Ariz. Admin. Code § 12-2-104

Current through Register Vol. 31, No. 2, January 10, 2025
Section R12-2-104 - Livestock Depredation Prevention Compensation Funding; Eligibility
A. The Arizona Livestock Loss Board (Board), in its sole discretion, may make funds available to landowners, lessees, or livestock operators who implement livestock management techniques or nonlethal wolf deterrence techniques designed to prevent wolf and livestock interactions and reduce wolf depredations, which may include but is not limited to:
1. Fencing,
2. Guard dogs,
3. Range riders,
4. Reduction in livestock production, and
5. Transportation costs to relocate livestock.
B. The Board shall consider compensation applications in the order received, except that preference shall be given to applicants who:
1. Employ range rider strategies or other non-lethal conflict avoidance measures,
2. Projects on ranches that have experienced depredation or depredations, and
3. Projects on ranches where wolf packs are known to be present.
C. An applicant seeking funding shall submit to the Board an Application for Mexican Wolf Depredation Prevention Compensation Form (application form) no less than seven days prior to its next regularly scheduled meeting. The claimant shall mail the form to the State of Arizona Livestock Loss Board at, P.O. BOX 74975, Phoenix, AZ, 85087. An applicant who is applying for multiple projects shall submit a separate application for each project. The applicant shall provide all of the information on the application form, including:
1. The applicant's:
a. Name;
b. Mailing address;
c. Telephone number;
d. Fax number, if available;
e. Email address, if available;
2. Primary Contact's:
a. Name;
b. Mailing address;
c. Telephone number;
d. Fax number, if available; and
e. Email address, if available; and
3. Description of the project area shall be a map or a description of the project area to include the Township, Section, Range, and the Allotment Name, if available;
4. Livestock information:
a. Types of livestock being protected by the project;
b. Number of livestock owners within the project area;
c. Estimated number of livestock covered by the project;
5. A detailed description of the proposed depredation prevention measure or measures;
6. An itemized cost report showing how the applicant intends to use compensation funds (e.g. fencing, range riders, alternative ranges, guard dogs etc.).
7. Previous funded projects completed by the applicant that reduced wolf and livestock interactions, if applicable:
a. Compensation funds received for each project;
b. Total funding for each project;
c. Project start and end dates;
d. For a project exceeding one year, indicate the period estimated to complete the project;
e. For an existing project, provide the year the project began;
8. Total compensation funds requested;
9. Total matching funds, to include the total cash and non-cash match;
10. Affirmation that the information provided on the application is true and accurate; and
11. Signature and date. The person signing the application form shall have the authority to enter into agreements, accept funding, and fulfill the terms of the agreement on behalf of the applicant.
D. Submission of an application does not guarantee the Board will award compensation. The Board shall award compensation funding based upon available funds and whether the proposed project will effectively prevent wolf and livestock interactions and reduce wolf depredations.
1. The Board shall review each application for completeness, accuracy, and consistency with this Section.
2. Incomplete applications may be returned for correction or completion.
3. Applications not meeting the standards established in these rules may be denied.
E. The awarding of funding is within the Board's sole discretion and is based on the Board's determination of the proposed measures effectiveness at preventing wolf depredation. After reviewing all applications, the Board may make any one of the following decisions:
1. Approve funding for the full amount requested;
2. Approve funding of partial amount requested. In this instance, the Board may elect to fund a portion of the requested amount;
3. Defer request for further consideration based upon submission of additional information;
4. Deny request.
F. An applicant awarded compensation funding shall:
1. Provide an Arizona State W-9 to NFWF, or other Board-approved payment agent, before any funds may be dispersed, unless the person already has a W-9 on file with NFWF.
2. Provide approved dollar-for-dollar match in the form of cash, in-kind contributions, or third-party contributions on behalf of the applicant.
3. Surrender any unexpended livestock compensation funds to the Board.
G. The Applicant assumes all liabilities for actions implemented by the Livestock Depredation Prevention Compensation Funding.
H. The Board is not responsible for any injuries, taxes, fees, or other costs, resulting from a Livestock Depredation Compensation Funding.

Ariz. Admin. Code § R12-2-104

New Section made by final rulemaking at 30 A.A.R. 430, effective 4/13/2024.