Log10 Kill = Log10 (cfu/g "I") - Log10 (cfu/g "R")
Log10 Kill is equivalent to the term Log10 reduction,
"I" is the number of viable test microorganisms introduced into the treatment unit,
"R" is the number of viable test microorganisms recovered from the treatment unit, and
"cfu/g" are colony forming units per gram of waste solids.
Log10 RC = Log10 IC - Log10 NR
Log10 NR = Log10 IC - Log10 RC
Log10 RC is greater than 6 for vegetative microorganisms and greater than 4 for bacterial spores and where:
Log10 RC is the number of viable "control" microorganisms in colony forming units per gram of waste solids recovered in the non-treated, processed waste residue;
Log10 IC is the number of viable "control" microorganisms in colony forming units per gram of waste solids introduced into the treatment unit;
Log10 NR is the number of "control" microorganisms in colony forming units per gram of waste solids which were not recovered in the non-treated, processed waste residue. Log10 NR represents an accountability factor for microbial loss.
Log10 Kill = Log10 IT - Log10 NR - Log10 RT
Log10 Kill is equivalent to the term Log10 reduction;
Log10 IT is the number of viable "Test" microorganisms in colony forming units per gram of waste solids introduced into the treatment unit. Log10 IT = Log10 IC;
Log10 NR is the number of "Control" microorganisms in colony forming units per gram of waste solids which were not recovered in the non-treated, processed waste residue;
Log10 RT is the number of viable "Test" microorganisms in colony forming units per gram of waste solids recovered in treated, processed waste residue.
Ariz. Admin. Code § R18-13-1415