- Section R11-1-1201 - Grizzlies Kept in Good Repair
- Section R11-1-1202 - Upon Entering Work Area Check for Hazards
- Section R11-1-1203 - Transformer Stations to be Enclosed
- Section R11-1-1204 - Use of Grizzlies
- Section R11-1-1205 - Carrying Material on Shoulder
- Section R11-1-1206 - Ventilation Procedures in Case of Mine Fire
- Section R11-1-1207 - Roof Bolting in Unstable Ground
- Section R11-1-1208 - Winze or Raise in Direct Line with Haulage Drift
- Section R11-1-1209 - Access to Unattended Underground Mine Openings
- Section R11-1-1210 - Loading and Drilling at Same Time
- Section R11-1-1211 - Chute Tapping
- Section R11-1-1212 - [REPEALED]
- Section R11-1-1213 - Taking "short Cuts"
- Section R11-1-1214 - Throwing Tools or Material down a Manway
- Section R11-1-1215 - Scaling or Barring-down
- Section R11-1-1216 - Removing Bits from Drill Steel
- Section R11-1-1217 - Dangerous Places Fenced
- Section R11-1-1218 - Collars of Open Draw Holes Kept Free
- Section R11-1-1219 - Removing Men to Safe Places before Blasting
- Section R11-1-1220 - Renumbered
- Section R11-1-1221 - [REPEALED]
- Section R11-1-1222 - Headlight, Reflector or Tail Light on Trains
- Section R11-1-1223 - Workmen Shall Never Walk Alongside Any Moving Train
- Section R11-1-1224 - Train Speed when Passing Men in Drifts
- Section R11-1-1225 - [REPEALED]
- Section R11-1-1226 - Impaired Overhead Clearance
- Section R11-1-1227 - Train Shall be Pulled
- Section R11-1-1228 - Plugging of the Trolley Locomotives or Battery Motors
- Section R11-1-1229 - While Car Is in Motion
- Section R11-1-1230 - No One Shall Climb over Cars While Moving
- Section R11-1-1231 - Pulling Plugs on Mancha Battery Motors
- Section R11-1-1232 - Men Working in Haulage Drifts
- Section R11-1-1233 - Operating a Motor While out of the Cab
- Section R11-1-1234 - Men Pulling Chutes in Safe Location
- Section R11-1-1235 - A Motor Man Shall Receive a Signal from His Swamper or Loader before Moving Train
- Section R11-1-1236 - Cars Shall Not be Coupled or Uncoupled by Hand
- Section R11-1-1237 - Transportation of Tools, Materials and Equipment on Top of Motors and Locomotives
- Section R11-1-1238 - Speed of Mantrips