Process | Responsible Party | Time-frame for Completion |
Apply for renewal of license | Applicant/Licensee | 90 calendar days and no later than 60 calendar days prior to the expiration of license |
Administrative completeness review | Department | Maximum of 45 calendar days |
Respond to the Notice of Incomplete Application | Applicant/Licensee | Maximum of 30 calendar days (overall time-frame is suspended during this time) |
Substantive review | Department | Maximum of 30 calendar days |
Respond to request for additional information to evaluate fitness, includes any corrections cited during an inspection of the facility | Applicant/Licensee | Maximum of 30 calendar days (overall time-frame is suspended during this time) |
Overall time-frame for a licensing decision | Department | Maximum of 75 calendar days |
Ariz. Admin. Code § R21-7-109