Section 22 AAC 05.213 - Facility designation procedures(a) The procedures regarding a short-term designation are as follows: (1) a short-term designation shall be completed under this section for a prisoner who has a composite sentence of 366 days or less;(2) a short-term sentenced prisoner shall be designated to a facility appropriate for the prisoner's custody level by the holding facility after the completion of the prisoner's time accounting sheet;(3) the officer completing the designation shall review the case record, including all appropriate documentation, and submit a recommended designation to the superintendent for review and final decision;(4) a short-term designation that requires movement to another facility shall be forwarded to central classification for the determination of the designated facility; central classification may override the prisoner's designated custody status level; the reason for override must be recorded on the prisoner's notice of designation;(5) the prisoner shall be provided a copy of the short-term designation no later than three working days after the date that the designation is completed; a copy of the completed notice of designation and any relevant documents shall be placed in the prisoner's case record.(b) The procedures regarding a long-term designation are as follows:(1) a long-term designation shall be completed under this section for a prisoner who has a composite sentence of 367 days or more;(2) the officer completing the long-term designation shall complete and forward a long-term designation to central classification after the completion of the prisoner's time accounting sheet;(3) central classification will make the final designation decision and shall send a notice of designation to both the sending facility and the receiving facility; central classification may override the prisoner's designated custody level and shall record the reason for the override on the notice of designation;(4) the prisoner shall be provided a copy of the notice of designation no later than three working days after the date that the designation is completed; a copy of the completed designation form and any relevant documents shall be placed in the prisoner's case record.(c) No later than 10 working days after a prisoner receives a short-term designation or long-term designation under this section, the prisoner may appeal the designation to the director of institution under 22 AAC 05.242. This appeal is limited to the effect that the designation has on the prisoner's access to rehabilitative programs. No later than 15 working days after receiving an appeal under this section, the director shall issue a decision regarding the appeal. The director's decision is final.Eff. 1/13/2012, Register 201Authority:AS 33.30.011
AS 33.30.021
AS 44.28.030