Section 18 AAC 85.680 - General precautionsThe following general precautions are required or recommended in the use of laser radiation:
(1) Aiming a laser with the eye should be avoided.(2) Work with lasers should be performed in areas of high general illumination.(3) Laser beams shall be terminated by a material having reflectance and fire resistance commensurate with the power density of the beam except when the beam is intended to interact with the termination.(4) Where lasers must be used in other than closed installations, an area shall be cleared of individuals for a reasonable distance on all sides of the anticipated laser beam path.(5) Signs warning of laser operation shall be posted at conspicuous and strategic locations. The signs may be permanent or temporary depending on the type and frequency of operation. For high powered lasers, a sign such as shown below is recommended. CLICK TO VIEW CHART
Eff. 9/16/71, Register 39Authority:AS 46.03.020
AS 46.03.260