Chapter 99 - Subsistence Uses
- Section 5 AAC 99.005 - Boards of Fisheries subsistence finding standards
- Section 5 AAC 99.010 - Boards of fisheries and game subsistence procedures
- Section 5 AAC 99.012 - Rural criteria (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 99.014 - Joint board findings relating to rural and non-rural areas (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 99.015 - Joint Board nonsubsistence areas
- Section 5 AAC 99.016 - Activities permitted in a nonsubsistence area
- Section 5 AAC 99.020 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 5 AAC 99.021 - Definitions
- Section 5 AAC 99.025 - Customary and traditional uses of game populations
- Section 5 AAC 99.030 - Eligibility for subsistence and general hunts