005.15.20 Ark. Code R. 001

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 005.15.20-001 - ADE Rules Governing Eye and Vision Screening Report in Arkansas Public Schools

The purpose of these Rules is to establish the requirements and procedures for governing eye and vision screening procedures and test standards in Arkansas Public Schools.


These Rules are enacted pursuant to the authority of the State Board of Education under Ark. Code Ann. §§ 6-18-1501 et seq. and 25-15-201 et seq.


For the purpose of these rules, the following terms mean:

3.01 Arkansas Eye and Vision Commission: A commission established by the State of Arkansas to study the eye and vision needs of school age children, evaluate current vision screening programs, and make recommendations to develop a strategic state wide plan to ensure adequate eye and vision care for the school age children of Arkansas.
3.02 Screening: To test in order to separate according to skills or ability.
3.03 Preschool Student: Any four year old child participating in a PK/4 year old program on a school campus.
3.04 Vision Care Consultant - An optometrist or ophthalmologist.
4.01 Beginning with the 2006-2007 school year, all children in pre-kindergarten (PK), kindergarten (K), grades one (1), two (2), four (4), six (6), and eight (8), and all transfer students shall receive an eye and vision screening.
4.02 This requirement applies to public schools and charter schools.
4.03 Nothing in this act shall preclude voluntary screening of any educational grade or preclude the referral of any child, regardless of grade, whom the teacher or school nurse feels should be screened or examined.
4.04 The responsibility for the enforcement of this section rest equally with each school district or charter school and the parent or guardian of the child.
4.05 The commission and the ADE shall evaluate and approve the vision screening instruments, equipment, and other testing items that are used to conduct the eye and vision screenings.
4.06 The approved screening process will include the following:
4.06.1 Observation and external inspection of the eye;
4.06.2 Distance visual acuity test using a Snellen Eye Chart at twenty feet (20') or an age or developmentally appropriate chart at ten feet (10') outside a vision-screening instrument;
4.06.3 A plus lens visual acuity test using a Snellen Eye Chart at twenty feet (20') or an age or developmentally appropriate chart at ten feet (10') outside a vision screening instrument;
4.06.4 Lateral muscle balance test at far;
4.06.5 Vertical muscle balance test at far;
4.06.6 Fusion or binocularity at far;
4.06.7 Lateral muscle balance test at near;
4.06.8 Fusion or binocularity at near; and
4.06.9 Color perception.
4.06.10 Screening instruments and equipment must be approved. These instruments may include, but are not limited to the following: Titmus Vision Screener or Keystone Vision Screener or Optec Vision Screener Slides necessary to perform required test Occluder Plus 2.00 lens Snellen Chart Age appropriate vision screening chart Color perception booklet/instrument slide Other approved instruments
5.01 In conjunction with the Department of Education, the commission shall develop the criteria for passage or failure of a vision screening and criteria for referral of a comprehensive eye examination. The criteria are as follows:
5.01.1 External Observation: Any obvious anomaly of the eyes, or periocular areas should cause referral for medical evaluation. Abnormal head positioning, such as, a chronic head tilt, should result in a failed screen. Obvious misalignment of the eyes should result in a screen failure.
5.01.2 Vision at 20 feet or 10 for age appropriate charts: Any eye with vision less than or equal to 20/40 shall result in a screen failure.
5.01.3 +2.00 lens test: Any child that improves 2 or more lines of vision, such as, 20/40 to 20/20 with the +2.00 lens in front of either eye shall result in screen failure.
5.01.4 Color Perception Test: This test shall be performed using an instrument slide or color-testing booklet or color perception slides. Any child missing more than 25% of the cards or instrument slide would be deemed a color perception screen failure, but not referred for comprehensive eye examination. The parent and teacher shall be notified of the color perception screening failure.
5.01.5 Success in meeting the following pass or failure of instrument screenings: Lateral Muscle Balance at far; Vertical Muscle Balance at far; Fusion at far; Lateral Muscle Balance at near; and Fusion at near.
5.02 An eye and vision screening report shall be sent or given to each parent or guardian of each child in need of a comprehensive eye and vision examination that has failed the second vision-screening test.
6.01 A child who does not pass the eye and vision screening tests, except for the color perception test, shall be required to have a comprehensive eye and vision examination conducted by an optometrist or ophthalmologist within sixty (60) days of receipt of the vision screening report identifying the need for the examination.
6.02 The parent or guardian of the child shall be responsible for ensuring that the child receives the appropriate eye and vision examination.
6.03 The local school district shall take such action and access all resources necessary to encourage that the child receives an appropriate examination. If a child does not receive an appropriate examination, as evidenced by a certificate signed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist acknowledging the examination, then the public school or charter school where the child is registered shall report the child to the Department of Education.
6.04 A child who has had a comprehensive eye and vision examination conducted by an optometrist or ophthalmologist within six (6) months of an eye and vision screening is not required to have another examination if the parent or guardian of the child presents evidence of a comprehensive eye and vision examination in the form of a certificate signed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist acknowledging the examination.
6.05 Transfer students who have been screened in their previous school during the current school year do not have to be rescreened at the new school. Schools may request the transfer student's vision screening from his/her school that was completed within the current school year.
7.01 In conjunction with the Department of Education, the commission shall develop standardized forms to be used with regard to conducting and reporting the results of eye and vision screenings.
7.02 The standardized forms shall include:
7.02.1 A vision screening form;
7.02.2 A parent notification form;
7.02.3 A doctor report form; and
7.02.4 Any other forms deemed necessary by the commission.
7.03 Every public school and charter school shall use the standardized forms for eye and vision screening reports.
8.01 The Department of Education, in conjunction with the Arkansas Commission on Eye and Vision Care of School Age Children, shall develop standards for training school nurses to perform eye and vision screenings.
9.01 Each public school and charter school shall de-identify eye and vision screening results as necessary to comply with privacy laws and report the results by grade to the Department of Education and the Arkansas Commission on Eye and Vision Care of School Age Children.
9.02 The report shall include the following information:
9.02.1 The number of children screened;
9.02.2 The number of children re-screened;
9.02.3 The number of children who did not receive an eye and vision screening;
9.02.4 The number of children referred for a comprehensive eye examination;
9.02.5 The number of children who failed the eye and vision screening who did not receive a comprehensive eye examination; and
9.02.6 The comprehensive eye examination will be reported as normal or treatment required.
9.03 Eye and vision screening shall be completed and reported to the Arkansas Department of Education by January 15th and an updated report by June 15th of each school year.
10.01 Each school district is encouraged to select one (1) or more optometrists or ophthalmologists to serve as non-paid eye and vision care consultants to provide advice and assistance with eye and vision screenings and examinations.

The commission and the Department of Education shall report its findings and updates to the Governor, the Legislative Council, and the House and Senate Interim Committees on Public Health, Welfare, and Labor annually.

005.15.20 Ark. Code R. 001

Adopted by Arkansas Register Volume MMXXI Number 09, Effective 3/2/2020