014.08.16 Ark. Code R. 001

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 014.08.16-001
Reg. 9.101Title

This regulation shall be known by and may be cited by the short title "Regulation No. 9: Fees."

Reg. 9.102Purpose

It is the purpose of this regulation to develop and implement a system of fees for permits issued by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to the provisions of the Water and Air Pollution Control Act (Act 472 of 1949, as amended, Ark. Code Ann. § 8-4-101et seq) or the Solid Waste Management Act (Act 237 of 1971, as amended, Ark. Code Ann. § 8-6-201et seq). Act 817 of 1983, as amended, Act 1254 of 1993, as amended, and Act 1052 of 1999 (Ark. Code Ann. § 8-1-101et seq) authorize the collection and enforcement of these fees and authorize their use to defray the costs of operating the Department.

It is also the purpose of this regulation to assess reasonable fees to establish and to administer the State Environmental Laboratory Certification Program Act (Act 876 of 1985, as amended, Ark. Code Ann. § 8-2-201et seq)

Reg. 9.103Applicability

Permit fees established by this regulation shall be applicable to all water permits, including no-discharge and closed system permits, issued under the provisions of the Water and Air Pollution Control Act, as amended, all air permits issued under the Water and Air Pollution Control Act, as amended, or any federal water or air permit program where permitting authority has been delegated to the Department (unless fees for such a program are otherwise provided by law), and all solid waste disposal permits issued under the provisions of the Solid Waste Management Act, as amended, and the Solid Waste Management Code. Facilities operating under the provisions of the "Permits by Rule" or "Authorization by Rule" are exempt from this regulation until such time that the facility submits an application for an individual permit within each applicable permit category.

Laboratory certification fees established by this regulation shall be applicable to all laboratories certified by the Department. The fees include, but are not limited to, the reasonable costs of administering the provisions of the program and the reasonable administrative costs of initial issuance, initial certificate, renewed certificates, and the expenses associated with conducting evaluations.

Reg. 9.104Severability

If any provision of this Regulation or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, its invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Regulation that can be given effect without the invalid portion or application, and to this end the provisions of this Regulation are declared to be severable.


All terms used in this regulation shall have their usual meaning unless the context otherwise requires, or unless specifically defined in the enabling legislation or in federal regulations adopted by reference for program management. In addition, for purposes of this regulation, the following definitions apply:

"Administrative Permit Amendment" means a minor change or permit revision that is not typically considered a permit modification, as defined by applicable statutes or regulations, or a minor modification that does not require public notice and opportunity for comment. For example, typographical corrections or revisions, or other changes initiated by the Department, might be considered administrative permit amendments. Some minor changes requested by the permittee may also qualify as administrative permit amendments. For purposes of Chapter 5, administrative permit amendments are defined in Regulations 18, 19, and 26. The Director, in his or her discretion, may decide whether a revision would be considered an administrative amendment. No fee will be charged for administrative permit amendments.

"Annual Fee" means the fee required to be submitted upon the facility-specific annual invoice date for a permit issued pursuant to the Water and Air Pollution Control Act, as amended, or the Solid Waste Management Act, as amended.

"Category" means one type of laboratory test or group of laboratory tests for similar materials or classes of materials or that use similar methods or related methods.

"Certificate" means the annual document showing those parameters for which a laboratory has received certification. The annual period begins at receipt of fee payments or at the expiration of a current certificate.

"Commission" means the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission.

"Confined Animal Operation" means any lot or facility where livestock or fowl have been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained, and where crops, vegetation, forage growth, or post-harvest residues are not sustained in the normal growing season over any significant portion of the lot or facility.

"Department" means the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) or its successor.

"Director" means the Director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality or his or her designated representative.

"Discretionary Major Facility" means an industrial facility discharging wastewater under the terms of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit that does not meet the numerical rating criteria as an NPDES non-municipal major facility, but is designated as a major permittee by the Department or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Such facilities are assigned a Major Rating Code (MRAT) greater than 500.

"EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

"Evaluation" means a review of the quality control and quality assurance procedures, records keeping, reporting procedures, methodology, and analytical techniques of a laboratory for measuring or establishing specific parameters.

"Facility" means an activity or operation within a specific geographical location including property contiguous thereto. A facility may consist of several manufacturing, treatment, storage, or disposal operational units. For purposes of this permit fee regulation, a facility shall be considered to be all property, facilities, or operations owned, leased, or operated by a single entity, whether a municipal, county, or state government, corporation, partnership, or proprietorship in the same geographical area, forming an integral part of the same activity or operation, whether or not such activity lies within the boundaries of the city or county. For purposes of permit fee assessment only, such property, facilities, or operations shall be considered as a single facility if they are regulated by a common state or federal permit within each permit category, or in the future such consolidation of multiple permits can be realized within the scope of applicable permitting regulations, and the facilities or operations are under the supervision of a single plant manager/superintendent.

"Initial Fee" means the fee that is required by law to be submitted with all applications for permits issued pursuant to the Water and Air Pollution Control Act, as amended, and the Solid Waste Management Act, as amended, and that must be received by the Department before a permit is issued.

"Issue Date" means the date the Department signed the permit.

"Laboratory" means any facility that performs analyses to determine the chemical, physical, or biological properties of air, water, solid waste, hazardous waste, wastewater, soil or subsoil materials, or any other analyses related to environmental quality evaluations.

"Major Municipal Facility" means a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) with a design flow or daily average flow of 1.0 million gallons per day (mgd) or greater, or a POTW designated as a major facility by the Department or EPA.

"Modification Fee" means that fee required by law to be submitted for modification of any existing or future permit required by the Water and Air Pollution Control Act, as amended, or the Solid Waste Management Act, as amended, such modification being either at the request of the permittee or as required by law or regulation. The fee may vary if the permit modification or renewal is considered to be a minor or major modification, as defined in applicable statutes or regulations, or otherwise determined by the Director.

"Non-Municipal Major Facility" means a facility subject to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) whose status is determined following completion of an NPDES Permit Rating Worksheet (current version) in which points are allocated on the basis of toxic pollutant potential, permitted flow or the ratio of wastewater to stream flow volume, conventional pollutants mass loadings, public health impacts (including proximity to drinking water supplies and potential for human health toxicity), and water quality factors. Additional points can be assessed for certain steam electric power plants or for separate storm sewers serving a population greater than 100,000. The total points accumulated is known as the Major Rating Code or MRAT, which is the numeric total of ranking points assigned to non-municipal facilities and used to delineate them as a major or minor facility. Currently, a facility with an MRAT of eighty (80) points or more is designated as a "non-municipal major" facility. Additionally, EPA or the Department may designate an NPDES permittee as a "discretionary major" facility. Once an MRAT for a major facility is calculated and approved by EPA, the Department may recommend increases or decreases to an MRAT, but only EPA is authorized to change an individual permittee's MRAT or designation as a "major" facility.

"Non-Part 70 Permit" means an air permit that is issued pursuant to a regulation other than Part 70 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 C.F.R. § Part 70).

"Parameter" means the characteristic or characteristics of a laboratory sample determined by an analytic laboratory testing procedure.

"Part 70 Permit" means an air permit that is issued pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § Part 70.

"Program" means the Arkansas State Environmental Laboratory Certification Program.

"Q" or "Quantity" means the permitted flow expressed in million gallons per day (mgd), as used in formulas for calculating Water Permit Fees under Chapter 4.

"Renewal Permit" means a permit issued to a facility upon expiration of an existing permit. A modification fee may be assessed, depending upon whether the renewal is considered to be a minor or major modification, as defined in applicable statutes or regulations, or otherwise determined by the Director.

Reg. 9.301Permit Fee Payment
(A) Fee Calculation

The applicant may calculate the initial permit application fee or permit modification fee and include it with the permit application, or the applicant may request that the Department calculate the fee after reviewing the application and forward an invoice to the applicant for payment.

(B) Fee Payment

Applicable permit fees shall be paid by check or money order payable to the Department for deposit in the State Treasury. The permit shall not be issued until the fee is received by the Department.

(C) Annual Fee Payment

Annual fees shall be due forty-five (45) days after the first day of the month that the Permittee is billed for the required annual fee. Failure to receive this bill does not relieve the Permittee from liability for the annual fee, but late charges shall not be assessed until forty-five (45) days after the Permittee has been notified that the annual fee is due. The Director may waive annual fees or a portion thereof for new facilities that are not in operation unless the waiver is otherwise prohibited by State or Federal law.

(D) Failure to Pay Annual Fees

A permitted facility failing or refusing to pay the annual fee in a timely manner shall be subject to a late payment charge as established in these regulations. Continued failure or refusal to pay the required fees after a reasonable notice shall constitute grounds for legal action by the Department that may result in revocation of the permit. When payment of fees is made by check that is subsequently returned due to insufficient funds, all review work on the particular application shall immediately cease until the fee is paid in cash or by money order.

(E) First Annual Fee Payment

The annual fee shall be assessed upon the facility-specific annual invoice date. The Department shall credit the first annual fee, on a prorated basis, if the initial fee for the permit was assessed within 12 months of the first annual fee for the permit. The Department may credit the annual fee, on a prorated basis, if a modification fee for the permit was assessed within 12 months of the annual fee for the permit.

(F) Annual Fee Late Payment Charge

A late payment charge shall be assessed to facilities failing to pay the annual fee within forty-five (45) days of the billing date, and shall be assessed at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the annual fee.


Reg. 9.302Refunds

Except for pre-site investigation fees and interim authority or variance application fees as described in Chapters 6 and 7, up to forty percent (40%) of a fee submitted pursuant to this regulation is refundable if the request for the permit action for which the fee was submitted is withdrawn by the applicant before the final permit decision. The Director has the discretion to retain as much of the above-cited forty percent (40%) as he or she determines is necessary to cover the reasonable administrative and technical review costs incurred in the review process.


WATER PERMIT FEES. The permit fee schedule in Reg. 9.401 - 9-406 applies to the affected water permit programs in the state of Arkansas.

Reg. 9.401Maximum Water Permit Fees

The following maximum fees for water permits, including construction permits and initial, annual, renewal and modified permits, shall apply to each permit issued by the Department. Actual permit fees shall be calculated and assessed in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(A) Construction Permits

Construction permits issued pursuant to the Water and Air Pollution Control Act, as amended, for construction, alteration, or modification, or any combination thereof, of a treatment system shall not exceed $500 per permit.

(B) NPDES and UIC Program Permits

Permits issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Programs.

(1) Initial and Annual.....................................................


(2) Modification of Permit

(a) Major Modification..........................................


(b) Minor Modification*.........................................


NOTE: *Minor modifications for NPDES and UIC permits are restricted to those as defined in 40 C.F.R. §§ 122.63 and 144.41, respectively.

(C) Non-NPDES "No-Discharge" Permits........................................


(D) Short Term Activity Authorizations

Fees for Short Term Activity Authorizations under the provisions of Regulation No. 2: Water Quality Standards shall not exceed $200.

Reg. 9.402General Provisions
(A) Construction Permits

All applicants for construction permits required by Ark. Code Ann. § 8-4-217(b) shall be assessed a fee that shall not exceed $500 for each permit or modification thereto, except that liquid animal waste management systems shall be assessed a fee of $200 for each permit or modification thereto. Construction permit fees shall be in addition to any water permit fees required in Reg. 9.403, Reg. 9.404, and Reg. 9.405 below.

(B) Permit Fees

Permit fees (initial, annual, or modification) shall be required for each water permit, as described below.

(C) Inactive Status Fees

The owner or operator of a hog farm that has been issued a permit under Regulation No. 5, Liquid Animal Waste Management Systems, shall not pay an annual fee if the permit is placed on inactive status by the Department. An NPDES or non-NPDES permit may be placed on inactive status if the owner's or operator's contract with the integrator has been terminated by the integrator. To obtain inactive status, the owner or operator must submit a written request to the Department seeking inactive status and provide the Department with a copy of the integrator's letter terminating the contract. The Department shall notify the owner or operator that the permit has been placed on inactive status. The owner or operator shall not pay an annual fee during the time the permit is on inactive status. A permit that is placed on inactive status may remain on inactive status for a maximum of two (2) years following the date of contract termination. The owner or operator must comply with all permit conditions in order for the permit to remain on inactive status. Failure to comply with permit condition may result in the possible repayment of the annual fees, in addition to any assessed penalties. If the permit has not been reactivated at the end of the two (2) year period, the owner or operator must file a closure plan with the Department. The owner or operator must reactivate the permit if the owner or operator begins operating the hog farm and shall notify the Department within thirty (30) days after the owner or operator begins operating the hog farm that the permit is being reactivated.

Reg. 9.403Fees for Permits Issued Under the National Pollutant Discharge

Elimination System (NPDES) Permits.

(A) Non-Municipal Major Facilities
(1) All facilities classified as Non-Municipal Major Facilities, as defined in Chapter 2, with a Major/Minor Permit Rating (MRAT) equal to or greater than 100, except for Discretionary Major Facilities [see Reg. 9.403(A)(2)], are subject to fees as follows:

(a) Initial Fee..................................................


(b) Annual Fee.................................................


(c) Modification Fee

(i) Major...............................................


(ii) Minor*.............................................


(2) Non-Municipal Major Facilities with MRAT less than 100 and Discretionary Major Facilities are subject to fees as follows:

(a) Initial Fee.....................................................


(b) Annual Fee...................................................


(c) Modification Fee

(i) Major................................................


(ii) Minor*...............................................


(B) Major Municipal Facilities

All Major Municipal Facilities, as defined in Chapter 2, are subject to fees as follows:

(1) Initial and annual fees shall be calculated as follows:

Fee = $5,000 + (900 X (Q-l))

(2) Modification Fee

(a) Maj or........................................................


(b) Minor*.......................................................


(C) Minor Municipal and Minor Non-Municipal Domestic Facilities
(1) Facilities without toxics, priority pollutants, or hazardous substances, as defined in 40 C.F.R. § 122, Appendix D, Tables II, III, and V, or Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) limits, limited in the permit:
(a) Initial and annual fees shall be calculated as follows:

Fee = $200 + (5600 X Q) with Maximum Fee = $5,800

(b) Modification Fee

(i) Major.................................................


(ii) Minor*................................................


(2) Facilities with toxics, priority pollutants or hazardous substances, as defined in 40 C.F.R. § 122, Appendix D, Tables II, III and V, or Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) limits, limited in the permit:
(a) Initial and annual fees shall be calculated as follows:

Fee = $200 + (21500 X Q) with Maximum Fee = $15,000

(b) Modification Fee

(i) Major................................................


(ii) Minor*...............................................


(3) Facilities with toxic pollutants based solely on a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), limited in the permit:
(a) Initial and annual fees shall be calculated as follows:

Fee = $200 + (5600 X Q) with Maximum Fee = $5,800

(b) Modification Fee

(i) Major.................................................


(ii) Minor*...............................................


(D) Non-Municipal Minor Facilities Non-Municipal Minor Facilities with MRAT less than 80 are subject to fees as follows:
(a) Initial and annual fees shall be calculated as follows:

Fee = $200 + 5600 X Q

with Maximum Fee = $10,000

(b) Modification Fee

(i) Major..............................................................


(ii) Minor..............................................................


(E) Non-contact cooling water (including discharges from power plants not subject to fees described in Reg. 9.403(A) above) and non-contaminated storm water discharges:
(1) Initial and annual fees shall be calculated as follows:

Fee = $200 + (700 X Q) with Maximum Fee = $10,000

(2) Modification Fee

(a) Major................................................


(b) Minor*...............................................


(F) Aquatic animal production facilities (fish hatcheries, etc.) with flow-through systems shall be subject to the following fees:

(1) Initial and Annual Fees......................................


(2) Modification

(a) Maj or..................................................


(b) Minor*................................................

. $ 500

(G) Variable Discharge (i.e., storm water and land clearing not addressed in Reg. 9.403(C), aggregate facilities, mining, etc.)

(1) Initial and Annual............................................

$ 300

(2) Modification (Major and Minor)...........................

$ 300

NOTE: *Minor modifications to NPDES permits are restricted to those defined in 40 C.F.R. § 122.63

Reg. 9.404General Permits
(A) In lieu of the fee schedules described above, and except as provided in Reg. 9.404(B) below, permittees authorized to discharge wastewater under a Water Division general permit issued by the Department shall be subject to an initial fee and an annual fee as described below. The initial fee shall be remitted with the Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under the applicable general permit. Until a Notice of Termination (NOT) is submitted to and approved by the Department, the Permittee shall be billed annually thereafter by the Department on the anniversary date of coverage. When general permits are revised, an additional initial fee is not required to be submitted if the currently permitted facility has maintained coverage under the existing general permit.

General Permit Number & Name

ARG160000 (Sanitary Landfill Runoff)


ARG550000 (Individual Treatment Unit)


ARG640000 (Water Plant Backwash Filters)


ARG670000 (Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing)


ARG750000 (Car/Truck Wash Facilities)


ARG790000 (Ground Water Clean-up)


ARR000000 (Storm Water - Mfg)


ARR150000 (Storm Water- Construction)


ARR040000 (Storm Water - MS4 Phase II)


ARG500000 (Aggregate Facilities)


00000-WG-LA (Land Application of Drilling Fluids)


0000-WG-CW (Carwash)


0000-WG-WR (Wastewater Treatment Plant Residuals)


0000-WG-SW (Salt Water Disposal)


0000-WG-AW (Confined Animal)


(B) Homeowners covered under general permit ARG550000 (Individual Treatment Units) are exempt from fees required herein.
(C) Miscellaneous general permits not specifically mentioned above that are issued by the Water Division shall be subject to an initial fee not to exceed $500 and an annual fee not to exceed $500.
Reg. 9.405Fees for Non-NPDES Permits.

(A) Salt Water Disposal

(1) Initial Fee................................................................


(2) Annual Fee...............................................................


(3) Modification Fee *.......................................................


(B) Confined Animal and Small Commercial Septic Tank Systems (<5000 day (gpd))

gallons per

(1) Initial Fee................................................................


(2) Annual Fee...............................................................


(3) Modification Fee.........................................................


(C) Commercial or industrial (non-agricultural, non-UIC, commercial i systems) (> 5000 gallons per day (gpd))

septic tank

(1) Initial Fee................................................................


(2) Annual Fee..............................................................


(3) Modification Fee *......................................................


(D) Industrial sludge application (i.e. food processing, reserve pit, hatchei etc.)

*y systems,

(1) Initial Fee................................................................

.. $500

(2) Annual Fee...............................................................

.. $500

(3) Modification Fee *......................................................


(E) Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) Non-NPDES with Land i of Wastewater


(1) Initial Fee..................................................................


(2) Annual Fee................................................................


(3) Modification Fee *......................................................


NOTE: ""Defined as a ten percent (10%) or greater change in application or storage volumes or a change in the method of application or disposal

Reg. 9.406Fees for Underground Injection Control (UIC) Permits (Injection well

classifications are defined in 40 C.F.R. § 144.6.)

(A) Class I, III and IV

(1) Initial Fee....................................................................:

(2) Annual Fee...................................................................

(3) Modification Fee*

(a) Major.................................................................

(b) Minor*...............................................................

$15,000 $15,000

$10,000 $1,000

NOTE: *Minor modifications are limited to those actions defined in 40 C.F.R. § 144.41.

(B) Class V

(1) Initial Fee...................................................................


(2) Annual Fee..................................................................


(3) Modification Fee..........................................................


Reg. 9.407Nonmunicipal Domestic Sewage Treatment Works Trust Fund

Contribution Fee.

(A) A Nonmunicipal Domestic Sewage Treatment Work is required to pay a trust fund contribution fee for the Nonmunicipal Domestic Sewage Treatment Works Trust Fund.
(B) The trust fund contribution fee shall be assessed in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 8-4-203(b).
Reg. 9.408Administrative Permit Amendments

There shall be no fee charged for minor water permit modifications involving only administrative amendments or revisions to a permit. For purposes of this Chapter, minor modifications are restricted to those defined in 40 C.F.R. § 122.63 or 40 C.F.R. § 144.41. The Director, in his or her discretion, may decide whether a minor modification is considered to be an administrative amendment.



Reg. 9.501Applicability

The air permit fees contained in this section are applicable to (1) non-part 70 permits, (2) part 70 permits, and (3) general permits.

Reg. 9.502Terms Used in Fee Formulas
(A) $/ton factor is $16/ton until September, 1994, after which time it shall be increased annually by the percentage, if any, by which the federal Consumer Price Index exceeds that of the previous year. The Director may, after considering the factors contained in Reg. 9.901 of this regulation, decide not to increase the $/ton factor in a year when the fee fund has a balance greater than 150% of the amount of money expended from that fund in the previous year.
(B)tons/year predominant air contaminant is the permitted emission rate of the most predominant air contaminant (other than carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane). The maximum value shall be no greater than 4,000 tons/year per facility.
(C)tons/year chargeable emissions is the sum of the permitted emission rates of all air contaminants (other than carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane). The maximum value per air contaminant shall not exceed 4,000 tons/year per facility.
Reg. 9.503Initial Fees

Initial fees shall be assessed according to the following formulas:

(A) Non-part 70 permits

initial fee = $/ton factor x tons/year predominant air contaminant

Provided, however, no initial fee shall be less than $500 except for general permits issued to Non-part 70 sources.

(B) Part 70 permits
(1) Permits issued to part 70 sources already holding an active air permit not issued pursuant to Department Regulation #26:

initial fee = [$/ton factor x tons/year chargeable emissions]

- amount of last annual air permit fee invoice

Provided, however, that no initial fee shall be less than $1,000.

(2) Permits issued to part 70 sources that do not hold an active air permit:

initial fee = $/ton factor x tons/year chargeable emissions

Provided, however, that no initial fee shall be less than the $/ton factor x 100.

Reg. 9.504Annual Fees

Annual fees shall be assessed according to the following formulas:

(A) Non-part 70 permits

annual fee = $/ton factor x tons/year predominant air contaminant

Provided, however, that no annual fee shall be charged for a permit in which the tons/year predominant air contaminant is less than 10 tons/year.

(B) Part 70 permits

annual fee = $/ton factor x tons/year chargeable emissions

Provided, however, that no annual fee shall be less than the $/ton factor x 100.

Reg. 9.505Modification Fees

Modification and renewal fees for air permits shall be assessed according to the following formulas:

(A) Non-part 70 permits

modification fee = $/ton factor x tons/year net emissions increase of predominant air contaminant

However, no modification fee shall be less than $400, or more than the $/ton factor x 4,000.

(B) Part 70 permits
(1) For each non-minor permit modification or each renewal permit involving a non-minor permit modification:

fee = $/ton factor x tons/year net emission increase of chargeable emissions

However, no fee shall be less than $1,000 or more than the $/ton factor x 4,000.

(2) $500 for each minor permit modification or each renewal permit involving only a minor permit modification.
Reg. 9.506Administrative Permit Amendments and Renewal Permits

There shall be no fee charged for administrative permit amendments or renewal permits not involving a permit modification, as such are defined in Regulation 26: Arkansas Operating Air Permit Program, Regulation 19: State Implementation Plan for Air Pollution Control, or Regulation 18: Arkansas Air Pollution Control Code, as applicable.

Reg. 9.507General Permits
(A) In lieu of the fees schedules above, and except as provided in Reg. 9.507(B) below, sources that qualify for a General Air Permit issued pursuant to APC&EC Regulations 18, 19, or 26 shall be subject to an Initial Fee and Annual Fee as described below:
(1) The Initial Fee of $200.00 shall be remitted with the Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under the applicable General Permit.
(2) Until a Notice of Termination (NOT) is submitted and approved by the Department, the Permittee shall be billed $200.00 annually thereafter on the anniversary date of coverage.
(3) When general permits are revised, no additional initial fee shall be required to be submitted if the currently permitted facility has maintained coverage under the existing general permit.
(B) The following General Permit holders shall not be assessed or billed an Annual Fee:
(1) Non-part 70 General Permits in which the tons/year predominant air contaminant is less than 10 tons per year.
Reg. 9.508Permit Fees for Certain Small Businesses Subject to Part 70 Permitting


(A) For purposes of this section, the term "small business stationary source" means a stationary source that:
(1) Is owned or operated by a person that employs 100 or fewer individuals
(2) Is a small business concern as defined in the federal Small Business Act (www.sba.gov):
(3) Is not a major stationary source;
(4) Is permitted to emit less than 50 tons per year of any regulated pollutant; and
(5) Is permitted to emit less than 75 tons per year of all regulated pollutants.
(B) Upon written request, the Director may reduce the Part 70 initial, Part 70 annual, or Part 70 modification fee for a small business stationary source if the source demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that they do not have the financial resources to pay the fee as calculated.
(C) When reducing permit fees in accordance with Reg. 9.508(B), the Director shall calculate the fee as if the source is a non-Part 70 source.


Reg. 9.601Maximum Amount of Solid Waste Permit Fee Collections

In accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 8-1-103, the total amount of fees for solid waste management facility permits shall be calculated to generate revenues in any fiscal year not to exceed 4.25 times the total amount collected from Class 1 and Class 3 landfills in fiscal year 1992-93, provided that the total fee revenues cannot exceed one and one-quarter (1.25) times the total amount collected from solid waste permit fees in fiscal year 1994-95. Further, if the amount of permit fees levied on or received from permit holders exceed the amount specified above in a fiscal year, the over-collections may be retained by the Department to be used to reduce permit fees in subsequent years by relative amounts.

Reg. 9.602Fee Categories

Separate fees for the Initial fees (Pre-Application and Application), Annual Fees, Modification Fees, Permit Transfer Fees, and Post Closure Fees will be assessed for each applicable permit category. For purposes of assessing fees, permit categories include the following types of solid waste management facilities: Class 1, Class 3C (Commercial), Class 3N (Non-Commercial), Class 3T (Tire), and Class 4 Landfills; Transfer Stations, Composting Facilities and Solid Waste Material Recovery Facilities; provided, however, fees for a Solid Waste Material Recovery Facility will not be assessed where limited recycling and material recovery activities occur at a Transfer Station site. Solid waste management facilities, subject to the permit fees as set forth in this regulation, are further defined and regulated under Regulation No. 22: Solid Waste Management.

Reg. 9.603Initial Fees

Due to the unique requirements for a preliminary site survey (pre-site), which may include a geotechnical site review, of a proposed solid waste management facility prior to the submission of a permit application, the initial fee for solid waste permits is composed of two parts, i.e., (A) the pre-application fee, and (B) the application fee. The pre-application fee will help to recover the costs of the preliminary engineering site survey conducted by the various regulating agencies in association with this Department. This pre-site fee shall be nonrefundable and shall be paid prior to conducting the pre-site investigation. Upon a finding of site suitability based on the pre-site investigation, or at the owner's risk if the site is judged to be unsuitable and the owner continues to seek a permit for the site, the initial fee shall be paid as specified in Chapter 3. These fees are applicable to all types of facilities permitted under the Solid Waste Management Act, as amended, and any regulations promulgated thereto.

(A) Pre-Application Fees

(1) Class 1, Class 3C, Class 3N, Class 3T...............................................


(2) Class 4................................................................................................


(B) Application Fees

(1) Class 1, Class 3C..............................................................................


(2) Class 3N, Class 3T...........................................................................


(3) Class 4..............................................................................................


(4) Transfer Stations, Composting, Material Recovery Facilities.........


Reg. 9.604Annual Fees

Annual Fees are payable in accordance with Chapter 3 and are assessed for each calendar year that the solid waste management facility is in operation. For all solid waste management facilities, subject to fees named herein, annual fees are assessed each calendar year until the solid waste management facility stops receiving waste and the Department places the facility in post-closure status under Regulation No. 22: Solid Waste Management. No partial year refund of annual fees will be made.

(A) Class 1............................................................................................................


(B) Class 3C.........................................................................................................


(C) Class 3N, Class 3T.........................................................................................


(D) Class 4............................................................................................................


(E) Transfer Stations, Composting, Material Recovery Facilities.......................


Reg. 9.605Modification Fees

(A) Class 1 Major Modification............................................................................


(B) Class 1 Minor Modification............................................................................


(C) Class 3C, Class 3N, Class 3T..........................................................................


(D) Class 4.............................................................................................................


(E) Transfer Stations, Composting, Material Recovery Facilities........................


Reg. 9.606Permit Transfer Fees

(A) Class 1, Class 3C, Class 3N, Class 3T, Class 4.............................................


(B) Transfer Stations, Composting, Material Recovery Facilities.......................


Reg. 9.607Post Closure Fees

Post Closure Fees are assessed annually throughout the post closure period for each permit category subject to post closure monitoring.

Class 1, Class 3C, Class 3N, Class 3T, Class 4.........................................................................


Reg. 9.608Administrative Permit Amendments

For purposes of this Chapter, there shall be no fee charged for minor permit modifications involving only administrative permit amendments or corrections.

Reg. 9.609General Permits
(A) In lieu of the fees schedules above in Reg. 9.603 through Reg. 9.606, solid waste management facility permit applicants that qualify for a General Solid Waste Permit shall be subject to an Initial Fee, an Annual Fee, a Modification Fee and a Permit Transfer Fee as described below:
(1) An Initial Fee of $900.00 shall be remitted with the Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under the applicable solid waste General Permit.
(2) Until the Permittee notifies the Department to terminate its solid waste General Permit and the permit is voided, the Permittee shall be billed an Annual Fee of $450.00 annually thereafter on the anniversary date of coverage.
(3) An application for the modification of an existing solid waste General Permit shall be accompanied by a $450.00 permit Modification Fee.
(4) An application for the transfer of an existing solid waste General Permit shall be accompanied by a $450.00 permit Transfer Fee.
(5) When solid waste General Permits are revised, no additional initial fee will be required to be submitted if the currently permitted facility has maintained coverage under the existing General Permit.
Reg. 9.701Processing Fee

In accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 8-4-230(a)(3), as amended, there may be an initial processing fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) assessed for all requests for variances from the requirements of any permit issued by the Department or any interim authority request to construct or operate during the permit application review and issuance process. The fee shall not be required for a request for an extension of any existing variance or interim authority.

Reg. 9.702Fees Non-Refundable

If a variance or interim authority request is denied, the processing fee is non-refundable.

Reg. 9.801Laboratory Certification Fees

All laboratory certificates previously issued under Regulation Number 13, Laboratory Certification Fee Regulation, shall remain in effect for the full period of time for which they were issued. Application for initial certificate and application for renewed certificate, whether issued under Regulation Number 13 or under Regulation Number 9, shall comply with the requirements of Reg. 9.801 through Reg. 9.803 and other applicable requirements of Regulation Number 9.

(A) Initial certificate, including up to ten parameters.............................................


(B) Renewed certificate, including up to ten parameters........................................


(C) For each parameter in addition to the first ten..................................................

$ 10

(D) Each of the following categories:

(1) Dioxins andFurans...............................................................................

$ 50

(2) Herbicides.............................................................................................

$ 50

(3) Volatile organics...................................................................................

$ 50

(4) Semivolatile organics............................................................................

$ 50

(5) Pesticides and PCB's............................................................................

$ 50

(6) Acute and/or Chronic Toxicity Testing................................................


Reg. 9.802Laboratory Certification Travel Fees
(A) The Department will assess reasonable fees for the cost of all expenses incurred during the evaluation of certified laboratories. This includes without limitation the reasonable cost of travel and travel related expenses related to the evaluation.
(B) The Department will submit an itemized invoice for the incurred expenses. Payment of the expenses is due within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice for the expenses.
Reg. 9.803Failure to pay Laboratory Certification Fees
(A) A laboratory that fails to remit payment of any fee assessed pursuant to this Chapter, including without limitation initial certificate, renewed certificate, fees for additional parameters; fees for categories, reasonable cost of travel, or travel related expenses shall be assessed a late payment charge of ten percent (10%) forty five (45) days after the invoice date.
(B) A certified laboratory that refuses to pay fees upon reasonable notice will be subject to enforcement action that may include revocation of the certificate.
Reg. 9.901Department Review of Fees

The Department shall undertake a biennial re-evaluation of the permit fee schedule as contained in this regulation within sixty (60) days of receiving its approved budget for the next biennium. The evaluation shall reflect the current needs of the Department to perform essential permitting, compliance, enforcement and monitoring activities; the resources available; the balance of the permit fee fund from the previous biennium; anticipated state and federal appropriations; status of delegation of federal programs; and any other factors deemed relevant to the study by the Department.

Reg. 9.902Appeals

If any applicant/permittee disagrees with the Department's decision on an assessment of fees, the applicant/permittee may appeal the decision in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Water and Air Pollution Control Act, the Solid Waste Management Act, the State Environmental Laboratory Certification Program Act, and Pollution Control and Ecology Commission Regulation No. 8, Administrative Procedures.

Reg. 9.903Effective Date

This regulation is effective ten (10) days after filing with the Secretary of State, the State Library, and the Bureau of Legislative Research.

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