005.28.19 Ark. Code R. 007

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 005.28.19-007 - Class Size and Teaching Load


Effective: January 1, 2020

1.01 The State Board of Education enacted these rules pursuant to its authority as set forth in Ark. Code Ann. § 6-11-105, § 6-17-812, and § 25-15-201 et seq.
2.01 "Elementary model" is the educational model consistent with instructional grouping and scheduling used in Grades Kindergarten through Four (K-4), but may include Grades Five through Six (5-6).
2.02 "Large group instruction" are those courses that accommodate larger numbers of students. The following courses are considered large group instruction:
2.02.1 Athletics, including when taken for physical education credit, and Grades 7-12 physical education;
2.02.2 Performing Arts, including, but not limited to, band, choir, and theater;
2.02.3 Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps (JROTC);
2.02.4 Non-academic activity, including, but not limited to, advisory periods, study hall, and student activity periods; or
2.02.5 Other courses identified as large group instruction in the Course Code Management System.
3.01 Subject to any exceptions in Section 3.02, each school district and open-enrollment charter school shall comply with the following class sizes:
3.01.1 For Kindergarten (K), there shall be no more than twenty (20) students per teacher in any classroom. However, the kindergarten class maximum may be no more than twenty-two (22) with a one half-time instructional aide being employed for those classes.
3.01.2 For Grades One through Three (1-3), the average student/teacher ratio in a school district shall be no more than twenty-three (23) students per teacher in a classroom. There shall be no more than twenty-five (25) students per teacher in any classroom.
3.01.3 For Grade Four (4), the average student/teacher ratio in a school district shall be no more than twenty-five (25) students per teacher in a classroom. There shall be no more than twenty-eight (28) students per teacher in any classroom.
3.01.4 For Grades Five through Six (5-6), except for those courses that lend themselves to large group instruction, the average student/teacher ratio in a school district shall be no more than twenty-five (25) students per teacher in a classroom. There shall be no more than twenty-eight (28) students per teacher in any classroom.
3.01.5 For Grades Seven through Twelve (7-12), except for those courses that lend themselves to large group instruction, individual classes shall not exceed thirty (30) students.
3.02 Exceptions
3.02.1 Physical Education Instruction in Grades Kindergarten Through Six (K-6): Physical education classes will have a maximum student to adult ratio of thirty to one (30:1). Non-licensed personnel may assist in filling the thirty to one (30:1) student to adult ratio requirement if they are trained and assigned to assist licensed personnel in supervising physical education classes.
4.01 Except when a teacher teaches a course that lends itself to large group instruction, the maximum number of students in Grades Five through Twelve (5-12) a teacher is permitted to teach without receiving additional compensation shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) students per day.
4.02 For purposes of Section 4.01, the teaching load shall be calculated by counting the number of students in each Five through Twelve (5-12) course and section except for those teachers teaching students in Grades Five and Six (5-6) who are teaching all or most subjects in an elementary model.
4.03 Additional compensation shall be determined in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-812.
4.03.1 School districts shall adopt a policy to implement Section 4.03.
4.04 This Section does not apply to a public school that operates primarily as a virtual school.

005.28.19 Ark. Code R. 007

Adopted by Arkansas Register Volume MMXXI Number 07, Effective 12/30/2019