Article 5 - LEASES
- Section R12-5-501 - Expired
- Section R12-5-502 - Expired
- Section R12-5-503 - Expired
- Section R12-5-504 - Expired
- Section R12-5-505 - Time for Filing Conflicting Applications
- Section R12-5-506 - Procedure in Processing Conflicting Applications
- Section R12-5-507 - Expired
- Section R12-5-508 - Application Confers No Right to Land
- Section R12-5-509 - Execution of Leases or Permits; Covenants; Effective Date and Completion of Lease or Permit
- Section R12-5-510 - Expired
- Section R12-5-511 - Expired
- Section R12-5-512 - Assignments
- Section R12-5-513 - Manner of Assignments
- Section R12-5-514 - Expired
- Section R12-5-515 - Expired
- Section R12-5-516 - [REPEALED]
- Section R12-5-517 - Rentals
- Section R12-5-518 - Rental Notices
- Section R12-5-519 - Expired
- Section R12-5-520 - Expired
- Section R12-5-521 - Modification or Amendment of Existing Lease or Permit
- Section R12-5-522 - Expired
- Section R12-5-523 - Expired
- Section R12-5-524 - Sale, Mortgage or Lien on Interest of Holder of Lease or Permit
- Section R12-5-525 - Expired
- Section R12-5-526 - Expired
- Section R12-5-527 - Expired
- Section R12-5-528 - Expired
- Section R12-5-529 - Expired
- Section R12-5-530 - Expired
- Section R12-5-531 - Expired
- Section R12-5-532 - Expired
- Section R12-5-533 - Trespass on State Land
- Section R12-5-534 - Closing Land to Recreational Use
- Section R12-5-535 - Expired