5 Alaska Admin. Code § 21.373

Current through August 30, 2024
Section 5 AAC 21.373 - Trail Lakes Hatchery Sockeye Salmon Management Plan
(a) The department, in consultation with the hatchery operator, shall manage the Resurrection Bay North Subdistrict, China Poot Subdistrict, Tutka Bay Subdistrict, and the Kirschner Lake Section of the Bruin Bay Subdistrict to provide for a common property fishery and to achieve the hatchery broadstock and cost recovery goals set by the hatchery operator and approved by the department for the Trail Lakes Hatchery. The department will manage the sport fisheries in accordance with regulations in 5 AAC 56 - 62 and 5 AAC 75. The commissioner may issue emergency orders to liberalize or restrict sport fisheries based on achievement of broodstock goals.
(b) The Trail Lakes Hatchery special harvest areas are as follows:
(1) Bear Lake Special Harvest Area: the marine waters of Resurrection Bay in the Eastern District north of the latitude of Caines Head at 59° 58.93' N. lat., and the fresh waters of Bear Creek, Salmon Creek, and Resurrection River downstream from, and including, the Bear Creek weir, excluding all freshwaters downstream from the Seward Highway and Nash Road to a line between the ADF&G saltwater/freshwater regulatory markers at 60° 07.49' N. lat., 149° 24.72' W. long. and 60° 07.25 N. Iat., 149° 22.54' W. long.;
(2) China Foot Special Harvest Area: the marine waters of China Foot Bay Subdistrict in the Southern District inshore of, and enclosed by, a line from a point at the base of China Poot Spit at 59° 33.42' N. lat, 151° 21.70' W. long., to a point offshore at 59° 34.11' N. lat., 151° 22.45' W. long, to a point at 59° 35.08' N. lat., 151° 19.77' W. long., to Moosehead Point at 59° 34.66' N. Iat., 151° 19.27' W. long.;
(3) Tutka Bay Lagoon Special Harvest Area: the marine waters of Tutka Bay Subdistrict in the Southern District southeast and shoreward of a line from 59° 30.23' N. lat., 151° 28.23' W. long. to 59° 28.63' N. lat., 151° 30.37' W. long., including Tutka Bay Lagoon;
(4) Kirschner Lake Special Harvest Area: the marine waters of Bruin Bay Subdistrict in the Kamishak Bay District northwest of a line connecting 59° 25.17' N. lat., 153° 50.50' W. long. and 59° 23.17' N. lat., 153° 56.90' W. long.
(5) Hazel Lake Special Harvest Area: the marine waters of the China Foot Bay Subdistrict in the Southern District inshore of, and enclosed by, a line connecting 59° 32.84' N. lat., 151° 24.90' W. long., to a point offshore at 59° 33.09' N. lat., 151° 25.22' W. long., to a point at 59° 34.11' N. lat., 151° 22.45' W. long., to a point at the base of China Poot Spit at 59° 33.42' N. lat., 151° 21.70' W. long.
(c) Notwithstanding 5 AAC 21.320 and 5 AAC 21.330, and except as otherwise provided by emergency order issued under AS 16.05.060, the permit holder for the Trail Lakes Hatchery, and the permit holders agents, contractors, or employees authorized under 5 AAC 40.005(g) may harvest salmon in the
(1) Bear Lake Special Harvest Area, from 6:00 a.m. May 15 until 6:00 p.m. October 31 using weirs, purse seines, hand purse seines, and beach seines;
(2) China Poot and Hazel Lake Special Harvest Area, from 6:00 a.m. June 1 until 6:00 p.m. July 31 using purse seines, hand purse seines, and beach seines;
(3) Tutka Bay Lagoon Special Harvest Area, from 6:00 a.m. June 1 until 6:00 p.m. September 15 using purse seines, hand purse seines, and beach seines;
(4) Kirschner Lake Special Harvest Area, from 6:00 a.m. June 1 until 6:00 p.m. August 15 using purse seines, hand purse seines, and beach seines.

5 AAC 21.373

Eff. 8/23/2009, Register 191; am 3/22/2014, Register 209, April 2014; am 3/15/2017, Register 221, April 2017; am 4/24/2020, Register 234, April 2020

Authority:AS 16.05.060

AS 16.05.251

AS 16.05.730

AS 16.10.440