006.06.20 Ark. Code R. 006

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 006.06.20-006 - Thoroughbred Rule 1232
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (5) of this Rule 1232, furosemide may be administered intravenously to a horse, which is entered to compete in a race, in accordance with this Rule 1232, Rule 1232(A), and Subsection E. of Rule 1217 of the Appendix to these Rules. Except under the instructions of the official veterinarian or the racing veterinarian for the purpose of removing a horse from the Veterinarian's List or to facilitate the collection of a post-race urine sample, furosemide shall be permitted only after the official veterinarian has placed the horse on the Furosemide List. In order for a horse to be placed on the Furosemide List the following process must be followed.
(a) After the horse's licensed trainer and licensed veterinarian determine that it would be in the horse's best interests to race with furosemide they shall notify the official veterinarian or his/her designee, using the prescribed form, that they wish the horse to be put on the Furosemide List.
(b) The form must be received by the official veterinarian or his/her designee by the proper time deadlines so as to ensure public notification.
(c) A horse placed on the official Furosemide List must remain on that list unless the licensed trainer and licensed veterinarian submit a written request to remove the horse from the list. The request must be made to the official veterinarian or his/her designee, on the proper form, no later than the time of entry.
(d) After a horse has been removed from the Furosemide List, the horse may not be placed back on the list for a period of 60 calendar days unless it is determined to be detrimental to the welfare of the horse, in consultation with the official veterinarian. If a horse is removed from the official Furosemide List a second time in a 365-day period, the horse may not be placed back on the list for a period of 90 calendar days.
(2) The use of furosemide shall be permitted under the following circumstances on association grounds where a detention barn is utilized:
(a) Furosemide shall be administered at the direction of the official veterinarian no less than four hours prior to post time for the race for which the horse is entered.
(b) A horse qualified for furosemide administration must be brought to the detention barn within time to comply with the four-hour administration requirement specified above.
(c) The dose administered shall not exceed 250 mg. nor be less than 150 mg; provided, with approval of the official veterinarian, a dose of up to 500 mg. may be administered.
(d) Furosemide shall be administered by a single, intravenous injection.
(e) After treatment, the horse shall be required by the Commission to remain in the detention barn in the care, custody and control of its trainer or the trainer's designated representative under association and/or Commission security supervision until called to the saddling paddock.
(3) The use of furosemide shall be permitted under the following circumstances on association grounds where a detention barn is not utilized:
(a) Furosemide shall be administered no less than four hours prior to post time for the race for which the horse is entered.
(b) The furosemide dosage administered shall not exceed 250 mg. nor be less than 150 mg; provided, with approval of the official veterinarian, a dose of up to 500 mg. may be administered.
(c) Furosemide shall be administered by a single, intravenous injection.
(d) The trainer of the treated horse shall cause to be delivered to the official veterinarian no later than one hour prior to post time for the race for which the horse is entered the following information under oath on a form provided by the Commission:
(i) The name of the horse, racetrack name, the date and time the furosemide was administered to the enteredhorse;
(ii) The dosage amount of furosemide administered to the entered horse; and
(iii) The printed name and signature of the attending licensed veterinarian who administered the furosemide.
(4) Test results must show a detectable concentration of the drug in the post-race serum, plasma or urine sample.
(a) The specific gravity of post-race urine samples may be measured to ensure that samples are sufficiently concentrated for proper chemical analysis. The specific gravity shall not be below 1.010. If the specific gravity of the urine is found to be below 1.010 or if a urine sample is unavailable for testing, quantitation of furosemide in serum or plasma shall be performed;
(b) Quantitation of furosemide in serum or plasma shall be performed when the specific gravity of the corresponding urine sample is not measured or if measured below 1.010. Concentrations may not exceed 50 nanograms of furosemide per milliliter of serum or plasma, or 100 nanograms of furosemide per milliliter of serum or plasma if the official veterinarian has approved a dose of up to 500 mg. of furosemide.
(5) The franchise holder may prohibit the administration of furosemide to horses entered in the following races, by so stating in the conditions of the race:
(a) a stakes race, including races designated as graded stakes by the American Graded Stakes Committee of the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association or its successor, as necessary for the stakes race to remain eligible for graded status; and
(b) races for horses three (3) years of age, as necessary for horses participating in the race to be entitled to accumulate points based on their performance in the race for eligibility ranking to run in the Kentucky Derby and Kentucky Oaks.
1232(A). LASIX Administration - 2015
(a) The Commission Veterinarian shall designate the veterinarians (each referred to herein as a "Designated LASIX Veterinarian") authorized to administer LASIX (furosemide) as independent contractors to horses on the grounds of the franchise holder not less than four (4) hours before the published post time for the race in which the horse is entered to run. The number of veterinarians designated by the Commission Veterinarian as Designated LASIX Veterinarians shall not be more than the number reasonably necessary, in the reasonable judgment of the Commission Veterinarian, to appropriately and efficiently administer LASIX (furosemide) on a timely basis to horses on the grounds of the franchise holder as contemplated by this rule. A Designated LASIX Veterinarian must be a veterinarian licensed and in good standing to practice veterinary medicine under the laws of Arkansas, have sufficient experience, reasonably satisfactory to the Commission Veterinarian, performing veterinary services for horses, including administration of LASIX (furosemide), and have a current malpractice insurance policy in effect with coverage customary for veterinarians performing veterinary services on the grounds of the franchise holder (and shall provide to the Commission Veterinarian a customary certificate of insurance in a form acceptable to the Commission Veterinarian).
(b) A Designated LASIX Veterinarian may not perform other veterinary services on the grounds of the franchise holder, or for any horse entered or expected to be entered to race at Oaklawn during the then current racing season, except (i) administration of LASIX (furosemide) as contemplated by this rule, (ii) assisting as independent contractors in pre-race exams with consent of the Commission Veterinarian, or (iii) to address emergency situations.
(c) The fee charged by the Designated LASIX Veterinarians for LASIX (furosemide) administration shall not exceed the fair market fee for such services. The fees charged by the Designated LASIX Veterinarians for LASIX (furosemide) administration shall be billed to applicable horse owner's account with the Horsemen's Bookkeeper and paid through the Horsemen's Bookkeeper.
(d) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e) of this rule, no veterinarian or other person, except a Designated LASIX Veterinarian, may administer LASIX (furosemide) to any horse on the day the horse is scheduled to race prior to the running of the race, or after 6:00 p.m. on the day immediately before such race day.
(e) In the event of a shortage or other unavailability of a sufficient number of Designated LASIX Veterinarians to appropriately and efficiently administer LASIX (furosemide) on a timely basis to horses on the grounds of the franchise holder as contemplated by this rule, the Commission or Stewards may authorize any licensed veterinarian to administer LASIX (furosemide) to horses under this rule and other applicable rules of the Commission.

006.06.20 Ark. Code R. 006

Adopted by Arkansas Register Volume MMXXI Number 01, Effective 1/22/2021