Article 2 - Hearing Procedures
- Section 2 AAC 64.100 - Purpose, applicability, and effect of hearing procedures
- Section 2 AAC 64.110 - Initiating an administrative hearing process
- Section 2 AAC 64.120 - Referral to the office
- Section 2 AAC 64.130 - Notice of denial of hearing request
- Section 2 AAC 64.140 - Stay of decision
- Section 2 AAC 64.150 - Notice of assignment
- Section 2 AAC 64.160 - Representation
- Section 2 AAC 64.170 - Change of administrative law judge
- Section 2 AAC 64.180 - Intervention
- Section 2 AAC 64.190 - Consolidation and division
- Section 2 AAC 64.200 - Alternative dispute resolution
- Section 2 AAC 64.210 - Fast-track hearings
- Section 2 AAC 64.220 - Prehearing conference
- Section 2 AAC 64.230 - Voluntary dismissal
- Section 2 AAC 64.240 - Documents exchange, discovery, and subpoenas
- Section 2 AAC 64.250 - Summary adjudication
- Section 2 AAC 64.260 - Hearings
- Section 2 AAC 64.270 - Motions
- Section 2 AAC 64.280 - Oral argument
- Section 2 AAC 64.290 - Evidence
- Section 2 AAC 64.300 - Official notice
- Section 2 AAC 64.310 - Supplementation of the record
- Section 2 AAC 64.320 - Failure to participate
- Section 2 AAC 64.330 - Proposed findings and conclusions
- Section 2 AAC 64.340 - Decisions
- Section 2 AAC 64.350 - Reconsideration
- Section 2 AAC 64.360 - Sanctions
- Section 2 AAC 64.370 - Administrative hearing record