9 Alaska Admin. Code § 14.020
If, before the expiration of a telephonic seller's annual registration period, there is a material change in the information required by 9 AAC 14.010, the telephonic seller shall, within 10 days, file an addendum updating the information with the department. Changes in salespersons soliciting on behalf of a telephonic seller, or salespersons previously listed who no longer solicit on behalf of the telephonic seller, must be updated by addendum every 90 days after the telephonic seller registration form is filed. The addendum for salespersons must include the same information required on the telephonic seller's registration form. An addendum must be submitted in the form of an affidavit setting out the relevant changes of information and must be attached to a copy of the telephonic seller's registration form it is amending.
9 AAC 14.020
Authority:AS 45.63.010
AS 45.63.090