Ariz. Admin. Code § 18-2-B1302

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R18-2-B1302 - Limits on SO[2] Emissions from the Hayden Smelter
A. Applicability.
1. This Section applies to the owner or operator of the Hayden Smelter. It establishes limits on sulfur dioxide emissions from the Hayden Smelter and monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements for those limits.
2. Effective date. Except as otherwise provided, the requirements of this Section shall become applicable on the earlier of July 1, 2018 or 180 days after completion of all project improvements authorized by Significant Permit Revision No. 60647.
B. Definitions. In addition to definitions contained in R18-2-101 and R18-2-B1301, the following definitions apply to this rule.
1. "Continuous emissions monitoring system" or "CEMS" means the total equipment, required under the emission monitoring provisions in this Chapter, used to sample, condition (if applicable), analyze, and to provide, on a continuous basis, a permanent record of emissions.
2. "Operating day" means any calendar day in which any of the following occurs:
a. Concentrate is smelted in the smelting furnace;
b. Copper or sulfur bearing materials are processed in the converters;
c. Blister or scrap copper is processed in the anode furnaces;
d. Molten metal, including slag, matte or blister copper, is transferred between vessels; or
e. Molten metal is cast into anodes or other intermediate or final products.
3. "Out of control period" means the time that begins with the completion of the fifth, consecutive, daily calibration drift check with a calibration drift in excess of two times the allowable limit, or the time corresponding to the completion of the daily calibration drift check preceding the daily calibration drift check that results in a calibration drift in excess of four times the allowable limit, and the time that ends with the completion of the calibration check following corrective action that results in the calibration drifts at both the zero (or low-level) and high-level measurement points being within the corresponding allowable calibration drift limit.
C. Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Limitations.
1. Emissions from the Main Stack shall not exceed 1069.1 pounds per hour on a 14-operating day average unless 1,518 pounds or less is emitted during each hour of the 14-operating day period.
2. The owner and operator shall not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from any affected unit subject to 40 CFR 60 subpart P any gases which contain sulfur dioxide in excess of the limit set forth in 40 CFR sect; 60.163(a) (as in effect on July 1, 2016 and no later editions).
D. Operational Standards.
1. Process equipment and control device operations. At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, the owner or operator shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate smelter processes and associated emission control and/or control equipment in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices for minimizing SO2 emissions to the levels required by subsection (C). Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on all information available to the Director and EPA Region IX, which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operating and maintenance procedures and records, and inspection of the relevant equipment.
2. Capture system and control device operations and maintenance plan. The owner or operator shall develop and implement an operations and maintenance plan for each capture system and/or control device used to ventilate or control process gas or emissions from the flash furnace including matte tapping, slag skimming, and slag return operations; converter primary hoods, converter secondary hoods, tertiary ventilation system, and anode refining operations. The operations and maintenance plan must address the following requirements as applicable to each capture system and/or control device.
a. Monitoring devices. The plan shall provide for installation, operation, calibration, and maintenance of appropriate monitoring devices to measure and record operating limit values or settings at all times the required capture and control system is operating, except during periods of monitor calibration, repair and malfunction. The initial plan shall provide for volumetric flow monitoring on the vent gas baghouse (inlet or outlet), each converter primary hood, each converter secondary hood, the tertiary ventilation system and the anode furnace baghouse (inlet or outlet). All monitoring devices shall be accurate within +/-10 percent and calibrated according to manufacturer's instructions. If direct measurement of the exhaust flow is infeasible due to physical limitations or exhaust characteristics, the owner or operator may propose a reliable equivalent method for approval. Initial monitoring may be adjusted as provided in subsection (D)(2)(e). Dampers that are manually set and remain in the same position while the capture system is operating are exempt from these monitoring requirements. Capture system damper position setting(s) shall be specified in the plan.
b. Operational limits. The owner or operator shall establish operating limits in the operations and maintenance plan for the capture systems and/or control devices that are representative and reliable indicators of the performance of the capture system and control device operations. The initial operating limits may be adjusted as provided in subsection (D)(2)(e). Initial operating limits shall include the following:
i. Identification of those modes of operation when the double dampers between the flash furnace vessel and the vent gas system will be closed and the interstitial space evacuated to the acid plant.
ii. A minimum air flow for the furnace ventilation system and associated damper positions for each matte tapping hood or slag skimming hood when operating to ensure that the operation(s) are within the confines or influence of the capture system.
iii. A minimum air flow for the secondary hood baghouse and associated damper positions for each slag return hood to ensure that the operation is within the confines or influence of the capture system's ventilation draft during times when the associated process is operating.
iv. A minimum air infiltration ratio for the converter primary hoods of 1:1 averaged over 24 converter Blowing hours, rolled hourly measured as volumetric flow in primary hood less the volumetric flow of tuyere Blowing compared to the volumetric flow of tuyere Blowing.
v. A minimum secondary hood exhaust rate of 35,000 SCFM during converter Blowing, averaged over 24 converter Blowing hours, rolled hourly.
vi. A minimum secondary hood exhaust rate of 133,000 SCFM during all non-Blowing operating hours, averaged over 24 non-Blowing hours, rolled hourly.
vii. A minimum negative pressure drop across the secondary hood when the doors are closed equivalent to 0.007 inches of water.
viii. A minimum exhaust rate on the tertiary hooding of 400,000 ACFM during all times material is processed in the converter aisle, averaged over 24 hours and rolled hourly.
ix. Fan amperes or minimum air flow for the anode furnace baghouse and associated damper positions for each anode furnace hood to ensure that the anode furnace off-gas port is within the confines or influence of the capture system's ventilation draft during times when the associated furnace is operating.
x. The anode furnace charge mouth shall be kept covered when the tuyeres are submerged in the metal bath except when copper is being charged to or transferred from the furnace.
xi. The temperatures of the acid plant catalyst bed, which shall at minimum, meet the manufacturer's recommendations.
xii. The acid plant catalyst replenishment criteria, which shall at minimum, meet the manufacturer's recommendations.
c. Preventative maintenance. The owner or operator must perform preventative maintenance on each capture system and control device according to written procedures specified in the operation and maintenance plan. The procedures must include a preventative maintenance schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's or engineer's instructions, or operator's experience working with equipment, and frequency for routine and long-term maintenance. This provision does not prohibit additional maintenance beyond that required by the plan.
d. Inspections. The owner or operator must perform inspections in accordance with written procedures in the operations and maintenance plan for each capture system and control device that are consistent with the manufacturer's, engineer's or operator's instructions for each system and device.
e. Plan development and revisions.
i. The owner or operator shall develop and keep current the plan required by this Section. Any plan or plan revision shall be consistent with this Section, shall be designed to ensure that the capture and control system performance conforms to the attainment demonstration in the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards Nonattainment Area State Implementation Plan (SIP), and shall be submitted to the Department for review. Any plan or plan revision submitted shall include the associated manufacturer's recommendations and/or instructions used for capture system and control device operations and maintenance.
ii. The owner or operator shall submit the initial plan to the Department no later than May 1, 2018 and shall include the initial volumetric flow monitoring provisions in subsection (D)(2)(a), the initial operational limits in subsection (D)(2)(b), the preventative maintenance procedures in subsection (D)(2)(c), and the inspection procedures in subsection (D)(2)(d).
iii. The owner or operator shall submit to the Department for approval a plan revision with changes, if any, to the initial volumetric flow monitoring provisions in subsection (D)(2)(a) and initial operational limits in subsection (D)(2)(b) not later than six months after completing a fugitive emissions study conducted in accordance with Appendix 14. The Department shall submit the approved changes to the volumetric flow monitoring provisions and operational limits pursuant to this subsection to EPA Region IX as a SIP revision not later than 12 months after completion of a fugitive emissions study.
iv. Other plan revisions may be submitted at any time when necessary. All plans and plan revisions shall be designed to achieve operation of the capture system and/or control device consistent with the attainment demonstration in the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards Nonattainment Area SIP. Except for changes to the volumetric flow monitoring provisions in subsection (D)(2)(a) and operational limits in subsection (D)(2)(b), which shall require prior approval, plans and plan revisions may be implemented upon submittal and shall remain in effect until superseded or until disapproved by the Department. Disapprovals are appealable Department actions.
3. Emissions from the anode furnace baghouse stack shall be routed to the Main Stack.
E. Monitoring.
1. To determine compliance with subsection (C)(1) the owner or operator of the Hayden Smelter shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a CEMS for continuously monitoring and recording SO2 concentrations and stack gas volumetric flow rates at the following locations.
a. The exit of the acid plant;
b. The exit of the secondary hood particulate control device after the High Surface Area (HSA) lime injection system;
c. The exit of the flash furnace particulate control device after the HSA lime injection system;
d. The tertiary ventilation system prior to mixing with any other exhaust streams; and
e. The anode furnace baghouse stack prior to mixing with any other exhaust streams.
2. Except during periods of systems breakdown, repairs, maintenance, out-of-control periods, calibration checks, and zero and span adjustments, the owner or operator shall continuously monitor SO2 concentrations and stack gas volumetric flow rates at each location in subsection (E)(1).
3. For purposes of this section, continuous monitoring means the taking and recording of at least one measurement of SO2 concentration and stack gas flow rate reading from the effluent of each affected stack, outlet, or other approved measurement location in each 15-minute period when the associated process units are operating. Fifteen-minute periods start at the beginning of each clock hour, and run consecutively. All CEMS required by subsection (E)(1) shall complete at least one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive 15-minute period.
4. If the owner or operator can demonstrate to the Director that measurement of stack gas volumetric flow rate in the outlet of any particular piece of SO2 control equipment would yield inaccurate results or would be technologically infeasible, then the Director may allow measurement of the flow rate at an alternative sampling point.
5. The owner or operator shall demonstrate that the CEMS required by subsection (E)(1) meet all of the following requirements:
a. The SO2 CEMS installed and operated under this Section meets the requirements of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 2 and Performance Specification 6. The CEMS on the anode furnace baghouse stack and tertiary ventilation system shall complete an initial Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) in accordance with Performance Specification 2. The RATA runs shall be tied to when the anode furnace is in use and, for the tertiary system, when the converters are in operation and/or material is being transferred in the converter aisle. Asarco may petition the Department and EPA Region IX on the criteria for subsequent RATAs for the anode furnace baghouse stack or tertiary ventilation system CEMS. The petition shall include submittal of CEMS data during the year.
b. The SO2 CEMS installed and operated under this Section meets the quality assurance requirements of 40 CFR 60, Appendix F.
c. The owner or operator shall notify the Director in writing at least 30 days in advance of the start of the relative accuracy test audit (RATA) performed on the CEMS.
d. The Director shall approve the location of all sampling points for monitoring SO2 concentration and stack gas volumetric flow rates and the appropriate span values for the monitoring systems. This approval shall be in writing before installation and operation of the measurement instruments.
e. The measurement system installed and used under this subsection is subject to the manufacturer's recommended zero adjustment and calibration procedures at least once per operating day unless the manufacturer specifies or recommends calibration at shorter intervals, in which case the owner or operator shall follow those specifications or recommendations. The owner or operator shall make available a record of these procedures that clearly shows instrument readings before and after zero adjustment and calibration.
f. The owner or operator shall maintain on hand and ready for immediate installation sufficient spare parts or duplicate systems for the CEMS required by this Section to allow for the replacement within six hours of any monitoring equipment part that fails or malfunctions during operation.
6. The owner or operator of the Hayden Smelter may petition the Department to substitute annual stack testing for the tertiary ventilation or the anode furnace baghouse stack CEMS if the owner or operator demonstrates, for a period of two years, that either CEMS contribute(s) less than five percent individually of the total sulfur dioxide emissions. The Department must determine the demonstration adequate to approve the petition. Annual stack testing shall use EPA Methods 1, 4, and 6C in 40 CFR 60 Appendix A or an alternate method approved by the Department and EPA Region IX. Annual stack testing shall commence no later than the one year after the date the continuous emission monitoring system was removed. The owner or operator shall submit a test protocol to the Department at least 30 days in advance of testing. The protocol shall provide for three or more 24-hour runs unless the owner or operator justifies a different period and the Department approves such different period. Reports of testing shall be submitted to the Department no later than 60 days after testing or 30 days after receipt, whichever is later. The report shall provide an emissions rate, in the form of a pound per hour or pound per unit of production factor, that shall be used in the compliance demonstration in subsection (F)(1). Except as provided herein, the owner or operator shall otherwise comply with section R18-2-312 in conducting such testing.
F. Compliance Demonstration Requirements.
1. For purposes of determining compliance with the emission limit in subsection (C)(1) the owner or operator shall calculate emissions for each operating day as follows:
a. Sum the hourly pounds of SO2 vented to each uncontrolled shutdown ventilation flue and through each monitoring point listed in subsection (E)(1) for the current operating day and the preceding 13-operating days to calculate the total pounds of SO2 emissions over the 14-operating day averaging period, as applicable.
b. Divide the total amount of SO2 emissions calculated from subsection (F)(1)(a) by 336 to calculate the 14-operating day average SO2 emissions.
c. If the calculation in subsection (F)(1)(b) exceeds 1069.1 pounds per hour, then the owner or operator shall sum the hourly pounds of SO2 vented to each uncontrolled shutdown ventilation flue and through each monitoring point listed in subsection (E)(1) for each hour of the current operating day and each hour of the preceding 13-operating days to ascertain if any hour exceeded 1,518 pounds per hour.
2. When no valid hour or hours of data have been recorded by a continuous monitoring system required by subsections (E)(1) and (E)(2) and the associated process unit is operating, the owner or operator shall calculate substitute data for each such period according to the following procedures:
a. For a missing data period less than or equal to 24 hours, substitute the average of the hourly SO2 concentrations recorded by the system for the hour before and the hour after the missing data period.
b. For a missing data period greater than 24 hours, substitute the greater of:
i. The 90th percentile hourly SO2 concentrations recorded by the system during the previous 720 quality-assured monitor operating hours.
ii. The average of the hourly SO2 concentrations recorded by the system for the hour before and the four hours after the missing data period.
c. Notwithstanding subsections (F)(3)(a) and (F)(3)(b), the owner or operator may present any credible evidence as to the quantity or concentration of emissions during any period of missing data.
3. The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the requirements in subsection (D)(2) as follows:
a. Maintaining and operating the emissions capture and control equipment in accordance with the capture system and control device operations and maintenance plan required in subsection (D)(2) and recording operating parameters for capture and control equipment as required in subsection (D)(2)(b); and
b. Conducting a fugitive study in accordance with Appendix 14 starting not later than 6 months after completion of the Converter Retrofit Project authorized by Significant Permit Revision No. 60647. The fugitive study shall demonstrate, as set forth in Appendix 14, that fugitive emissions from the smelter are consistent with estimates used in the attainment demonstration in the Hayden 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards Nonattainment Area SIP.
4. The owner or operator shall include periods of startup, shutdown, malfunction, or other upset conditions when determining compliance with the emission limits in subsection (C).
5. The owner and operator shall demonstrate compliance with the limit in subsection (C)(2) in accordance with 40 CFR §§ 60.165 and 60.166 (as in effect on July 1, 2016 and not later editions).
G. Recordkeeping.
1. The owner or operator shall maintain a record of each operation and maintenance plan required under subsection (D)(2).
2. The owner or operator shall maintain the following records for at least five years:
a. All measurements from the continuous monitoring system required by subsection (E)(1), including the date, place, and time of sampling or measurement; parameters sampled or measured; and results. All measurements will be calculated daily.
b. All records of quality assurance and quality control activities for emissions measuring systems required by subsection (E)(1).
c. All records of calibration checks, adjustments, maintenance, and repairs conducted on the continuous monitoring systems required by subsection (E); including records of all compliance calculations required by subsection (F).
d. All records of the occurrence and duration of any startup, shutdown, or malfunction in the operation of concentrate drying, smelting, converting, anode refining and casting emission units; any malfunction of the associated air pollution control equipment; or any periods during which a continuous monitoring system or monitoring device required by subsection (E)(1) is inoperative or not operating correctly.
e. All records of planned and unplanned shutdown ventilation flue utilization events and calculations used to determine emissions from shutdown ventilation flue utilization events if the owner or operator chooses to use the alternative compliance determination method.
f All records of major maintenance activities and inspections conducted on emission units, capture system, air pollution control equipment, and CEMS, including those set forth in the operations and maintenance plan required by subsection (D)(2).
g. All records of operating days and production records required for calculations in subsection (F).
h. All records of fugitive emissions studies and study protocols conducted in accordance with Appendix 14.
i. All records of reports and notifications required by subsection (H).
H Reporting .
1. The owner or operator shall notify the Director in writing at least 30 days in advance of the start of relative accuracy test audit (RATA) procedures performed on the continuous monitoring systems required by subsection (E)(1).
2. Within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter, the owner or operator shall submit a data assessment report to the Director in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix F for the continuous monitoring systems required by subsection (E).
3. The owner or operator shall submit an excess emissions and monitoring systems performance report or summary report form in accordance with 40 CFR § 60.7(c) to the Director quarterly for the continuous monitoring systems required by subsection (E)(1). Excess emissions means any 14-operating day average as calculated in subsection (F) in excess of the emission limit in subsection (C)(1), any period in which the capture and control system was operating outside of its parameters specified in the capture stem and control device operation and maintenance plan in subsection (D)(2). For any 14-operating day period exceeding 069.1 pounds per hour that the owner or operator claims does not exceed the limit in subsection (C)(1) because all hours in the 1 erating period are below 1,518 pounds per hour, the owner or operator shall submit the CEMS data for each hour during that period. All reports shall be postmarked by the 30th day following the end of each calendar quarter time period.
4. The owner or operator shall provide the following to the Director:
a. The owner or operator shall notify the Director of commencement of construction of any equipment necessary to comply with the operational or emission limits.
b. The owner or operator shall submit semiannual progress reports on construction of any such equipment postmarked by July 30 for the preceding January-June period and January 30 for the preceding July-December period
c. The owner or operator shall submit notification of initial startup of any such equipment within 15 business days of such startup.
I. Preconstruction review This Section is determined to be Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for SO2 emissions from the operations subject to subsection (C) for purposes of minor source NSR requirement addressed in R18-2-334.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R18-2-B1302

New Section made by final rulemaking at 23 A.A.R. 767, effective 4/7/2017.