Section 2 AAC 20.010 - Sale of surplus personal property(a) The department shall dispose of all obsolete or surplus personal property of the state for which there is no immediate or prospective use. Disposal may be made by (1) sale, competitive or negotiated;(4) in any other manner considered to be in the best interests of the state.(b) Property which is offered for sale to the general public will be by auction. Notice of sale will be given by one, or more, of these methods(1) publication in a newspaper;(2) radio spot announcements;(3) sending notices by mail to all known interested persons.Eff. 12/14/72, Register 44As of Register 177 (April 2006), the regulations attorney made a technical revision under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), to the authority citation following 2 AAC 20.010.