Ariz. Admin. Code § 12-4-701
In addition to the definitions provided under A.R.S. §§ 17-101 and 17-296, the following definitions apply to this Article: "Administrative subunit" means a branch, chapter, department, division, section, school, or other similar divisional entity of an eligible applicant. For example, an individual:
Administrative department, but not an entire city government;
Field office or project office, but not an entire agency; or
School, but not an entire school district.
"Eligible applicant" means any public agency, non-governmental organization, or nonprofit organization that meets the applicable requirements of this Article.
"Facilities" means any structure or site improvements.
"Fund" means the Arizona Game and Fish Commission Heritage Fund, established under A.R.S. § 17-297.
"Grant agreement" means a document that details the terms and conditions of a grant project.
"Grant effective date" means the date the Department Director signs the Grant Agreement.
"In-kind" means contributions other than cash, which include individual and material resources that the applicant makes available to the project, e.g. a public employee's salary, volunteer time, materials, supplies, space, or other donated goods and services.
"Participant" means an eligible applicant who has been awarded a grant from the Heritage Fund.
"Project" means an activity, or series of related activities, or services described in the specific project scope of work and results in specific end products.
"Project period" means the time during which a participant shall complete all approved work and related expenditures associated with an approved project.
"Public agency" means the federal government or any federal department or agency, an Indian tribe, this state, all state departments, agencies, boards, and commissions, counties, school districts, public charter schools, cities, towns, all municipal corporations, administrative subunits, and any other political subdivision.
"Publicly held lands" means federal, public, and reserved land, State Trust Land, and other lands within Arizona that are owned, controlled, or managed by the federal government, a state agency, or political subdivision.
"Term of public use" means the time period during which the project or facility is expected to be maintained for public use.
Ariz. Admin. Code § R12-4-701