Ariz. Admin. Code § 18-2-715.01

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R18-2-715.01 - Standards of Performance for Existing Primary Copper Smelters; Compliance and Monitoring
A. The cumulative occurrence and emission limits in R18-2-715(F) apply to the total of sulfur dioxide emissions from the smelter processing units and sulfur dioxide control and removal equipment, but not uncaptured fugitive emissions or emissions due solely to the use of fuel for space heating or steam generation.
B. The owner or operator shall include periods of malfunction, startup, shutdown or other upset conditions when determining compliance with the cumulative occurrence or annual average emission limits in R18-2-715(F), (G), or (H).
C. The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the cumulative occurrence and emission limits contained in R18-2-715(F) as follows:
1. The owner or operator shall calculate annual average emissions at the end of each day by averaging the emissions for all hours measured during the compliance period defined in subsection (J) ending on that day. An annual emissions average in excess of the allowable annual average emission limit is a violation of R18-2-715(F) if either:
a. The annual average is greater than the annual average computed for the preceding day; or
b. The annual averages computed for the five preceding days all exceed the allowable annual average emission limit.
2. The owner or operator shall calculate a three-hour emissions average at the end of each clock hour by averaging the hourly emissions for the preceding three consecutive hours provided each hour was measured according to the requirements in subsection (K).
D. For purposes of this Section, the compliance date, unless otherwise provided in a consent decree or a delayed compliance order, shall be January 14, 1986, except that:
1. The compliance date for the cumulative occurrence and emissions limits in R18-2-715(F)(1) and R18-2-715(G) is January 15, 2002, and
2. The compliance date for the cumulative occurrence and emissions limits in R18-2-715(F)(2), (F)(3), (G), and (H) is the effective date of this rule.
E. For purposes of subsection (C), a three-hour emissions average in excess of an emission level E violates the associated cumulative occurrence limit n listed in R18-2-715(F) if:
1. The number of all three-hour emissions averages calculated during the compliance period in excess of that emission level exceeds the cumulative occurrence limit associated with the emission level; and
2. The average is calculated during the last operating day of the compliance period being reported.
F. A three-hour emissions average only violates the cumulative occurrence limit n of an emission level E on the day containing the last hour in the average.
G. Multiple violations of the same cumulative occurrence limit on the same day and violations of different cumulative occurrence limits on the same day constitute a single violation of R18-2-715(F).
H. The violation of any cumulative occurrence limit and an annual average emission limit on the same day constitutes only a single violation of the requirements of R18-2-715(F).
I. Multiple violations of a cumulative occurrence limit by different three-hour emissions averages containing any common hour constitutes a single violation of R18-2-715(F).
J. To determine compliance with subsections (C) through (I), the compliance period consists of the 365 calendar days immediately preceding the end of each day of the month being reported unless that period includes less than 300 operating days, in which case the number of days preceding the last day of the compliance period shall be increased until the compliance period contains 300 operating days. For purposes of this Section, an operating day is any day on which sulfur-containing feed is introduced into the smelting process.
K. To determine compliance with R18-2-715(F) or (H), the owner or operator of any smelter subject to R18-2-715(F) or (H) shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a measurement system for continuously monitoring sulfur dioxide concentrations and stack gas volumetric flow rates in each stack that could emit five percent or more of the allowable annual average sulfur dioxide emissions from the smelter.
1. The owner or operator shall continuously monitor sulfur dioxide concentrations and stack gas volumetric flow rates in the outlet of each piece of sulfur dioxide control equipment.
2. The owner or operator shall continuously monitor captured fugitive emissions for sulfur dioxide concentrations and stack gas volumetric flow rates and include these emissions as part of total plant emissions when determining compliance with the cumulative occurrence and emission limits in R18-2-715(F) and (H).
3. If the owner or operator demonstrates to the Director that measurement of stack gas volumetric flow in the outlet of any particular piece of sulfur dioxide control equipment would yield inaccurate results once operational or would be technologically infeasible, then the Director may allow measurement of the flow rate at an alternative sampling point.
4. For purposes of this subsection, continuous monitoring means the taking and recording of at least one measurement of sulfur dioxide concentration and stack gas flow rate reading from the effluent of each affected stack, outlet, or other approved measurement location in each 15-minute period. Fifteen-minute periods start at the beginning of each clock hour, and run consecutively. An hour of smelter emissions is considered continuously monitored if the emissions from all monitored stacks, outlets, or other approved measurement locations are measured for at least 45 minutes of any hour according to the requirements of this subsection.
5. The owner or operator shall demonstrate that the continuous monitoring system meets all of the following requirements:
a. The sulfur dioxide continuous emission monitoring system installed and operated under this Section meets the requirements of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 6.
b. The sulfur dioxide continuous emission monitoring system installed and operated under this Section meets the quality assurance requirements of 40 CFR 60, Appendix F.
c. The owner or operator shall notify the Director in writing at least 30 days in advance of the start of relative accuracy test audit (RATA) procedures performed on the continuous monitoring system.
d. The Director shall approve the location of all sampling points for monitoring sulfur dioxide concentrations and stack gas volumetric flow rates in writing before installation and operation of measurement instruments.
e. The measurement system installed and used under this subsection is subject to the manufacturer's recommended zero adjustment and calibration procedures at least once per 24-hour operating period unless the manufacturer specifies or recommends calibration at shorter intervals, in which case specifications or recommendations shall be followed. The owner or operator shall make available a record of these procedures that clearly shows instrument readings before and after zero adjustment and calibration.
L. The owner or operator of a smelter subject to this Section shall measure at least 95 percent of the hours during which emissions occurred in any month.
M. Failure of the owner or operator of a smelter subject to this Section to measure any 12 consecutive hours of emissions according to the requirements of subsection (K) or (S) is a violation of this Section.
N. The owner or operator of any smelter subject to this Section shall maintain on hand and ready for immediate installation sufficient spare parts or duplicate systems for the continuous monitoring equipment required by this Section to allow for the replacement within six hours of any monitoring equipment part that fails or malfunctions during operation.
O. To determine total overall emissions, the owner or operator of any smelter subject to this Section shall perform material balances for sulfur according to the procedures prescribed by Appendix 8 of this Chapter.
P. The owner or operator of any smelter subject to this Section shall maintain a record of all average hourly emissions measurements and all calculated average monthly emissions required by this Section. The record of the emissions shall be retained for at least five years following the date of measurement or calculation. The owner or operator shall record the measurement or calculation results as pounds per hour of sulfur dioxide. The owner or operator shall summarize the following data monthly and submit the summary to the Director within 20 days after the end of each month:
1. For all periods described in subsection (C) and (R), the annual average emissions as calculated at the end of each day of the month;
2. The total number of hourly periods during the month in which measurements were not taken and the reason for loss of measurement for each period;
3. The number of three-hour emissions averages that exceeded each of the applicable emissions levels listed in R18-2-715(F) and (G) for the compliance periods ending on each day of the month being reported;
4. The date on which a cumulative occurrence limit listed in R18-2-715(F) or (G) was exceeded if the exceedance occurred during the month being reported; and
5. For all periods described in subsection (T) and (U), the annual average emissions as calculated at the end of the last day of each month.
Q. An owner or operator shall install instrumentation to monitor each point in the smelter facility where a means exists to bypass the sulfur removal equipment, to detect and record all periods that the bypass is in operation. An owner or operator of a copper smelter shall report to the Director, not later than the 15th day of each month, the recorded information required by this Section, including an explanation for the necessity of the use of the bypass.
R. The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the cumulative occurrence and fugitive emission limits contained in R18-2-715(G) as follows:
1. The owner or operator shall calculate annual average emissions at the end of each day by averaging the emissions for all hours measured during the compliance period, as defined in subsection (R)(8), ending on that day. An annual emissions average in excess of the allowable annual average emission limit is a violation of R18-2-715(G) if either:
a. The annual average is greater than the annual average computed for the preceding day; or
b. The annual averages computed for the five preceding days all exceed the allowable annual average emission limit.
2. The owner or operator shall calculate a three-hour emissions average at the end of each clock hour by averaging the hourly emissions for the preceding three consecutive hours provided each hour was measured according to the requirements contained in subsection (S).
3. For purposes of subsection (R)(2), a three-hour emissions average in excess of an emission level Ef violates the associated cumulative occurrence limit n listed in R18-2-715(G) if:
a. The number of all three-hour emissions averages calculated during the compliance period in excess of that emission level exceeds the cumulative occurrence limit associated with the emission level; and
b. The average is calculated during the last operating day of the compliance period being reported.
4. A three-hour emissions average only violates the cumulative occurrence limit n of an emission level Ef on the day containing the last hour in the average.
5. Multiple violations of the same cumulative occurrence limit on the same day and violations of different cumulative occurrence limits on the same day constitute a single violation of R18-2-715(G).
6. The violation of any cumulative occurrence limit and an annual average emission limit on the same day constitutes only a single violation of the requirements of R18-2-715(G).
7. Multiple violations of a cumulative occurrence limit by different three-hour emissions averages containing any common hour constitutes a single violation of R18-2-715(G).
8. To determine compliance with subsections (R)(1) through (7), the compliance period consists of the 365 calendar days immediately preceding the end of each day of the month being reported unless that period includes less than 300 operating days, in which case the number of days preceding the last day of the compliance period shall be increased until the compliance period contains 300 operating days. For purposes of this Section, an operating day is any day on which sulfur-containing feed is introduced into the smelting process.
S. To determine compliance with R18-2-715(G), the owner or operator of the smelter subject to R18-2-715(G) shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a measurement system for continuously monitoring sulfur dioxide concentrations of the converter roof fugitive emissions.
1. For purposes of this subsection, continuous monitoring means the taking and recording of at least one measurement of sulfur dioxide concentration from an approved measurement location in each 15-minute period. Fifteen-minute periods start at the beginning of each clock hour, and run consecutively. An hour of smelter emissions is considered continuously monitored if the emissions from all approved measurement locations are measured for at least 45 minutes of any hour according to the requirements of this subsection.
2. The owner or operator of a smelter subject to the requirements of this subsection shall conduct quality assurance procedures on the continuous monitoring system according to the methods in 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, except that an annual relative accuracy test audit (RATA) is not required.
T. TThe emission limit in R18-2-715(G) applies to the total of uncaptured fugitive sulfur dioxide emissions from the smelter processing units and sulfur dioxide control and removal equipment, but not emissions due solely to the use of fuel for space heating or steam generation. The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the emission limit contained in R18-2-715(G) as follows:
1. The owner or operator shall calculate annual average fugitive emissions at the end of the last day of each month by averaging the monthly emissions for the previous 12-month period ending on that day. To determine monthly fugitive emissions, the owner or operator shall perform material balances for sulfur according to the sulfur balance procedures prescribed in Appendix 8 of this Chapter.
2. An annual emissions average in excess of the allowable annual average emission limit violates R18-2-715(G) if the fugitive annual average computed at the end of each month exceeds the allowable annual average emission limit.
U. The emission limit in R18-2-715(H) applies to the total of stack and uncaptured fugitive sulfur dioxide emissions from the smelter processing units and sulfur dioxide control and removal equipment, but not emissions due solely to the use of fuel for space heating or steam generation. The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the emission limit contained in R18-2-715(H) as follows:
1. The owner or operator shall calculate annual average stack emissions at the end of the last day of each month by averaging the emissions for all hours measured during the previous 12-month period ending on that day according to the requirements contained in subsection (K).
2. The owner or operator shall calculate annual average fugitive emissions at the end of the last day of each month by averaging the monthly emissions for the previous 12-month period ending on that day. To determine monthly fugitive emissions, the owner or operator shall perform material balances for sulfur according to the sulfur balance procedures prescribed in Appendix 8 of this Chapter.
3. An annual emissions average in excess of the allowable annual average emission limit violates R18-2-715(H) if the total of the stack and fugitive annual averages computed at the end of each month exceeds the allowable annual average emission limit.
V. The owner and operator of the copper smelter located near Hayden, Arizona at the latitude and longitude provided in R18-2-715(F)(1) shall comply with Section R18-2-715.01 until the effective date of R18-2-B1302 as determined by R18-2-B1302(A)(2). The owner and operator of the copper smelter located near Miami, Arizona at the latitude and longitude provided in R18-2-715(F)(2) shall comply with Section R18-2-715.01 until the effective date of R18-2-C1302 as determined by R18-2-C1302(A)(2).

Ariz. Admin. Code § R18-2-715.01

Section R18-2-715.01 renumbered from R18-2-515.01 and amended effective November 15, 1993 (Supp. 93-4). Amended by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 575, effective January 15, 2002 (Supp. 02-1). Amended by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 3365, effective July 18, 2002 (Supp. 02-3). Amended by final rulemaking at 23 A.A.R. 767, effective 5/7/2017.