002.01.20 Ark. Code R. 104

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 002.01.20-104 - A1.01 Deer Season and Limits


All deer zones: Fourth Saturday in September through the last day in February (Codes 06.04 - 06.05).


A. In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
B. Urban Deer Permits (Code 15.05).


Zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: Second Saturday in November for 23 days.

Zones 4A, 5A, 14 and 15: Second Saturday in November for 30 days.

Zones 4 and 5: Second Saturday in November for 9 days.

Zones 9, 12 and 13: Second Saturday in November for 37 days.

Zones 16, 16A and 17: Second Saturday in November through Christmas Day.


A. In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
B. Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.
C. Private Land CWD Management Tags.


All deer zones: December 26-28, Annually.


A. WMAs closed during modern gun deer season are excluded from the Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Addendum C1.01).
B. WMAs requiring a permit for the modern gun or muzzleloader deer season are excluded from the Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Addendum C1.01).
C. In compliance with applicable WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
D. Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.
E. Private Land CWD Management Tags.


All deer zones: First Saturday in November for 2 days and the first Saturday in January for 2 days.


A. In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
B. WMAs requiring a WMA deer permit are closed to the Special Modern Gun Deer Youth Hunt (Addendum C1.01).
C. Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.
D. Private Land CWD Management Tags.


All deer zones: December 29-31 Annually.


A. In compliance with regulations (Code 11.02).
B. In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
C. Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.
D. Hunters using archery equipment may harvest bucks.
E. Private Land CWD Management Tags.
F. Hunters may only possess one type of weapon.


Zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: Third Saturday in October for 9 days and second Saturday in December for 3 days.

Zones 4A, 5A, 14 and 15: Third Saturday in October for 9 days and third Saturday in December for 3 days.

Zones 9, 12, 13, 16, 16A and 17: Third Saturday in October for 9 days.


A. In areas open during regular gun deer seasons.
B. In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
C. Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.
D. Private Land CWD Management Tags.


Statewide seasonal limit of 6 deer, no more than 2 legal bucks using any legal method.

Zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13: Seasonal bag limit of 5 deer, no more than 2 antlered bucks. No more than 2 antlered bucks or up to 5 antlerless may be taken with archery tackle. No more than 2 antlered bucks and 3 antlerless deer may be taken with firearms.

Zones 9, 14, 15, 16, and 16A: Seasonal bag limit of 4 deer, no more than 2 legal bucks. No more than 2 legal bucks or up to 4 does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than 2 legal bucks and 2 does may be taken with firearms.

Zones 4 and 5: Seasonal bag limit of 3 deer, no more than 2 legal bucks. No more than 2 legal bucks or up to 3 does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than 2 legal bucks and 1 doe may be taken with firearms.

Zones 4A and 5A: Seasonal bag limit of 3 deer, no more than 2 legal bucks. No more than 2 legal bucks or up to 3 does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than 2 legal bucks or up to 2 does may be taken with firearms.

Zones 12 and 17: Seasonal bag limit of 5 deer, no more than 2 legal bucks. No more than 2 legal bucks or up to 5 does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than 2 legal bucks or up to 5 does may be taken with firearms.

Youths 6 to 15 years of age hunting during the Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt may harvest bucks or does during the first full weekend Saturday/Sunday in November for 2 days and the first Saturday in January for 2 days in accordance with the zone firearm bag limits.


A. Commission-registered deer camps that participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) receiving deer management tags and bonus deer on certain WMAs (Addendum C1.01) do not apply toward an individual seasonal limit.
B. Subject to applicable limit restrictions on WMAs (Addendum C1.01).
C. Private Land CWD Management Tags.

002.01.20 Ark. Code R. 104

Adopted by Arkansas Register Volume MMXX Number 12, Effective 6/7/2020