Classification A: Maximum Individual Nontank Vessel Fuel Capacity Or Fuel Volume To Be Carried, As Identified Under 18 AAC 75.441, Up To And Including 15,000 Barrels | |
Required Equipment Type | Minimum Equipment Requirement |
boom2 | 3,000 feet or 3 times the length of the largest vessel, whichever is greater |
skimmer3 | 2 or more skimmers, 900 barrels a day total |
cleaning kit4 | 2 kits |
storage capacity5 | 900 barrels of oil plus all associated water |
personnel6 | 8 individuals |
workboats7 | 4 workboats |
hazing kit8 | 2 kits |
radios9 | 5 radios |
Classification B: Maximum Individual Nontank Vessel Fuel Capacity Or Fuel Volume To Be Carried, As Identified Under 18 AAC 75.441, Greater Than 15,000 Barrels, Up To And Including 30,000 Barrels | |
Required Equipment Type | Minimum Equipment Requirement |
boom2 | 3,000 feet or 3 times the length of the largest vessel, whichever is greater |
skimmer3 | 2 or more skimmers, 1,800 barrels a day total |
cleaning kit4 | 2 kits |
storage capacity5 | 1,800 barrels of oil plus all associated water |
personnel6 | 8 individuals |
workboats7 | 4 workboats |
hazing kit8 | 2 kits |
radios9 | 5 radios |
Classification C: Maximum Individual Nontank Vessel Fuel Capacity Or Fuel Volume To Be Carried, As Identified Under 18 AAC 75.441, Greater Than 30,000 Barrels | |
Required Equipment Type | Minimum Equipment Requirement |
boom2 | 3,000 feet or 3 times the length of the largest vessel, whichever is greater |
skimmer3 | 2 or more skimmers, 2,700 barrels a day total, or 1/5 of the response planning standard oil volume of the largest vessel, whichever is greatest |
cleaning kit4 | 2 kits |
storage capacity5 | 2,700 barrels of oil plus all associated water, or 1/5 of the response planning standard oil volume of the largest vessel plus all associated water, whichever is greatest |
personnel6 | 10 individuals |
workboats7 | 4 workboats |
hazing kit8 | 2 kits |
radios9 | 5 radios |
Classification D: A Noncrude Oil Tank Vessel Or Barge That Has A Storage Capacity Less Than 500 Barrels | |
Required Equipment Type | Minimum Equipment Requirement |
boom2 | 500 feet or three times the length of the largest yessel, whicheyer is greater |
skimmer3 | At least one oleophilic skimmer, 37.5 barrels a day total |
cleaning kit4 | 1 kit |
storage capacity5 | 75 barrels of oil, plus 300 barrels of water |
personnel6 | 8 individuals |
workboats7 | 2 workboats |
hazing kit8 | 2 kits |
radios9 | 5 radios |
Notes to Table F:
1This table sets out minimum registration standards, not performance standards; during an incident, equipment must be mobilized in an amount and of a type appropriate to the actual circumstances of that incident.
2The type of boom must be based on an assumed maximum sea state of three feet; listed quantities of boom must be available in each region of operation.
3Skimmer capacity must meet or exceed the response planning standard volume for the predominant type of fuel, whether persistent product or nonpersistent product, carried by each vessel covered under a plan; skimmer capacity must be calculated based on a derated capacity corresponding to actual anticipated performance rather than manufacturer rated capacity, and may not include associated water; skimmers must be in the region of operation or capable of being deployed in the region of operation within 24 hours.
4Cleaning kits must be in the region of operation or available within 24 hours; cleaning kits must include, at a minimum,
5Storage capacity must be in the region of operation or available within 24 hours, and be capable of handling the specified amount of fuel and all associated water recovered in one day; the daily storage handling capacity must be calculated based on a five-day cleanup of the entire response planning standard volume; the amount of storage needed for associated water must be based on skimmer capacity; skimmer capacity must be calculated based on a derated capacity corresponding to actual anticipated performance rather than manufacturer rated capacity.
6Personnel numbers are based on the minimum number necessary to deploy boom using skiffs; personnel do not include incident management personnel.
7Workboats must be of appropriate size and horsepower for towing up to 500-foot sections of boom; listed quantities must be available in each region of operation.
8Hazing kits must be in the region of operation or available within 24 hours; hazing kits must include, at a minimum,
9Radios must be in the region of operation or available within 24 hours; a minimum of five radios is required unless the contractor has more than 10 personnel; if the contractor has more than 10 personnel, the number of radios must equal at least one-half of the number of personnel.
18 AAC 75.561
Authority:AS 46.03.020
AS 46.04.030
AS 46.04.035
AS 46.04.055
AS 46.04.070