Ariz. Admin. Code § 12-4-307
Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R12-4-307 - Trapping Regulations, Licensing; Methods; Tagging of Bobcat PeltsA. An Arizona trapping license permits a person to trap predatory and fur-bearing animals.B. A trapping license is required for any person 10 years of age and older. A person under the age of 10 is not required to purchase a trapping license, but shall apply for and obtain a registration number. The trapper registration number is not transferable.C. A person born on or after January 1, 1967 shall successfully complete a Department-approved trapping education course before applying for a trapping license.D. A person applying for a trapping registration number or trapping license shall pay the applicable fees established under R12-4-102.E. A person applying for a trapping registration number or trapping license shall apply using a form furnished by the Department. The form is available at any Department office and online at The person shall provide all of the following information on the form: 1. The applicant's personal information:c. Physical description, to include the applicant's eye color, hair color, height, and weight;d. Department identification number;e. Residency status and number of years of residency immediately preceding application, when applicable;f. Mailing address, when applicable;h. Telephone number, when available; andi. E-mail address, when available;3. The applicant's signature and date.F. A trapper may only trap predatory and fur-bearing animals during trapping seasons established by Commission Order.G. A trapper shall: 2. Kill or release all predatory and fur-bearing animals;3. Possess a choke restraint device that enables the trapper to release a javelina from a trap when trapping in a javelina hunt unit as designated by Commission Order;4. Possess a device that is designed or manufactured to restrain a trapped animal while it is being removed from a trap when its release is required under this Section; and5. Release, without additional injury, all animals that cannot lawfully be taken by trap.6. Subsections (G)(3) and (G)(4) do not apply when the trapper is using a confinement trap.H. A trapper shall not: 1. Bait a confinement trap with: b. Any edible parts of small game, big game, or game fish; orc. Any part of any game bird or nongame bird.2. Set any trap within: a. One-half mile (880 yards) of any of the following areas developed for public use:i. Boat ramp or launching area,iv. Roadside rest area, orv. Developed wildlife viewing platform.b. One-half mile of any occupied farmhouse or other residence, cabin, lodge or building without permission of the owner or resident.c. One-hundred yards of an interstate highway or any other highway maintained by the Arizona Department of Transportation.d. Fifty feet of any trail maintained for public use by a government agency.e. Seventy-five feet of any other road as defined under A.R.S. § 17-101.f. Subsections (H)(2)(b), (H)(2)(c), (H)(2)(d), and (H)(2)(e) do not apply when the trapper is using a confinement trap.3. Set a foothold trap within 30 feet of sight-exposed bait.4. Use any: a. Body-gripping or other instant kill trap with an open jaw spread that exceeds 5 inches for any land set or 10 inches for any water set;b. Foothold trap with an open jaw spread that exceeds 7 1/2 inches for any water set;c. Snare, unless authorized under subsection (I);d. Trap with an open jaw spread that exceeds 6 1/2 inches for any land set; orI. A trapper who uses a foothold trap to take wildlife with a land set shall use commercially manufactured traps that meet the following specifications:1. A padded or rubber-jawed trap or an unpadded trap with jaws permanently offset to a minimum of 3/16 inch and a device that allows for pan tension adjustment;2. A foothold trap that captures wildlife by means of an enclosed bar or spring designed to prevent the capture of non-targeted wildlife or domestic animals; or3. A powered cable device with an inside frame hinge width no wider than 6 inches, a cable loop stop size of at least 2 inches in diameter to prevent capture of small non-target species, and a device that allows for a pan tension adjustment.J. A trapper who uses a foothold trap to take wildlife with a land set shall ensure that the trap has an anchor chain equipped with at least two swivels as follows: 1. An anchor chain 12 inches or less in length shall have a swivel attached at each end.2. An anchor chain greater than 12 inches in length shall have one swivel attached at the trap and one swivel attached within 12 inches of the trap. The anchor chain shall be equipped with a shock-absorbing spring that requires less than 40 pounds of force to extend or open the spring.K. A trapper shall ensure that each trap has either the name and address or the registration number of the trapper marked on a metal tag attached to the trap. The registration number assigned by the Department is the only acceptable registration number.L. A trapper shall immediately attach a valid bobcat transportation tag to the pelt or unskinned carcass of a bobcat taken in this state. The trapper shall validate the transportation tag by providing all of the following information on the bobcat transportation tag:1. Current trapping license number,2. Management unit where the bobcat was taken,3. Sex of the bobcat, and4. Method by which the bobcat was taken.M. The Department shall provide transportation tags with each trapping license. Additional transportation tags are available at any Department office at no charge.N. A trapper shall ensure that all bobcats taken in this state have a bobcat seal attached and locked either through the mouth and an eye opening or through both eye openings no later than April 1 of each year.1. When available, bobcat seals are issued on a first-come, first-served basis at Department offices and other locations at those times and places as determined and published by the Department.2. The trapper shall pay the bobcat seal fee established under R12-4-102.3. Department personnel or an authorized agent shall attach and lock a bobcat seal only to a pelt or unskinned carcass presented with a validated transportation tag and a complete lower jaw identified with labels provided with the transportation tag. Department personnel or authorized agents shall collect the transportation tags and jaws before attaching the bobcat seal.O. Department personnel shall attach a bobcat seal to a bobcat pelt seized under A.R.S. § 17-211(E)(4) before disposal by the Department to the public.P. A licensed trapper shall file the annual report prescribed under A.R.S. § 17-361(D). The report form is available at any Department office and online at 1. The trapper shall submit the report to Arizona Game and Fish Department, Terrestrial Wildlife Branch, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086 by April 1 of each year.2. A report is required even when trapping activities were not conducted.3. The Department shall deny a trapping license to any trapper who fails to submit an annual report until the trapper complies with reporting requirements.Q. Persons suffering property loss or damage due to wildlife and who take responsive measures as permitted under A.R.S. §§ 17-239 and 17-302 are exempt from this Section. This exemption does not authorize any form of trapping prohibited under A.R.S. § 17-301.Ariz. Admin. Code § R12-4-307
Repealed effective May 3, 1976 (Supp. 76-3). New Section R12-4-56 adopted effective September 2, 1977 (Supp. 77-5). Amended effective December 27, 1979 (Supp. 79-6). Former Section R12-4-56 renumbered as Section R12-4-307 without change effective August 13, 1981. New Section R12-4-307 amended effective August 31, 1981 (Supp. 81-4). Amended effective August 4, 1982 (Supp. 82-4). Correction, Former Section R12-4-56 renumbered as Section R12-4-307 without change effective August 13, 1981 should read "effective August 31, 1981." Amended as an emergency effective March 29, 1983 pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1003, valid for only 90 days (Supp. 83-2). Amended subsections (B), (C)(6), (7), and (8) and added subsection (I)(5) as a permanent rule effective August 27, 1984 (Supp. 84-4). Amended subsection (C), paragraph (4), subsection (D), subsection (H), paragraph (1), subsection (I), paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) effective September 12, 1986 (Supp. 86-5). Amended effective March 1, 1994; filed in the Office of the Secretary of State November 23, 1993; Exhibit A - "Trapping Report" Form 2050, repealed from Section R12-4-307 (Supp. 93-4). Amended effective January 1, 1996; filed in the Office of the Secretary of State December 18, 1995 (Supp. 95-4). Corrected mislabeled subsection "C" to subsection "D" as per the Commission's request July 22, 1997 (Supp. 97-2). Amended effective February 9, 1998 (Supp. 98-1). Amended by final rulemaking at 8 A.A.R. 1702, effective March 11, 2002 (Supp. 02-1). Amended by final rulemaking at 10 A.A.R. 850, effective April 3, 2004 (Supp. 04-1). Amended by final rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 826, effective July 1, 2013 (Supp. 13-2). Amended by final rulemaking at 25 A.A.R. 1048, effective 6/1/2019.