Article 1 - Underground Storage Tanks
- Section 18 AAC 78.005 - Applicability
- Section 18 AAC 78.007 - UST Procedures Manual
- Section 18 AAC 78.008 - [Repealed]
- Section 18 AAC 78.010 - [Repealed]
- Section 18 AAC 78.012 - Installation requirements for partially excluded USTs
- Section 18 AAC 78.015 - Registration and fees
- Section 18 AAC 78.017 - [Repealed]
- Section 18 AAC 78.018 - Acceptance prohibitions
- Section 18 AAC 78.020 - [Repealed]
- Section 18 AAC 78.022 - [Repealed]
- Section 18 AAC 78.025 - Performance standards for new USTs
- Section 18 AAC 78.030 - Upgrading existing USTs
- Section 18 AAC 78.035 - Notification requirements
- Section 18 AAC 78.040 - Spill and overfill control
- Section 18 AAC 78.045 - Operation and maintenance of corrosion protection
- Section 18 AAC 78.050 - Compatibility
- Section 18 AAC 78.055 - Repairs allowed
- Section 18 AAC 78.056 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
- Section 18 AAC 78.057 - Periodic testing of spill prevention equipment and containment sumps used for interstitial monitoring of piping, and periodic inspection of overfill prevention equipment
- Section 18 AAC 78.058 - Periodic operation and maintenance walkthrough inspections
- Section 18 AAC 78.059 - Operations inspection
- Section 18 AAC 78.060 - Release detection requirements for USTs
- Section 18 AAC 78.065 - Release detection methods for tanks
- Section 18 AAC 78.070 - Release detection methods for piping
- Section 18 AAC 78.072 - Release detection recordkeeping
- Section 18 AAC 78.075 - Release detection monitoring requirements (Repealed)
- Section 18 AAC 78.080 - Temporary closure
- Section 18 AAC 78.085 - Permanent closure and change-in-service
- Section 18 AAC 78.086 - Applicability to previously closed USTs
- Section 18 AAC 78.087 - Closure records
- Section 18 AAC 78.088 - Qualified environmental professionals and qualified samplers
- Section 18 AAC 78.090 - Site characterization and assessment
- Section 18 AAC 78.095 - [Repealed]
- Section 18 AAC 78.100 - [Repealed]