In addition to the definitions set forth in A.R.S. § 3-3101 and as defined in the federal regulations under 40 CFR § 170.305 (as amended October 30, 2020, This material is incorporated by reference, is on file with the Department and does not include any later amendments or editions), the following terms apply to this Article:
"Farm labor contractor" means any person who hires or contracts for the services of workers for any type of compensation, to perform activities related to the production of agricultural plants, but does not own or is not responsible for, the management or condition of an agricultural establishment.
"Flagger" means a person who indicates an aircraft spray swath width from the ground.
"Pest control advisor" means a crop advisor, as defined in the Worker Protection Standard, who assesses pest numbers or damage, pesticide distributions, or the status or requirements to sustain the agricultural plants. The term does not include a person who performs hand-labor tasks or handling activities.
"Restricted-entry interval" means the time after the completion of a pesticide application during which entry into a treated area is restricted as indicated by the pesticide product label.
"Restricted use pesticide" means a pesticide classified as such by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (A.R.S. § 3-361(8)).
"Worker Protection Standard" or "WPS" means the regulations as prescribed in 40 CFR §§ 170.1 et seq., excluding 40 CFR §§ 170.401(c)(4) and 170.501(c)(4) (as amended October 30, 2020, This material is incorporated by reference, on file with the Department and does not include any later amendments of editions.
Ariz. Admin. Code § R3-3-1001