The Department of Health shall provide meeting facilities and staff for such meetings of the Advisory Board for Interpreters for the purpose of keeping records.
The Advisory Board for Interpreters shall:
Applications submitted after IVIarcli 1 of tlie calendar year shall be treated as applications for initial licensure and subject to all applicable fees.
Applications submitted after IVlarch 1 of the calendar year shall be treated as applications for initial licensure and subject to all applicable fees.
Credentials obtained by practicing interpreters currently recognized by the Advisory Board for Interpreters include:
Licensed Qualified Interpreters must maintain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through the credentials held. Documentation of CEUs obtained shall be submitted on an annual basis at renewal by providing transcripts or tracking systems used by the credentialing bodies. If a Licensed Qualified Interpreter does not have documentation to submit from a credentialing body, then a total often (10) clock hours (10 clock hours = 1.0 CEU) of continuing education must be completed on an annual basis. Documentation of the 10 clock hours shall be submitted at the time of renewal.
Sign language interpreters' credentials are based on levels of proficiency, and in order to protect the health, welfare and safety of the consumers, interpreters shall only accept assignments appropriate for their proficiency based upon accepted credentials for licensure
Upon request of any consumer or hiring entity, an interpreter shall show proof of his or her Arkansas license that will indicate qualifications. The following list of settings for qualifications is not all-inclusive.
Routine Eye Exam, Lab Work
Physical Therapy, Audiological (hearing exam). Dental Care
Support Services -, Orientation, Tutoring, Life/Work Skills
Basic Job Readiness Training (semi-skilled technical or unskilled labor), Interview Application for Services
Social Services- Independent Living Basic Living Skills, Bus Card
Civic Club Meetings, Recreation, Socialization
Inquiries regarding eligibility for services
Support Services - Diagnostics, Evaluations, Academic Counseling
Continuing Education Workshops
Group Meetings, On-the-job Training
Sheltered Workshop
Employment Related/Union Meetings
Routine Physical, Hospital Admissions
Child Birth Classes
All settings listed in Subsection XI(A)
Driver License Testing
Social Services-Food Stamps, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, TEA/SNAP benefits
Employment Related Job Interview/Application
Civil Investigations
IVIeetings with Parole/Probation Officers
Campus Police or other law enforcement investigations
Civil Weddings performed in or out of a courtroom
Governmental Proceedings
Tax Assessment/Appeal Proceedings
Medical - Emergency Room, General rounds and Surgery
Therapy- Physical, Chemotherapy, Chiropractic, Ontological
Speaker or Lectures
Postsecondary Education
TV News
All settings listed in Subsections XI(A) & XI(B)
Social Services Disputes
Polygraph Testing
Post Bond
Discrimination Proceedings- Prior to court
Mental Health
Minor Civil matters outside of the Courts
Graduate and Post-Graduate Education
Restraining Order Application
Domestic/Family Violence Calls and Investigations
Abuse Calls and Investigations
All settings listed in Subsections XI(A), XI(B), & XI(C)
Legal Proceedings in/out of the courts
Pre-Trial Release
Peace Bonds/Restraining Orders, Copyrights/Patents
Child Custody or Child Welfare
Mental Health Therapy
Jury Duty
All settings listed in Subsections XI(A), XI(B), XI(C), XI(D), & XI(E).
**AII in-court cases must adhere to Act 237: An Act to Amend the Process for Appointment, Certification, and Regulation of Court Interpreters; and for other purposes.
All fees are to be paid at the time of application or request for services. Fees are nonrefundable and are not pro-rated. Annual fees follow a calendar year. Additional fees will be assessed for insufficient funds if such should happen. Current fee structures are:
Initial Application and Licensure Fee (includes application and first year annual fee) | $125.00 |
Annual Fee (Renewal on the calendar year) | $ 90.00 |
Upgrade Fee (If an individual receives a higher credential prior to the end of the year and wishes to reflect the higher credential on their license) | $ 35.00 |
Annual Late Fee (Dependent upon Advisory Board for Interpreters review) | $ 25.00 |
Replacement Card Fee | $ 10.00 |
Insufficient Funds Fee (NSF will require payment in the form of a Money Order or Cashier's Check) | $ 35.00 |
The Advisory Board member who reviewed and investigated the complaint shall recuse himself or herself from voting at the hearing of the matter.
007.01.13 Ark. Code R. 003