered nurse practitioner are limited to twelve (12) visits per State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30) for beneficiaries age 21 and over. The benefit limit will be in conjunction with the benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, rural health clinic services, certified nurse midwife services and advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the six. For services beyond the twelve (12) visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) Program are not benefit limited.

17. Nurse-Midwife Services

Any person possessing the qualifications for a registered nurse in the State of Arkansas who is also certified as a nurse-midwife by the American College of Nurse-Midwives, upon application and payment of the requisite fees to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing, be qualified for licensure as a certified nurse-midwife. A certified nurse-midwife meeting the requirements of Arkansas Act 409 of 1995 is authorized to practice nurse-midwifery.

Services provided by a certified nurse midwife are limited to twelve (12) visits a year for beneficiaries age 21 and older. This yearly limit is based on the State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30). The benefit limit will be considered in conjunction with tlie benefit limit established for physicians' services, medical services furnished by a dentist, rural health clinic services, office medical services furnished by an optometrist and services provided by an advanced practice nurse or registered nurse practitioner or a combination of the six. For services beyond the twelve visit limit, extensions will be provided if medically necessary. Certain services, specified in the appropriate provider manual, are not counted toward the 12 visit limit. Beneficiaries under age 21 in the Child Health Services (EPSDT) program are not benefit limited.




6.d. Other Practitioner's Services
(5) Psychologist Services

Refer to Attachment 4.19-B, Item 4.b. (17).

(a) Additional Reimbursement for Psychologists Services Associated with DAMS - Refer to Attachment 4.19-B, item 5.
(6) Obstetric-Gynecologic and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Services

Reimbursement is the lower of the amount billed or the Title XIX maximum allowable.

The Title XIX maximum is based on 80% of the physician fee schedule except EPSDT procedure codes. Medicaid maximum allowables are the same for all EPSDT providers. Immunizations and Rhogam RhoD Immune Globulin are reimbursed at the same rate as the physician rate since the cost and administration of the drug does not vary between the nurse practitioner and physician.

Refer to Attachment 4.19-B, Item 27, for a list of the advanced practice nurse and registered nurse practitioner.

Except as otherwise noted in tlie plan, state developed fee schedule rates are the same for both governmental and private providers of services provided by Advanced Practice Nurse. The agency's fee schedule rate was set as of April 1,2004 and is effective for services provided on or after that date. AH rates are published on the agency's website® vrww.niedicaid.state.ar.us.

(7) Advanced Practice Nurses Services Associated with DAMS - For additional reimbursement refer to Attachment 4.19-B, item 5.
(8) Licensed Clinical Social Workers' Services Associated with DAMS - For additional reimbursement refer to Attachment 4.19-B, item 5.
(9) Physicians' Assistant Services Associated with DAMS - For additional reimbursement refer to Attachment 4.19-B, item 5.

]hfoihe Health Services

Intermittent or part-time nursing services furnished by a home health agency or a registered nurse when no home health agency exists in the area;

Home health aide services provided by a home health agency; and

Physical therapy

Reimbursement is based on the lesser of the amount billed or the Title XIX (Medicaid) maximum charge allowed. State developed fee schedule rates are the same for both public and private providers of home health services.

. The initial computation (effective July 1, 1994) or the Medicaid maximum for home health reimbursement was calculated using audited 1990 Medicare cost reports for three high volume

Medicaid providers, Medical Personnel Pool, Arkansas Home Health, W. M. and the Visiting Nurses Association. For each provider, the cost per visit for each home health service listed above in items 7.a., b. and c. was established by dividing total allowable costs by total visits. This figure was then

27.Advanced Practice Nurse and Registered Nurse Practitioner licensed as such by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing.

Reimbursement is based on the lower of the amount billed or the Title XIX maximum allowable.

The Title XIX maximum is 80% of the physician fee schedule except EPSDT procedure codes. Medicaid maximum allowables are the same for all EPSDT providers. Immunizations and Rhogam RhoD Immune Globulin are reimbursed at the same rate as the physician rate since the cost and administration of the drug does not vary between the advanced practice nurse and physician.

Except as othenvise noted in the plan, state developed fee schedule rates are the same for both governmental and private providers of services provided by Advanced Practice Nurse. The agency's fee schedule rate was set as of April 1,2004 and is effective for services provided on or after that date. AH rates are published on the agency's website® www.medicaid.state.ar.us.

016.06.09 Ark. Code R. 011
