Article 4 - Environmental Health and Safety
- Section 7 AAC 10.1000 - Purpose and applicability
- Section 7 AAC 10.1002 - Caregivers
- Section 7 AAC 10.1005 - Pre-licensing inspection
- Section 7 AAC 10.1010 - Life and fire safety
- Section 7 AAC 10.1015 - Heating and heating devices
- Section 7 AAC 10.1020 - Water supply
- Section 7 AAC 10.1022 - Wastewater disposal
- Section 7 AAC 10.1025 - Solid waste disposal
- Section 7 AAC 10.1030 - Toilet facilities, sinks, showers, and bathing facilities
- Section 7 AAC 10.1035 - Premises
- Section 7 AAC 10.1040 - General cleaning and sanitation standards
- Section 7 AAC 10.1045 - Universal precautions
- Section 7 AAC 10.1050 - Caregiver hygiene
- Section 7 AAC 10.1055 - Incontinence care
- Section 7 AAC 10.1060 - Additional provisions for entities licensed to provide care for children
- Section 7 AAC 10.1065 - Food service and preparation
- Section 7 AAC 10.1070 - Medications
- Section 7 AAC 10.1075 - First aid kit and procedures
- Section 7 AAC 10.1080 - Firearms and ammunition
- Section 7 AAC 10.1085 - Smoking
- Section 7 AAC 10.1090 - Animals
- Section 7 AAC 10.1093 - Pesticide use and notification
- Section 7 AAC 10.1095 - Toxic substances; poisonous plants