007.04.93 Ark. Code R. 004
The following amendments are proposed pursQant to the Authority expressly conferred by the Laws of the State of Arkansas including, without limitation, Act 96 of 1913 (A.CA. 20-7-109) and Act 415 of 1953 (A.C.A. 20-56-201 thru 20-56-223).
To amend the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Food Service Establishments as follows: by changing the terms inspection and inspection report form to assessment and assessment report form; by the addition of a subsection specifying specific cooking temperatures for ground beef; by generally updating and clarifying the mobile food unit and temporary food unit sections; by changing the term food service permit to food establishment permit; and by adding compliance requirements for tobacco sales to minors.
(c) Ground beef and any food containing ground beef shall be cooked to heat all parts of the food to at least 155°F.
Mobile food units or pushcarts shal1 comply wi th requirements of this chapter. The Health Authority may impose additional requirements to protect against health hazards related to the conduct of the food service establishments as a mobile operation and may prohibit the sale of some or all potentially hazardous foods. Mobile food units may not operate longer than 14 consecutive days without returning to an approved servicing area for a period of no less than 24 hours for the purpose of servicing, supplying, and cleaning.
A mobile food unit requiring a water system shall have a potable water system under pressure permanently affixed to the unit. The system shall be of sufficient capacity to furnish enough hot and cold water for food preparation, utensil cleaning and sanitizing and handwashing in accordance with these Regulations. The water inlet shall be located so that it will not be contaminated by waste discharge, road dust, oil, or grease and it shal 1 be kept capped unless being filled.
The water inlet shall be provided with a transition connection of a size or type that will prevent its use for any other service. All water distribution pipes or tubing shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations.
Reason: In additions to hazards created by the transport and service of food from a mobile food unit or pushcart, food served from such units or pushcarts is subject to the same potential contamination as that served in other food establishments. This means that a mobile food unit or pushcart must be regulated in the same manner and provi de to the customer the same degree of food protection offered by any food service establishment.
Reason: All pushcarts servicing, cleaning and food supply operations must be conducted at a location meeting the requirements of these Regulations to ensure that the source of food and any incidental operation are not hazardous to the consumer.
Subsection (b) will become subsection (c) as it currently pertains to catering operations.
Procedures for the suspension and/or revocation of a food establishment permit shall be in accordance with Act 434 of 1967 CA.C.A. 25-15-201 thru 25-15-214)
Amend Section title to read Assessments
An assessment of a food service establishment shall be performed at least once every six months. Additional assessments of the food servi ce establi shment shall be performed as often as necessary for the enforcement of these Regulations.
Representatives of the Health Authority after proper identification shal1 be permi tted to enter any food service establishment at any reasonable time for the purpose of making assessments to determine compliance with these Regulations. The representatives shall be permitted to examine the records of the establi shment to obtain information pertaining to food and supplies purchased, received or used.
Whenever an assessment of a food service establi shment or commissary is made the findings shall be recorded on the assessment report form. The assessment report form shall summarize the requirements of these Regulations. A copy of the completed assessment report form shall be furnished to the person in charge of the establishment at the conclusion of the assessment.
Amend Section title to read Pre-Operational Assessment
Whenever plans and specifications are required by Section 10-301 of these Regulations to be submitted to the Health Authority, the Health Authority shall assess the food service establishment prior to the start of operation, to determine compliance with the approved plans and specifications and with the requirements of these Regulations.
All Regulations and parts of Regulations in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This will certify that the foregoing Amendment to the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Food Service Establishments was adopted by the Arkansas Board of Health at a regular session of said Board held in Little Rock, Arkansas on the 18ih_day 0f October. 1993.
007.04.93 Ark. Code R. 004