Article 6 - Priority Classification Point System
- Section 20 AAC 05.600 - Priority classification system
- Section 20 AAC 05.610 - Past participation
- Section 20 AAC 05.620 - Economic dependence
- Section 20 AAC 05.630 - Point system for designated fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.640 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications
- Section 20 AAC 05.650 - Special rules for use of the point system
- Section 20 AAC 05.653 - Priority classification system for those fisheries designated in 20 AAC 05.310(a)(9) - (a)(13)
- Section 20 AAC 05.656 - Point system for fisheries designated in 20 AAC 05.310(a)(9) - (a)(13)
- Section 20 AAC 05.659 - Designation of significant and minor economic hardship classifications for those fisheries designated in 20 AAC 05.310(a)(9) - (a)(13)
- Section 20 AAC 05.660 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.662 - Priority classification system for Southeastern and Prince William Sound roe herring purse seine and Cook Inlet combined roe herring and herring purse seine fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.664 - Point system for Southeastern and Prince William Sound roe herring purse seine and Cook Inlet combined roe herring and herring purse seine fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.666 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications
- Section 20 AAC 05.667 - Priority classification system for Southeastern herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.668 - Point system for the Southeastern herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.669 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Southeastern herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.670 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.671 - Priority classification system for Prince William Sound roe herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.672 - Past participation point system for the Prince William Sound roe herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.673 - Economic dependence point system for the Prince William Sound roe herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.674 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Prince William Sound roe herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.675 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.676 - Priority classification system for the statewide salmon hand troll fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.677 - Point system for the salmon hand troll fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.678 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the statewide salmon hand troll fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.679 - Special rules for the salmon hand troll point system
- Section 20 AAC 05.680 - Priority classification systems for Kodiak roe herring purse seine and gillnet fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.681 - Point system for the Kodiak roe herring purse seine fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.682 - Point system for the Kodiak roe herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.683 - Special rules
- Section 20 AAC 05.684 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Kodiak roe herring purse seine and gillnet fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.685 - Permits issued to an applicant for both purse seine and gillnet fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.686 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.687 - Qualification dates for fisheries limited after 1983 (Repealed)
- Section 20 AAC 05.690 - Integrated fishery resource permit
- Section 20 AAC 05.691 - Priority classification system for Southeastern Alaska red and blue king crab pot fishery, brown king crab pot fishery and Tanner crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.692 - General provisions relating to the Southeastern Alaska red and blue king crab, brown king crab and Tanner crab pot fisheries point systems
- Section 20 AAC 05.693 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska red and blue king crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.694 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska brown king crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.695 - Point system for the Southeastern Tanner crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.696 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Southeastern Alaska red and blue king crab pot fishery, brown king crab pot fishery, and Tanner crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.697 - Definitions for 20 AAC 05.691 - 20 AAC 05.697
- Section 20 AAC 05.701 - Priority classification system for Northern Southeast Inside sablefish longline fishery, Southern Southeast Inside sablefish longline fishery, and Southern Southeast Inside sablefish pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.703 - General provisions relating to the Northern Southeast Inside sablefish longline, Southern Southeast Inside sablefish longline, and Southern Southeast Inside sablefish pot fisheries point systems
- Section 20 AAC 05.705 - Point system for the Northern Southeast Inside sablefish longline fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.707 - Point system for the Southern Southeast Inside sablefish longline fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.709 - Point system for the Southern Southeast Inside sablefish pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.711 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Northern Southeast Inside sablefish longline fishery, Southern Southeast Inside sablefish longline fishery, and Southern Southeast Inside sablefish pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.713 - Definitions for 20 AAC 05.701 - 20 AAC 05.713
- Section 20 AAC 05.715 - Priority classification system for Prince William Sound herring spawn on kelp pound fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.717 - Point system for the Prince William Sound herring spawn on kelp pound fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.719 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Prince William Sound herring spawn on kelp pound fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.722 - Priority classification systems for Norton Sound herring gillnet fishery, Norton Sound herring beach seine fishery, Cape Romanzof herring gillnet fishery, Nelson Island herring gillnet fishery, and Nunivak Island herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.724 - General provisions relating to point systems for the Norton Sound herring gillnet fishery, the Norton Sound herring beach seine fishery, the Cape Romanzof herring gillnet fishery, the Nelson Island herring gillnet fishery, and the Nunivak Island herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.726 - Point system for the Cape Romanzof herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.728 - Point system for the Norton Sound herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.732 - Point system for the Norton Sound herring beach seine fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.734 - Point system for the Nelson Island herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.736 - Point system for the Nunivak Island herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.738 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Norton Sound herring gillnet fishery, Norton Sound herring beach seine fishery, Cape Romanzof herring gillnet fishery, Nelson Island herring gillnet fishery, and Nunivak Island herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.742 - Definitions for 20 AAC 05.722 - 20 AAC 05.742
- Section 20 AAC 05.744 - General provisions relating to Bristol Bay (Togiak) herring spawn-on-kelp fishery point system
- Section 20 AAC 05.745 - Priority classification system for the Bristol Bay (Togiak) herring spawn on kelp fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.748 - Point system for the Bristol Bay (Togiak) herring spawn on kelp fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.751 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Bristol Bay (Togiak) herring spawn on kelp fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.753 - General provisions relating to Cook Inlet Dungeness crab pot and ring net fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.755 - Priority classification system for the Cook Inlet Dungeness crab pot and ring net fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.757 - Point system for the Cook Inlet Dungeness crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.758 - Point system for the Cook Inlet Dungeness crab ring net fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.760 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Cook Inlet Dungeness crab pot and ring net fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.762 - General provisions relating to Southeastern Alaska Dungeness crab pot, ring net, and diving gear fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.764 - Fishing capacity restrictions for Southeast Alaska Dungeness crab pot permits
- Section 20 AAC 05.765 - Provisions relating to a joint operation in the Southeast Dungeness crab pot fishery for the purpose of calculating tier levels
- Section 20 AAC 05.766 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.767 - Priority classification system for Southeastern Alaska Dungeness crab pot, ring net, and diving gear fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.768 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska Dungeness crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.769 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska Dungeness crab ring net fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.770 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska Dungeness crab diving gear fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.771 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the southeastern Alaska Dungeness crab pot, ring net, and diving gear fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.772 - General provisions relating to Southeastern Alaska shrimp pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.773 - Priority classification system for the Southeastern Alaska shrimp pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.774 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska shrimp pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.775 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Southeastern Alaska shrimp pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.776 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.778 - General provisions relating to Prince William Sound sablefish fixed gear, pot gear, and net gear fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.779 - Fishing capacity restrictions for Prince William Sound sablefish permits
- Section 20 AAC 05.780 - Definitions (Repealed)
- Section 20 AAC 05.781 - Priority classification systems for Prince William Sound sablefish fixed gear, pot gear, and net gear fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.782 - Point system for the Prince William Sound sablefish fixed gear fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.783 - Point system for the Prince William Sound sablefish pot gear fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.784 - Point system for the Prince William Sound sablefish net gear fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.785 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Prince William Sound sablefish fixed gear, pot gear, and net gear fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.786 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.787 - General provisions relating to the Southeastern Alaska shrimp beam trawl and shrimp otter trawl fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.788 - Priority classification systems for the Southeastern Alaska shrimp beam trawl and shrimp otter trawl fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.789 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska shrimp beam trawl fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.790 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska shrimp otter trawl fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.791 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Southeastern Alaska shrimp beam trawl and shrimp otter trawl fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.792 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.794 - Priority classification systems for the Northern Southeast and Southern Southeast herring spawn-on-kelp pound fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.795 - General provisions relating to the Northern Southeast and Southern Southeast herring spawn-on-kelp pound fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.796 - Point system for the Northern Southeast herring spawn-on-kelp pound fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.797 - Point system for the Southern Southeast herring spawn-on-kelp pound fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.798 - Designation or significant and minor hardship classifications for the Northern Southeast and Southern Southeast herring spawn-on-kelp pound fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.799 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.800 - General provisions relating to the Goodnews Bay herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.801 - Priority classification system for the Goodnews Bay herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.802 - Point system for the Goodnews Bay herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.803 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Goodnews Bay herring gillnet fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.804 - Definitions
- Section 20 AAC 05.806 - General provisions relating to the Southeastern Alaska geoduck clam dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.807 - Priority classification system for Southeastern Alaska geoduck clam dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.808 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska geoduck clam dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.809 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Southeastern Alaska geoduck clam dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.812 - General provisions relating to the Southeastern Alaska sea cucumber dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.813 - Priority classification system for Southeastern Alaska sea cucumber dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.814 - Point system for the Southeastern Alaska sea cucumber dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.815 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Southeastern Alaska sea cucumber dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.818 - General provisions relating to the Southeastern Alaska sea urchin dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.819 - Priority classification system for Southeast Alaska Sea Urchin Dive Fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.820 - Point system for the Southeast Alaska Sea Urchin Dive Fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.821 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Southeast Alaska sea urchin dive fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.822 - General provisions relating to Kodiak food and bait herring fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.823 - Fishing capacity restrictions for Kodiak food and bait herring permits
- Section 20 AAC 05.824 - Priority classification systems for the Kodiak food and bait herring fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.825 - Point system for the Kodiak food and bait herring gillnet and seine combined fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.826 - Point system for the Kodiak food and bait herring trawl fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.827 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Kodiak food and bait herring fisheries
- Section 20 AAC 05.830 - General provisions relating to Kodiak bairdi Tanner crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.831 - Fishing capacity restrictions for Kodiak bairdi Tanner crab pot permits
- Section 20 AAC 05.833 - Priority classification system for the Kodiak bairdi Tanner crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.834 - Point system for the Kodiak bairdi Tanner crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.835 - Designation of significant and minor hardship classifications for the Kodiak bairdi Tanner crab pot fishery
- Section 20 AAC 05.836 - Definitions