Article 4 - Coliform Bacteria Requirements
- Section 18 AAC 80.400 - Applicability of coliform bacteria requirements
- Section 18 AAC 80.405 - Routine monitoring
- Section 18 AAC 80.407 - Seasonal system start-up procedures
- Section 18 AAC 80.410 - Sampling siting plan review and approval
- Section 18 AAC 80.415 - Repeat monitoring
- Section 18 AAC 80.420 - Total coliform and Escherichia coli (E Coli) testing and laboratory reporting
- Section 18 AAC 80.425 - Invalidation of total coliform samples
- Section 18 AAC 80.430 - Sanitary surveys
- Section 18 AAC 80.435 - Application, training, examination, and approval requirements for sanitary survey inspectors
- Section 18 AAC 80.438 - Renewal of approval for a sanitary survey inspector
- Section 18 AAC 80.439 - Revocation of approval for a sanitary survey inspector
- Section 18 AAC 80.440 - [Repealed]
- Section 18 AAC 80.443 - Level 1 assessment requirements
- Section 18 AAC 80.445 - Level 2 assessment requirements